Category Archives winter

Snow Exploration

As an adult living in the northeast, snow is something that we have to deal with during the winter months. This winter has been mild, but it does not typically last forever.  Although I am not a fan of the beautiful white that falls to the ground now, I was as a child. There are so many memories of building snow forts and snowmen with my friends and family.

The boys testing out the sledThese days, my best snow memories have been watching my boys explore and learn about snow play. When JSL went out to play in the snow for the first time as a walker, my camera was there to capture the moment. The best part, I caught his first few steps on video when he learned that snow is slippery. That first winter as a toddler was rough for JSL. He wanted to play and wander in the snow like his big brother, but he could not keep up. Eventually, he got to the point that standing out in the cold did not interest him.

That changed when JSL turned two. As a fast moving and grooving two year old, he was able to safely maneuver in the snow. A year seemed to help him to figure out how to move around within the confinements of his snow pants. He also learned where to put his fingers inside mittens to be able to use items while building in the snow. Yes, experience and time to become familiar with this environment made a drastic difference.

JSL trying to keep warmJSL also learned how important it is to stay warm. He would not fight us when putting on boots, a hat, mittens, scarf, snow pants, and his winter coat. Since being a helper is important to toddlers, we bought  him a little shovel. The proud look on his face as he went to help clear off the snow was priceless. Of course, I think his favorite part was building a snowman with my husband and older son, and chanting “faster” and “more” while riding in a sleigh.

The best advice I have is to have fun and be a kid again. Take some time away from shoveling to make snow angels, build a snowman, and play in the snow with your toddlers. These magical moments will not last forever and are fun to look back on.

I would also suggest finding some mittens that little fingers can move in, a small kid shovel, sled, and a scarf to protect faces (hard to find for little ones – I knit them for my kids).  In addition to this, bring a camera and snap away or take videos to show your children later on.

What types of things do your younger children like to do when they brave the cold weather to play in the snow?

It's Me

Disclosure: This post was previously published on a project I worked on. The text is mostly the same, but I placed additional photos and the question at the end for my blog.

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Winter Snowmen Crafting Fun

Mother Nature has been mighty odd this season. We had more snow in October (about five inches) than we have seen in November, December, and most of January combined. Living in New York, I am not complaining about this. I am a realist and know that “winter” can give us pesky frozen weather well into March and even April. Thanks to Pinterest, I am trying to think ahead. I have a lot of items in my house to make crafts with the kids should we be stuck home during a winter weather phenomenon.

So, I set out to look for items after I saw a pin with the snowmen below. This looks like a great family project that could be put up on a wall, mantle, or over a doorway. No doubt it could be done with other items and be great for different ages. When I used to decorate my classroom, I would put them up right after Thanksgiving and keep them during the winter months. It was the perfect non-religious decoration, plus they are cute!

Source: via TheAngelForever on Pinterest



Another item that I found was adorable and would be great to do at home or in a classroom as part of a snow, winter, snowman theme of study. The blogger that it came from is a first grade teacher and you can see the portfolio items that his students made along with these star snowmen.

Source: via TheAngelForever on Pinterest



For older children, a mixed media project would be a lot of fun and more of a challenge. I thought this idea from Elementary Art Room using torn paper mosaic style came out great. I even thought the cutting practice would be great for my little guy as well.

Source: via TheAngelForever on Pinterest



Snowmen with words, specifically children’s names, was the inspiration for this project. This kindergarten teacher had each of her students put a letter of their name on on a snowball and then add on faces, hats, and arms. She also had other projects that were done within the same time frame with this theme.

Source: via TheAngelForever on Pinterest



There were many other pins that I added to my snowmen crafts and goodies board over on Pinterest. What items have you made with snowmen? Please share them below so I can add them to my list of projects to try one day soon.

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Winter Means Pinning Lots of Soup

Yes, I do mean I am pinning lots of soup this winter. If you don’t know what I mean come on over to Pinterest to find me.

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Thanks to a sweet four year old that shared his cold, nothing sounds good to eat. I am craving my mother’s chicken soup, but that isn’t going to happen. So while trying to clear the congestion in my head, I went to Pinterest. I wanted to find soups for my family to enjoy, keep warm, and devour the rest of this winter. It may not have been THAT cold yet, but there are many more months where Mother Nature will likely have her last laugh.

I sent a call out to my friend on Twitter to see if they had any soup recipes to share. @Kimberaka who writes at From My Corner of Saratoga sent me three items on her blog. She shared how to make soup into dinner, a great New England Clam Chowder recipe, and the one below for Corn Chowder. Thanks Kim!

Source: via TheAngelForever on Pinterest



Then, I started to do random searches on Pinterest for soup. Something I have also been craving is Pho. Since TechyDad does not like to eat meat when out, we have not been able to locate a place to get Pho for him. Thanks to this pin, we just may be able to make some at home soon.

Source: via TheAngelForever on Pinterest



It was hard to decide what to and what not to pin, but I was selective at this point. My love of cauliflower and the fact that my oldest son also likes it made a recipe for Caramelized Cauliflower Soup jump out. This sounds really delicious and different to me.

Source: via TheAngelForever on Pinterest



Since we keep a kosher kitchen, we often make vegetarian soups. I do miss the hearty meaty soups, but love when I find alternatives. Plus with “burger crumbles” from companies like Morning Star, you can easily revamp a great recipe. Here is one for Morning Star Vegetarian Tortilla Soup.

Source: via TheAngelForever on Pinterest



Of course, a girl can also dream of a soup that looks like a major splurge. I wonder if this one from the Disney Parks Blog for Loaded Baked Potato Soup can be tweaked into a kosher variety (hello soy bacon in a pinch).

Source: via TheAngelForever on Pinterest



Do you have a favorite soup recipe to share? I would love to know about it. Please let me know about it in the comments. Feel free to leave a link to a post or the recipe online. My need for soup thanks you and I will add it to my soups pins on Pinterest.

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Snowtober 2011

Snow in October is not unheard of in the northeast. Of course, IF we get snow it is not usually able to be measured. On Thursday, we were lucky enough to get just under two inches of snow. Thanks to some warmer (40 degree-ish) weather, it melted quickly on Friday.

As I write this, we are bracing to see just how much snow we get during what they are calling the great Snowtober storm. Originally, we were told the storm would begin here at about noon on Saturday, but the reality was that it started at about 4:00 and looked like this:

The storm is here

Prior to that, it had been very dry and the sky was even really blue early in the day. Then, at about 5:00, it started to really stick on the ground. Here is another photo of outside in the front of our house.

Snowtober 1 hour in

Of course, snow in October worries a lot of us because we remember another winter weather event that happened not too long ago. On October 4, 1987 we had a bad ice/snow storm. The trees were still covered in leaves. Old trees fell and pulled down lots and lots of power lines. I was in elementary school and there were no classes for a week. During that time, we lived with my grandparents because our house had no power and they did. It was an adventure that I will never forget and hope not to live with my boys.

2 hours into the mess

So excuse me if I am not around much Sunday and beyond. Depending on how much snow we get, I may not be able to get online.

So how is the weather by you? If you live in the line of the storm please let me know how you are making our by you.

I know we are lucky compared to some areas. This just makes me wonder – what is the rest of the “winter” season going to toss our way. Clearly Mother Nature gave us a major trick before Halloween.

Night is here and more snow

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