Category Archives winter

My cake request

Hi, I am a figment of your imagination today – you know like the cute purple fellow below:


Today I am going to be here and there. Last year on this day I was stuck home in this:

Snowy Dec 9 2009

The day was definitely a day I will remember, but for all of the wrong reasons. This year has to be better. It is freezing cold outside, but no snow is supposed to show up. My mother has the day off to spend with me.

So please excuse me while I dream of warm places and wish I was in a magical location for the day. If only I could have a fun cake like this:



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Road trip, new cousin and Team USA

Early Saturday morning, we left the house. At the time, it was snowing and we had a 4-5 hour drive ahead of us. I was doing the driving and the snow definitely made me nervous. By 7, we were on the road. Once we got out of the general area, the snow cleared up. Kick-up spray from other cars were the main concern. We stopped once and continued along on our way. My parents were about an hour and a half in front of us. We kept getting calls to update on road conditions. The last 30-40 minutes was a bit hairy. We saw several cars and a double truck off the road.

By noon, we finally made it to Uncle I and Aunt M’s house. Why were we heading there? It was time to meet Baby Cousin BA and play with new big sister SG. Here is a photo of the little guy all wrapped up and sleeping in the blanket that I knitted for him.

Baby B with Blanket

Now a close up of his teeny tiny handsome face:

Close view of Baby B with blanket

NHL had a blast playing with cousin SG. They ran around, used PlayDoh, colored and danced.  JSL was not feeling so great, but played from time to time. Let’s just leave it at MiraLAX was purchased to help what is bothering him . . . *sigh* 

Sunday morning, we packed back up before leaving to go to Baby BA’s bris and party afterward. Lots of photos of family coming from this later. TechyDad has those, so I am stuck sharing what I took with my cell phone quickly. At about 1:30, we figured it was time to leave the party. We had a 4-5 hour trip back home. Of course, on the way we stopped at Wegmans since we do not have them near up. It was fun to see how into the Team USA baked goods they were. Guess they were really cheering on Ryan Miller!

Team USA cake

JSL fell asleep before we got to Wegmans and managed to stay asleep for another two hours once we got into the car. He was a very tired little guy.

JSL sleeping in cow

Meanwhile, NHL amused himself in the backseat. He had fun playing games on his LeapFrog Didj since it was behaving. Note the level of concentration on his face = tongue sticking out.

Concentrating on the Didj

Thanks to my father, at about 3:30 we found the Team USA vs Canada hockey game on a radio station. Talk about an edge of your seat kind of game. As we were looking at scenes like this:

On the road again

TechyDad and I listened to the game and save after save that Miller made. We all know that Team Canada won the gold, but kuddos to Team USA for the nailbiting third period goal to tie up the game with 24 seconds left. They deserved better than Silver, but played their hearts out and deserve a lot of respect.

We arrived home at about 7:15 and got the boys into bed. After all of the traveling, everyone in the house went to bed very early. Today my mission is to make NHL a "Thing 1" from Dr. Seuss shirt to wear to school tomorrow. They are celebrating Dr. Seuss and also going on a field trip. Thanks to this, NHL’s costume will be minimalized – no red pants or blue hair. Promise to share later. Now off to be creative.


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Michael Jackson, chess and inside-out PJs

Dear NHL,

You had a really great week at school. I have to admit that I was a little nervous. Why? Well, Monday was your first day back after Disney World and winter break after that. On Monday, your teacher mentioned that your student teacher was doing her solo week. I cringed at the thought of doing a solo week right after a break. I was proud to hear that you did well this week. After the initial excitement to tell everyone all about Disney World, you settled down (at least I think since nobody called/talked with me).

On Tuesday, you were so excited about the assembly for Black History Month. For months, you have been coming home and singing Michael Jackson songs to get ready. I took a bunch of photos and video from and will be sharing more about that later. That afternoon, JSL and I went to hang out at Chess Club with you. We figured an extra adult in the room could not hurt.

Time for some chess

When Chess Club was over, your little brother refused to hold my hand while walking to the car. Thank goodness, you were sweet and volunteered to help out. The two of you were so cute walking in the snow that I had to take a photo.

Brothers walking in the snow

Later that night, you turned your PJ top inside-out to rally for a snow day.

Snow day rally PJs

You were quite successful with your first ever attempt at rally PJs. An entire foot of heavy, wet snow fell and closed school for the day. When I went outside to help Daddy shovel, you waited inside in case JSL woke up. When he woke up, you went to him, helped him out of bed and snuggled on the couch with him. You are such a great big brother.

The rest of the week went by pretty nicely. Now you are looking forward to seeing Cousin S and your new Baby B. I hope that the weekend as big brother/cousin continues the way the week went.




If you want to participate in Dear Kid Saturday, head on over to Cutest Kid Ever by clicking on the button below.

Dear Kid Saturday

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Silly moment of the week

On Wednesday, both of the boys were home with me. Thanks to Mother Nature reminding us that we live in snow country, we received about a foot of snow in less than 24 hours.

A snowy winter day

At one point, I went outside to shovel and came back inside to check on the kids. They were sitting on the couch watching a movie. Something caught my eye. It was two year old JSL sitting with no socks on. Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem with this during the warm months, but in our 63 degree house this is a little cold. Of course, he is two and it was not simply left at that. he sat there dancing around with his socks now on each of his hands. 

Since I was soaked from being outside in the heavy and wet snow, I was not able to grab my camera. No worries, on Thursday JSL repeated his silly performance. Here are a few shots of my silly little guy.

Note the little tootsies out of their warm socks:

Brrrr. . . makes me cold looking at them

He really was hamming it up for the camera as you will see here:

Playing for the camera

Of course, with this little smile it is hard to be upset with him for taking his socks off in the cool house.

The smile of a toddler

So my question for you this week:

Think back about the last week. What is a silly/funny moment that stands out in your mind?



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #88



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