Category Archives winter

If they come, it will snow

Several weeks ago my brother, sister-in-law and niece were supposed to head here for an early Chanukah celebration. The weather had different plans, so they never made it here. That was the weekend that we had 18 inches of snow, went to the ER via ambulance, and had the party at our synagogue canceled.

Friday night everyone  made it into town safely before what was supposed to be a small snow storm on Saturday. Yesterday morning, we packed up the boys and our presents or Cousin S and brought them over to Nana and Papa’s house. The kids immediately started playing and had a wonderful time. Of course, the adults were planning strategies to get a photo of the three kids together. This has become an on going joke with us. The blooper photos are often more interesting than the so called "good’ photo that makes it from the group shoot.

Here is one of the three kids that was not too bad.

Cousins on the couch

Everyone loved the David’s Cookies prize that I won. A lot of the ones on top of the container were gone long before dinner time. I was a good girl and snacked on tomatoes, a few pretzels, and hummus. I was saving my points for later in the day.

We watched to see if/when the snow would finally show up. Just as we sat down to eat dinner the snow started to come down. We ate dinner, and then quickly had some cookies and brownies and packed up the boys. By the time we went outside there was probably 1-2 inches out, but the roads were really slick. This morning there was probably 6-8 inches outside of our house. Thanks to this we opted to keep NHL home from Hebrew School. It is not worth the risk of going there for the few hours in this weather. JL just got my car out from under all of the snow and we are going back to Nana and Papa’s house. My parents live very close to us, so it should be doable.





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Slippery snowtime session

Last winter JSL was too little to go out and play in the snow. This year it is quite different. Not only is he ready to go outside and play, but he is walking on his own.

Several weeks ago we had a pretty large snowstorm on a Friday. The next morning we all went out to shovel, play in the snow and watch the little guy play for the first time. I happened to capture video very early in his exploration. Here it is:


Not to worry, JSL quickly learned how to walk on the snow in his boots. After I ditched the camera, JSL was in the snow playing with his big brother and being pulled in a sled by Daddy. Of course, the only time he did not like the snow was when he tripped over his own two feet and face planted into a snow bank. Major tears resulted with a very cold face.

Ah, the joys of living in a place with cold and snow in the winter!


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Happy New Year – 2009

Life with kids on New Years Eve is quite different than it was before them. This year we bought some fun goodies to have with dinner and opted to stay in thanks to the snow that was dumped on us during the day.

NHL asked if he could stay up to see 2009 start. We figured it could not hurt to let him try. Of course, our theory was that he is five and typically goes to bed at 7:30. The kindergarten kid shocked us. He was pretty alert (albeit cranky) most of the evening. He played on the computer, watched the Travel Channel about Disney World, and used the Nintendo DS with JL.

Suddenly at about 11:00 NHL asked to take a nap. He said he was a little tired and simply wanted to rest a little while. We tried to talk with him. Within 15-20 minutes the tired kiddo was conked out on the couch like so:

So close to 2009

As I Twittered away at the NYEtwarty, JL was caught like this with sleeping NHL next to him:

TechyDad = geek

The little guy slept though most of the evening. He woke up once, but was in his crib from 9:30 to 7:30 this morning.

Now with the New Year here the reality that we have a vacation planned THIS YEAR (in four months no less) is real!

Wishes for a Happy and Healthy 2009 to everyone.


P.S. Hubby and I are supposed to go out to dinner tomorrow night. We opted for a more quiet evening. Good thing thanks to the awful weather here.


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Keeping with traditions

Today while many of you are enjoying Christmas meals with your family (Merry Christmas!), the boys and I will be heading out to keep a tradition alive. This evening we will have Chinese food for dinner once JL is home from work.

Last Saturday, we had an early Chanukah celebration at my parents house.  Thanks to the snow storm, my brother and his family were not able to make it into town. Still, we had a very delicious dinner with my parents, grandmother, and Aunt T. Here are is the delicious meal that we had.

Our early Chanukah meal

Photo Key: 1. Sweet Potato latkes, 2. Sides and things, 3. Salmon, 4. Pierogi goodness, 5. Not officially Chanukah – so these candles will do, 6. Must have some veggies

Before sitting down to eat, NHL declared that he wanted to sit between Aunt T and Mimi. Thank goodness they are good sports and allowed his wish to come true. 

Excited about the meal

My mother had a Chanukah table cloth out and had napkins to match. Check these out. On one side it had holiday greetings, while the other told the story of the Festival of Lights. 

Gorgeous Hanukkah napkins

After we ate dinner, the kids played for some time,  while everything was cleaned up. Then the goodies were put on the table.

Yummy in our tummies

Right before we went to the table, JSL fell down running and landed on the back of his head. At first we did not think it was serious, but when looking back it is never right when the little guy refuses chocolate. Our time with the cheesecake and other delicious items was cut short by the call to 9-11, arrival of the paramedics, and ambulance ride to the emergency room.

This will certainly not be a Chanukah that we will soon forget.



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