Focusing Beyond the Squirrels of Life

I have not posted on my blog all year!


Well, it’s time to change that.

Happy New Year from The Angel Forever

The new year has started with a bang. Spending time with the boys before they went back to school. Getting back into the swing of things with school. Plus there were meetings, writing, working on my Jamberry business, and more.

This year, I have promised myself that I am going to get refocused on my blog. Last year, I spent a lot of time on other writing projects that kept me away from here. I know that changed the tone here. I want to get it back to where it was and more! Thanks to a blogging challenge with TypeAParent,  I am ready, willing, and able to get to work and make it happen.

Goal for TypeAChallenge

“Squirrels” take note,  you are toast. This year, I am going to kick you to that curb and wear blinders to maintain focus on my family, blog, advocacy, and business.

What are your immediate goals for 2015?

It's Me

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Favorites from 2014

When I look back at 2014, it was a year filled with changes. I did not post on my blog as much because I was focused on specific freelance work that is now over. More responsibilities came with personal life commitments. I continued to fight for public education through educating others about the corporate takeover of the educational world. Then, on the flip side, I worked hard with our school to get my son ready for the transition to middle school. Stress meant trying to give myself more time for ME. This included reading and crafting in whatever small amount of time I could squeeze in. Of course, the me time spurred an interest in pampering my own nails and starting a business which I hope to grow more in the year ahead.

Now it’s time to look back at some of my favorite blog posts that I wrote in 2014. They are in chronological order, just because it’s easier to share that way.

The Other Reality Television – An episode of Parenthood really hit a nerve with me. As a parent who has been through a child being diagnosed as on the autism spectrum, I often sit and watch the show with tears in my eyes. There is just something about Max that reminds me of my kiddo and his personal struggles with peers, school, and even family members.

Puffy Paint Snowmen and the Last Snowman Blog Tour – A friendship with artist/author JC Little spurred a memorable painting experience with my boys. We had so much fun making puffy paint and creating our own snow people that I have a feeling we will repeat it again this winter.

Last Snowman Puffy Paint Creations


Autism and Sensory Overload – In an attempt to share more with others about autism and help them to be aware, I wrote this post about sensory overload. It really can be hard to understand what it must be like, but to individuals on the spectrum they simply don’t know know that we experience the world in a different way. The video I shared is something that everyone should watch at least once.

Autism and Sensory Overload

Choose to Refuse in New York – For the second year in a row, we refused to allow our oldest son to take the New York State Math and ELA exams. This year it was my mission to get more people to understand why the tests are not something we should allow kids to take. At least 60,000 kids refused the NYS tests last year and it is expected to increase again in 2015. The following quote is what keeps me fighting for my children:

For too many years, we have been taught to blindly trust those in charge of the world of education. Right now, families across the nation and New York are standing up and saying that enough is enough. We are not going to sit back and let this testing madness continue. Our children deserve a proper public school education like past generations. If we don’t stand up and fight, the victims will be our kids who have already suffered enough in recent years.

Choose to Refuse

Capital Region CANstruction 2014 – The CANstruction events across the country are absolutely amazing and we are lucky enough to have one that takes place in the Capital Region. The boys have learned so much and they are powerful because they teach kids about helping others.

Capital Region Canstruction - Toy Story

VZWBuzz posts – There were so many during the year, but ones like Smartphone Video to the Rescue where I showed how my Lumia Icon saved the day with video remind me how lucky I am to be a member of this group of bloggers. Of course, while I am connected most of the time, my phone helps me to capture natural beauty like in Capturing Natural Beauty on the Go.

Beautiful orchid

Tuesday Tales – Grossology Exhibit – Our science museum membership got quite the workout thanks to the Grossology exhibit that was there for several months. The boys adored going multiple times to explore everything. There is just something fun about watching your child climb into a nose.

Going into Grossology at miSci NY

Saying Goodbye to Elementary School – The boys would never be in the same school again and it was an emotional time. The end of NHL’s elementary school days hit hard.

First Days of Elemtary School

Movies and Sensory Concerns – A trip to see Guardians of the Galaxy inspired a post about sensory concerns at the movies for many individuals, especially those on the spectrum.

Movies and Sensory Concerns

The Middle School Phone Debate – When a new phone arrived, it made me debate whether or not my son needed his own to head off to middle school. I listed five items to think about when making this decision in your family.

The Middle School Phone Debate

Middle School is Just What the Doctor Ordered – Worries for years started to melt away when NHL landed on his feet and loved middle school. It was hard to write this post because you never know if it could change, but I wanted to focus on the positive and share with others who are getting ready for this big transition.

Transitioning to Middle School

Tuesday Tales – The Albany Children’s Book Festival – Reading is huge in our house and the boys love getting to see the authors and illustrators behind their favorite books. We had a lot of fun catching up with several right after Halloween.

Bad Kitty sign drawn by Nick Bruel

Planning a Bar Mitzvah – Reality is coming whether I like it or not, and so is my son’s eventual Bar Mitzvah. Sharing how the planning process must move from denial state.

Bar Mitzvah Time Traditions

So many other posts with books that we adored, events that we went to, technology that I shared, and topics near and dear to my heart. Thank goodness we can look back to remind of of the year gone by and what goals we hope to accomplish in the year ahead.

What is your primary goal (I don’t like resolutions) for 2015 and why? I know for me I hope to maintain focus. If I allow little bumps in the road to allow me to have a squirrel moment, it is too easy to get districted and lose that focus.

It's Me

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Sparkles and Valentine’s Day Nails

For years, I had given up on manicures. No matter what I tried, they did not last and it was frustrating to me. I wanted to have pretty nails because it reminded me of my Nana. I used to spend hours helping her with her beautifully manicured nails. Nail polish would chip and literally pop off my finger nails shortly after they dried. As the mother of two boys, I don’t have little girls asking me to polish their nails so I mostly gave up.

Thank goodness I was introduced to Jamberry nail wraps over the summer. Since that time, I decided to become a Jamberry Independent Consultant. For my birthday nails, I decided to channel my inner Elsa. After two weeks (<—YES, they really lasted that long), I removed them and decided to use my November host exclusive that was festive and full of sparkles.


I quickly fell in love with the way the sparkles on the wraps would shimmer and shine. I even used a photo of them with a snowman cookie for my Merry Christmas image on Instagram.


The funny thing is, I am already thinking ahead to what I will put on my nails next. I can’t wait to try some of the other Jamberry wraps that I have purchased like these:

Different Jamberry Nail Wraps

So many possibilities and now there are even more options since Jamberry just released fun new wraps for Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, and Easter.

Jamberry Spring 2014 Holiday Designs

What is your favorite new design? I truly love them all and can not wait to see what other new items they add in the months ahead. Message me if you are interested in trying a sample, want to host a party (you earn FREE wraps), or place an order.

It's Me

Disclosure: I am a Jamberry Independent Consultant and paid for my own starter kit to sell these products. If people purchase items from me, I will earn money for my business.

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Charged and Ready to Capture the Holidays

#VZWBuzz Disclosure

The holidays have changed a lot since I was a child. Now, most adult members of the family have smartphones so they can snap photos and record precious moments on the go. Of course, this is great until you realize the red line on your phones battery is glaring at you. This means you have to stop and make sure to recharge your phone. During this time, you may miss a magical family moment. All of those photos that you shared on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and beyond zapped the battery.

Chanukah with the Droid Turbo

Enter the Droid Turbo.

This power house of a smartphone takes the Droid line to an entirely new level. My first smartphone was a Droid Bionic, so I am constantly amazed with how the phones have grown and changed over the years. No matter where we find ourselves this holiday season, the Droid Turbo has kept up with our needs. Recently, It saved the day when we left our camera at home during Thanksgiving.

The Droid Turbo

Droid Camera Action

This Droid smartphone has a camera that adjusts beautifully to different levels of light and motion. A wonderful item to have when you are trying to keep up with cousins running around at Thanksgiving, a holiday concert, skaters during Disney on Ice, and Chanukah candle lighting. The 21-megapixel camera means that we can print memories from the phone without worry. Oh and no need to waste a moment getting the camera ready, just flick your wrist and the camera comes alive in an instant. What has been most impressive this holiday season has been the flash on the Turbo. It has a dual LED that keeps color more true to life and helps us to avoid odd shadows that are common with smartphone flash use.

Celebrating the Festival of Lights

Super Charged Turbo Battery

The last thing you want to do when you are celebrating the holidays is pause to charge your phone. The battery life of Droid smartphone have always been top notch, but the Turbo outshines all of it’s predecessors.

Battery on the Droid Turbo

Yes, the Droid Turbo is a dream come true with a battery that can last up to 48 hours! We have never waited that long to test it, but it easily handles an entire day of holiday celebrations and social media shares without requiring recharge. Of course, for those times when it does need to charge, the Turbo is FAST. When using the Turbo Charger that comes with the phone, it can juice back eight hours in just 15 minutes. So even if you need to charge in an emergency, the time is minimal so you will not miss too much of the festivities.

What would you be able to accomplish this holiday season and beyond with a Droid Turbo? Don’t forget these are just two of the amazing features of this smartphone from Droid. More about the phone coming soon.

It's Me

Disclosure: As a member of the Verizon Lifestyle Bloggers, I receive devices like the Droid Turbo to test out and share ways that I use it in my life. I am a long time Verizon customer, and all opinions are my own.

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Tuesday Tales: Pickle Weasel Picture Riddles

Pictures of pickles dance in our heads thanks to the extremely talented author JC Little. JC is known to  many as The Animated Woman and we have been fans of hers for quite some time. When JC mentioned that her third book was being published, I could not wait to check it out. We love the Pickle Weasel app and were excited to see this familiar pickle face in a book. We received a complimentary Kindle copy to check out the interactive features.  Of course, there is also a paper version of the book, isn’t it pretty?


One of the fun features of the Pickle Weasel app is the picture riddle area. Now, Pickle Weasel comes to life in this book to get your brain grooving to figure out what the green super star is up to.

As you move along in the book you can try to guess what each picture riddle is about. I decided to share this screen capture because Fezzes are cool, especially on Pickle Weasel.

Pickle Weasel Picture Riddles - page

Not sure what the riddle is about? No worries, JC has included fun clues to help readers out.

Pickle Weasel Picture Riddles - clue

Did you figure it out yet? Here’s the answer:

Pickle Weasel Picture Riddles - answer

This is just a teaser because there are 100 additional picture riddles in the book with Pickle Weasel featured in them. Yes, the book contains 101 illustrations and riddles for readers to enjoy. Here is another quick taste since JC said I could share a few with my readers.

Pickle Weasel Picture Riddles Book

I definitely recommend this book to adults and kids that like picture riddles. The fun illustrations will keep you turning the pages to see what Pickle Weasel is up to next. I know I am saving this book to keep the kids busy when we take our next road trip.

Pickle Weasel Picture Riddles by JC Little

What would you like to see Pickle Weasel doing if you could request JC to draw something special? Remember to keep it PG rated because this is a family blog. As always, Tuesday Tales is all about sharing our love of books. Please let me know what you have read recently. Be sure to link up to your book posts in the comments below. Include something you read on your own, with a child, or someone else.

It's Me

Additional posts I have written about JC Little and her talent:

Disclosure: As noted above, I received an eBook copy of this book from JC Little to review. No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.

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