Category Archives winter

‘Tis the Season. . .

for hat hair!!!!!   Here is an example of this seasonal anomaly.

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In case you are afraid that you too many suffer from this, I have included a close up.


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If you should have this happen to you, please seek cover with a family member and snuggle under a blanket like so:

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Just remember this is not contagious. . . especially if you hardly have any hair!

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Remember . . . consider yourself warned as we enter this COLD part of the year.


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Another holiday storm!

Okay Mr. Groundhog. . . you best go and hide. I think a lot of people in the northeast are quite upset with you. Here it is days before spring and we have another storm that dumps 15+ inches of snow on our area. WTH?!?! The sad part is on Wednesday it was almost 70 degrees here and the snow from Valentine’s Day was nearly gone. Now we have to start all over again. I joked with JL and asked him if groundhog is kosher!

Yes, so St. Patrick’s Day now has a snow storm for 2007. In our area the airport officially measured in with 15 inches, but I think we had a little more here. Poor JL busted his rear digging us out. At least this time the roads were plowed, but man what a mess that was. Below are some photos from today.

Our paper outside this morning:

The cars buried in snow:

JL’s attempt to dig out where the plows kept coming by:

NHL playing in his sled:

Now it will be fun to see what holiday the next storm comes for this winter season . . . mind you by then it will technically be spring.

C’est Moi

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Falling Fast

All I can say is OUCH!

This morning I left the house and was walking to my car to head to school. On my way there I noticed a big patch of black ice on the ground. I very carefully stepped over the ice. Well, at least I thought I had. Before I knew it I was falling in slow motion face first at the ground. I am not sure how, but I was able to twist my body to fall mainly on my right knee and right wrist/hand. My bag went flying, my keys went into the ground and I hurt badly and couldn’t get up. Luckily JL and NHL were still home and in the house. I was able to get my cell phone to call inside.

JL came outside and helped me up off the ground. I was a mess (seeing stars and shaking). I went into the house and saw my bloody knee. Still not sure how my pants didn’t get a hole, but it’s fine. I knew I wasn’t going to make it to school on time, so I tried calling someone. Of course I couldn’t get anyone. Eventually I called a fellow teacher’s cell phone and she was going to take care of things for me. I cleaned myself up and packed back up to head to the car. While I was doing this JL went back outside and put ice melt down on the black ice.

I stayed off my feet and tried to ice my knee and wrist as much as I could while at school. Being pregnant stinks since I know ibuprofen would have helped the swelling and pain. I didn’t take anything else. JL was really concerned later in the day and called my OBs office. They said so long as nothing was obviously bad (bleeding, cramping and things) they were fine so long as I felt movement. Of course during those hours he’s typically less active, but after school he started to move a lot more. They also told JL I was welcome to come in if I wanted to be reassured. I didn’t go and think the little guy is okay. I’m just really sore.

With any luck we won’t have school tomorrow thanks to a bad ice storm coming our way. I could use the rest since yesterday was a LONG day. I was at school from 7:40 in the morning until 8:50 at night. *yawn*

Now I’m just hoping that NHL will sleep thanks to strange nightmares and issues in his room. More about that later.

C’est Moi
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I HATE this house!

Last night was miserable (as noted in prior blog entries).

At 2:00 I woke up and was having horrible hot flashes (in a 62 degree house). While awake I got a cramp from hell in my ankle/arch of my foot that wouldn’t die. I was in tears crying from it. Then I was hungry and couldn’t breathe again. I had some cereal and finally at 4:30 I used my inhaler again. This caused my heart to race, but eventually I was breathing well and fell asleep.

Prior to falling asleep I told JL that I heard water dripping in our bedroom. Did he listen to me. Not really . . . . GRRRR! Last year we woke up to flooding in our bedroom and bathroom one morning thanks to ice damns that had formed at the bottom of our roof. We knew that we had them again, but were hoping it wouldn’t do anything this year.

No such luck. I was just heading back to bed to rest for a little while (3-4 hours of sleep isn’t a lot). I get in there and I look up in the spot that had water last year and sure enough there are water droplets. I lost it! I can’t stop crying and am SO angry. JL is heading to Home Depot to see if he can buy a ladder to get up and break the ice damns on both sides of the house. Meanwhile he has a small bucket catching water up in the attic where he was able to see it coming in. *sigh*

Thank goodness the in-laws canceled their visit in today. I could not deal with that. As it is other people do not understnad about this mess and keep telling us to call roofers. It isn’t the roof, we need more insulation to stop the damns from forming. And last time when we didn’t know what the leaking was from we called a TON of roofers and not one ever called us back in the emergency situation.

Now I need to get through this day of “fun” just to have my 1 hour glucose test in the morning.

C’est Moi
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Time to dig out!

NHL decided that he wanted to go outside and help daddy to dig out of the snow (this was JL’s 2nd of 3 trips out today). This of course meant that my almost 7 month pregnant self had to waddle out too. So just before noon we went outside for about an hour. NHL had a blast he helped JL to dig out the driveway and one of the cars to start. Every so often the little guy wanted me to drag him up and down the street in his sled. Since it was so easy to pull I was nice and gave him several rides.

Eventually I went into the house to get the keys for the car so JL could move the cars and clean more of the driveway. At almost 1:00 NHL came in for soup and JL followed about 30 minutes later. He finished one of the cars and went back out at 4:40 tonight to finish the other car and rake the roof. We already have two ice damns that have formed. We are just hoping that we do not have a repeat performance from last year where one of them let water in and it leaked throughout the house. *sigh*

Here are some photos from earlier today.

This is our house with the approximately 19″ of snow:
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JL & NHL in front of one of the snow banks by the road:
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NHL shoveling some snow for daddy:
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NHL working in the snow again:
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Time to get into the sled:
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Ready to ride:
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Check out those big blue eyes and rosey cheeks:
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The cars are all uncovered now and we are going to sleep well (especially JL) from all of the fresh air. Tomorrow should be interesting for everyone after two days home.

C’est Moi

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