Category Archives winter

Must leave the house

December 24,  that was the last time I left the house. On that day I went to my parent’s house. My father had the day off and said to bring the kids there to play so I could rest. I had a headache from a cold and major head congestion. I sat around, knitted, and tried to nap.

P1000857When TechyDad was on his way home, I asked if I could go and meet him to do a quick run to the store. I picked TechyDad up and we went to Price Chopper and the pharmacy for a few items. As we were making our rounds to get essentials (on Christmas Eve) I started to ache. I knew it was not going to be good.

We picked up the boys and went home. I took my temperature and realized I had been “blessed” with a fever. To bed I went. I honestly do not remember a lot from Saturday and Sunday. Since I felt so awful, TechyDad picked up Chinese food for our traditional Jewish Christmas dinner. Sunday I slept most of the day in extreme pain. My sinuses were killing me thanks to the storm coming into the area.

P1000872Monday, the storm hit and we were trapped in the house. I made a strategic error and shoveled when I was still recovering from my illness. Tuesday was a pajama day. I did not want to make another error and opted to just stay in PJs with the boys and play the day away. Check that, I also did some article writing that had been put to the side when I was so sick.

Yesterday, the mountains of laundry started to attack me. Seriously! It had to get done, so the boys and I spent another day in the house. Today it is supposed to get to the 40s – a heat wave in these parts for late December. With any luck I hope to take the boys out to lunch or do something fun. I seriously do not want to spend another day stuck here playing Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, computers, and the like (see photos above).

So what do you like to do after being stuck at home for a while and finally getting out?

Now to figure out what to do with the kids. It honestly does not matter much. I think we just need to move out of the house and seek out an adventure – even if it is the mall.


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Where did my car go?

As everyone knows a giant storm hit the northeast of the United States Sunday into Monday. For days we were told it would not come into our area, then it suddenly hugged the coast a lot more and BAM – 10-12 inches of snow were here. The difference with this storm was the drifting snow. Snow banks around the house were several feet high in sections. At one point I looked outside the window and could barely see my car. Although not a great photo, it does get the point across.

Yes - that is my car

The wind had taken all of the snow from my neighbor’s roof  and planted it on and around my car. Thanks to this, I knew I had to go outside to get some photos. I got my snow gear on and went on an adventure. Please be my guest as I show you around our house.

We will begin with a view of the front snow piles and yard:

View of out front

Then it was time to check out my car. Here are views of the back and front. You can see where all of the snow from the roof landed. It was tough trying to get there thanks to the depth of the snow.

The car and heading to the back yard

After that I opened up the fence to shovel a path to the back door. Here is the yard:

The great white yard

I did not expect to stay outside long. After being in bed sick for several days, I knew I shouldn’t do much. Of course over 30 minutes later, I was shoveling out a path from the back of the house to the front. Chalk that up under a dumb moment. It felt good at the time, but later on I knew it was a mistake. TechyDad also posted some photos of his time out in the snow.

So did you get snow by you? If you did, how much? If no snow by you, would you like some?

The wind is still pretty bad today. If it settles down I have a feeling the boys will demand to go outside and play in the snow.


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Snowy morning and beyond

Check out what Mother Nature brought to us this morning.

Good morning snow

We certainly can not complain too much. We do live in the Northeast and typically see a lot more snow before this point in December. Still, I don’t think  we were ready for what we got. Luckily, the boys jumped right out of bed to help TechyDad.

The boys are ready to remove snow

Poor TechyDad is trying to dig out and rake the roof. We have quite a mess here and the roads are awful. Looks like a work from home day for him and a trapped one for the rest of us. 


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First scarf of the season

At the end of last winter, I bought some pretty yarn. It was blue and had flecks of other colors and looked a bit iridescent in the right light.

Blue scarf in progress

I cast on some stitches, but over the spring and summer months I worked on smaller projects that were easier to transport. A short time ago, my neck decided that it was in great need of a scarf. I started to stress knit at night and bit by bit my scarf was coming together.

Practically done

K3P3 was the pattern of my choice. Over and over again I did this until I ran out of three skeins of my fluffy blue goodness. Finally it was finished!

Scarf complete

Then it was time to put on the scarf. I have to admit, I had no idea how much warmer I would feel wearing this. The afternoon I completed my project, I wore it around the house and was in heaven.


Since I finished it late last week, I have worn it to Disney on Ice, shopping with TechyDad, and to pick up the kids from school. It has made the world of difference as the temperature continues to drop. So now I am working on another scarf for inside the house. With any luck, I will get to a store to have my mother pick out some yarn since I promised to make her one next.

Do you like to wear a scarf in the winter?

I was not a fan before this, but I think I have changed my tune!


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Tuesday Tales – Snow Bugs: A Wintery Pop-up Book

Tuesday Tales

Technically, it is not winter. Of course, the cold and snow over much of the United States would have many of us disagreeing with my first statement. It seems only fitting that today’s Tuesday Tales be about a winter theme book.

As a teacher, I love to gift books to children. Much to my delight, JSL received a wonderful new book from his speech therapist for Chanukah last week.

New book time

I have seen some of the other Bugs books before, but this one was new to us. Let me begin by saying that I love books that are unique and different. Anything that captures the interest of children is great. Then add in a twist, and you have the series of Bugs books by David A. Carter. To say that Carter take pop-up books to a new level would be a HUGE understatement.

More about Snow Bugs and David A Carter:

This next installment of the wildly popular Bugs series captures what everyone loves about chilly weather! From snowflakes and ski lifts to hot chocolate and snow angels, this new title is a perfect way to stay warm during the cold days of winter!
Paper-over-board book has cardstock pages with pop-ups on each spread.

David A Carter is a master paper engineer who created the Bugs series which has sold over 6 million copies for Little Simon . He is the author and illustrator of the critically acclaimed color series featuring One Red Dot, Blue 2, 600 Black Spots, Yellow Square, and White Noise. He lives in Auburn, California, with his wife and two daughters.

Snow Bugs: A Wintery Pop-up Book – Written by David A. Carter – Little Simon – October 2009 – ISBN-13 978-1416950547 – $11.99 – Ages 4-8

Some additional books in the Bugs series include: The 12 Bugs of Christmas, Jingle Bugs, Beach Bugs, Halloween Bugs, School Bugs, Birthday Bugs, Bed Bugs, Bedtime Bugs, and more.

What we thought:

Right after JSL opened up his package and revealed a “buggy” book (his words), he wanted to check it out. We were at Nana and Papa’s house, so he ran into the kitchen to sit at the table. He saw the pop-up items and wanted to sit where he could open the book better and check out all of the features.

Checking out Snow Bugs

After a little while of “reading” it on his own, JSL asked me to read the book to him. As I read, JSL took care of lifting flaps, turning items, or other surprises that were waiting inside. He loved checking each page to see what would happen next. There was no doubt in my mind that my three year old was actively engaged in the reading.

When we finished the story, I read it at least two more times before we had to pick up big brother. I like the repetitive nature that allows younger children to predict what they may find under items to explore within the book. The illustrations and paper art within are absolutely beautiful and amazing. My only caution is that this book should be looked at while supervised with younger children. We learned the hard way that a 3 and 7 year old can do damage to the delicate pages without meaning to. Oy!

So many extended craft projects could be done using this book. Children could create their own snow bugs, snow flakes, and more. I will definitely be using this book as inspiration for some projects over winter break.

I would highly recommend this book for kids to read during the winter months ahead. I know that JSL has already asked me to check out more “buggy” books since he enjoyed this one so much.

So what have you read recently? Please be sure to link up to your Tuesday Tales and/or leave a comment below. Include something you read on your own, with a child or someone else. Tuesday Tales are all about spreading the love for books. 


Disclosure: As mentioned, JSL received this book as a gift. The opinions expressed in the review are my own and were in no way influenced by anything. The widget within the review is an Amazon Affiliate where I will receive a percentage of money for the sale of the books should you opt to buy the book mentioned.

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