Category Archives winter

Finding time to read

Now that the cooler weather is here reading just seem like a better choice to do at night before bed. It is harder to curl up under a blanket to knit items like these that I sent off as part of my bloggy giveaway earlier this month.

Recently made DW cloths

No matter what you do, bamboo knitting needles and heavy blankets just do not mix. Sure, I could bring my laptop into bed and do some blogging. Still the laptop is not easy to maneuver and type with when hidden under a mountain of blankets to keep warm.

There is just something about snuggling up under a blanket and reading a great book at night when the weather is cold. Last week I read Mia King’s novel called Sweet Life. The story starts off in NYC and is about a couple that moves to Hawaii. Sounds wonderful to me now that the daytime high is only going to reach 30 degrees most days. The main character quickly finds that paradise is not an automatic thing, even in Hawaii. Marissa Price (the main character) and her husband struggle with the changes in their life and marriage. With great woman friends supporting her,  Marissa is able to settle into life in paradise and eventually fix items in her personal life as well. I really enjoyed the cast of characters in this novel. King does a fabulous job establishing them quickly into the life of Marissa Price.

Thanks to the bloggy world I heard about this wonderful book from many different people and went to get a copy to read. I enjoyed it so much that I went out to get King’s first novel Good Things. I hope to snuggle up under my blanket tonight to get started on this soon.

What books are you reading right now? I could always use more suggestions for this long winter that is ahead of us. Happy reading!


NaBloPoMo '08


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Tiny toe troubles

As previously mentioned, the cold weather is definitely here. I know how to bundle the boys up to head outside to stay warm. The trouble I am having is keeping some of the items on JSL once we are out and about. I will not even imagine the fun we will have with hats this year. Of course with the limited mobility from a winter coat that may not be a huge issue.

Right now my problem is best illustrated with the following photo from yesterday: 

So proud of his accomplishment

Do you notice the twinkle in his eyes, and the smirk on his face? Yes, even at 17 months old he knows to do this! Typically he yanks off his shoes and socks upon getting into the car. If I can stop him for a few minutes with a Wiggles song on it may take 3-5 additional minutes. Then I hear him fidgeting around in his seat. This is followed by a giggle and sweet little voice pronouncing "sock" and "shoe" as they come flying around the car with a big THUD! 

Mr. Serious

He is beyond stubborn and determined. No matter how I try to stop him his mission is always accomplished. I try not to make a huge deal out of it because that only encourages the situation. Still I am getting quite sick of being greeted with tiny little toes when I get JSL out of the car. Trying to find two socks and shoes launched in a van is tricky at best. 

Cold feet anyone?

I worry about his feet getting so very cold this time of year. My hope is that once we switch to boots he may have a little more of a challenge getting them off. I am sure he will be able to toss those (at my head probably), but I will worry about that later.

So do you have any tricks that may help us out? If you do I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.


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