Category Archives winter

Storm photos – from yesterday

Here are some photos of the boys and outside at about 2:00 and 5:00 yesterday afternoon. It looks even worse outside now. The snow banks are SO high it’s unreal.

JL and NHL start the adventure outside:
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NHL tests out his shovel:
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Our rose bush almost completely eaten by the snow:
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The cars almost covered with the white evil stuff thanks to drifts:
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Another view of the cars:
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More to come later I’m sure. . . especially if NHL wants to brave the cold and play outside.

C’est Moi
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Another snow day

It’s 6:00 now and at 5:30 I saw my school and pretty much everything else is closed. I also just received my official phone call at about 5:45 telling me the good news. THANK GOODNESS! Our neighbors are outside and they are having a bitch of a time moving this stuff using snowblowers, so I don’t know how JL is going to do it. I just talked to my father and he said it is a MESS!

If you are in the area stay home, safe and warm!

C’est moi

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We just got back in from going outside. NHL wanted to play in the snow, so we let him go and play with the little girl from next door. The two of us were out there for about 35 minutes. It’s HORRIBLE!!!

The poor road crews have a horrible mess and I don’t know how they are going to do it. After NHL fell face first into the snow for the 2nd time, and was crying from the stinging, we went in. JL went to help another car that was stuck at the end of the block. My mother just called and she and my father (in two cars) are stuck behind several cars that can’t move on their block. Luckily it’s very close to their house so my father went to get the snow blower to help dig everyone out. Mom said in all her years she’s never seen the roads so bad. She said they just can’t keep up with the snow on the main roads, so of course the side ones are going to pay the price.

This is definitely a day people need to stay in. Thank goodness businesses are closing.

Oh, we also measured the snow and have at least 12 inches so far with no end in sight. The latest snow fall totals they are predicting are 16-26 for this immediate area. UGH!

C’est moi
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Snow day!!!!!!

It’s official my school FINALLY closed this morning. It came online at about 5:40 and I got my official phone call at 5:50. Nothing like being one of the last schools to make a decision.

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At about 7:30 JL got a call from his boss to stay and work from home. Thank goodness since I was so nervous about him even thinking about traveling from here to there. Right now he’s outside freezing his butt off doing the initial shoveling. There has to be easily 6+ inches already. The worst part right now is JL just went back to the porch stairs and there’s about an inch already back where he shoveled not too long ago. It’s going to be a long day for him since we don’t have a snow blower and I can’t help much since I am almost 27 weeks pregnant.

Later on we’re hoping to take NHL outside to play in the snow. This will only happen if the blizzard conditions aren’t too bad. We have blizzard warnings here for the entire area thanks to the wind conditions. Fun, fun, fun!!!

On that note I am off to keep NHL out of trouble.

Stay warm and safe if you are in the path of this nasty storm!

C’est moi
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Calm before the storm

It’s been a while since I posted.

Things have been so busy at school and here at home. The nice thing is I may have 1-2 days off of work. Winter is finally catching up with the northeast with the season’s first nor’easter to hit this area. We knew it was going to happen, but man it looks like it’s all coming at once! Not that I should complain since those poor people out in western NY have received almost 12 feet – YES feet – of snow in a week.

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Thanks to a quick trip to the grocery store we now have lots of cool goodies to make and do with NHL tomorrow (I will definitely be keeping him home even if JL is crazy enough to venture to work). We may be stuck here for quite some time since they are saying we could get up to 2 feet of snow – YIKES! I guess we will finally be able to test out NHL’s sled that hasn’t been used since we bough it last December thanks to no snow.

C’est Moi
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