Tag Archives Disney

Let it Go, No More Snow

Dear Mother Nature,

For some reason, I think you must be a Disney fan. The hoopla and praise for the movie Frozen has made you very excited to share how you too can be like Elsa. To those of us living in the Northeast of the United States, we knew the power of your winter storm possibilities. Most of us had put our guard down a little after several relatively mild winters in recent years. It isn’t that we never thought snow piles would reach our armpits again, not at all. I think we were just naïve and forgot what extreme cold and storm after storm can be like.

Frozen Winter 2014Of course, those of us in places like New York State are lucky. We may complain about the snow and cold from time to time (or more perhaps), but at least we have snow removal tools. The people in the southern parts of the United States do not have salt trucks, plows, and other resources like we do. Schools throughout the country have been closed many more days than I can remember in decades. Snow, ice, freezing rain, flooding, and extreme cold are all to blame.

Can we make a deal? It is great to be a fan of the movie Frozen, but could you please cut us some slack and give our shovels a break for a bit?

Let it Go No More Snow

Seriously, I think it’s time to Let it Go and say no more to snow! Now let the snow gradually melt and let us see the beauty that you create in the months ahead.

It's Me

PS – If we can’t laugh we would likely cry. Here’s a video of TechyDad when we were digging out from nearly two feet of snow on Friday.

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Disney Style Love

There is just something special about Disney, it bring out family love. Brothers want to hug each other, grandparents act like newlyweds, and parents remember their magical honeymoon years earlier. Thanks to Valentine’s Day, it seemed fitting to look back at photos of the loves in my life feeling the love while at the parks.

Disney Style Love

Focused on the Magic

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Memories of Disney in February

Several years ago, we found ourselves at Walt Disney World in February. Those of us from New York were happy to be in temperatures that were above thirty degrees, so we were not bundled up like the poor Floridians. Still today I find myself dreaming of being back in Florida instead of here. Sure making snow cream is fun, and it was hilarious watching my son row his sled down the street, but I would prefer a Dole Whip while watching my kids hug some of our favorite Disney friends.

Walt Disney World in February 2010

February 2014 sled fun

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Frozen #DisneySide on a Saturday Night

In our house, you never have to worry where our Disney Side has hidden. When you least expect it, it will show up in full force. It may be me wearing my Minnie Sparkle Ears to a meeting at school, or it could be crafting with the kids. Of course, it could also be on Twitter while Tweeting to my husband on a Saturday night. Let me set the scene. TechyDad and I were both sitting at the dining room table working on some freelance work. I decided to put some music on. It prompted the following  from Techydad, which of course needed a reply.

Our DisneySide in Tweets

This continued back and forth for about an hour. We may not have gotten a lot of work done during that time, but oh my goodness did we laugh. It truly is magical to see how something silly that had a touch of Disney got us smiling and refocused on our work. You can see more of our Tweets back and forth with the Frozen theme on TechyDad’s post What Happens When Frozen and Exhaustion Meet on Twitter.

Has your Disney Side every shown up in an unusual manner? I would love to hear all about it.

It's Me

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Disney Sidekicks

Sidekicks are a must have in life and Disney movies. Some of my favorite memories at Walt Disney World have been interacting with famous sidekicks like Donald, Tigger, Stitch, Pluto, and others. As you can can imagine, there are too many to include in one post, but here are some of my Disney sidekick meetings and viewings from trips gone by. Who is your favorite Disney sidekick?

Disney Sidekicks

Focused on the Magic

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