Category Archives winter

Here comes the cold

Thursday morning, we officially had to break out the winter coats for the boys. It was below 30 degrees when NHL left for school and the high was barely going to make it into the upper 40’s. Of course that would not be too bad, but the wind has made it seem even worse. We bought NHL a new new coat at the end of last season when his old coat’s zipper broke and could not be fixed, but the new one barely fits him. It is fine for now, but we’re not sure if it will make the entire winter.

After TechyDad took NHL to school, I went digging to find the new coat that we bought JSL last year. I pulled it out of the bag from the store and tried it on him. It is a little big, but should be good for the cold months ahead. He loved wearing it around today. In fact, he complained when I tried to unzip it at the grocery store and remove his hands from the built in mittens. It was so warm and cozy that he fell asleep when going to school to pick big brother up from his after school club.

Here is the little guy modeling his jacket.

Ready for the cold months ahead

1. Personal nose warmer, 2. Hands are covered, 3. Shy guy ready to go

Now I just need to buy some new yarn to knit him a new scarf, check on the boots and snow pants for both boys and decide if I can get a new coat for myself.

So my question to you this week:

Are you ready for the cooler/cold/freezing weather?  See covered most of the bases no matter where you live!  If you are not ready, what do you still need to get?



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #70


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The trouble with word families

All of my years of teaching and being in a classroom have taught me that no child is always an angel. My kids are no exception to the rule. The only real angels here are those made in the snow. 

Snow angel time

NHL makes a great snow angel, but he still know how to get into plenty of mischief. 

Trying to be an angel

So why am I bringing this up? 

Yesterday, when I was picking NHL up from school his teacher pulled him aside and told him to wait since she wanted to talk to me. Of course like every parent, my heart immediately went to my toes and I wondered what had happened. After all of the other kids were gone she explained things to me.

The class was working on some more word families. For those of you unfamiliar with this term,  word families are group of rhyming words that have a common ending to them. An example:  the "at" family:  hat, cat, sat, mat. . . and so on.  

The word family that the class was working on yesterday was the "it" family. Can you see where this is going?! As soon as she said it, I knew what NHL had done.

Apparently, NHL was excited to rhyme and went ahead of the class. He added words to the family and sure as, well the word in question, he added the sh to the end sound and formed a familiar adult word. NHL’s teachers said he wrote it on the board when he was told not to. He was so excited to share.

You may think, wow why didn’t he stop? The thing is he was not trying to be disrespectful, he really was naive and had no clue about said word. Sure he probably has heard it coming from a mouth or two in the family (not hubby’s), but he has never used it or said anything. Once the teachers talked with him about why the word was not acceptable he stopped. Since they realized he had no clue, they did not give him a warning for his so called actions.

The parent in me laughed and thought it was funny. At the same time, the teacher in me knew that other kids were probably howling and laughing at the word my naive child had created. It immediately made me recall when I was student teaching in first grade and doing short u words with the kids. I was being observed and was using the word "duck" to rhyme. You best believe that I carefully selected kids to answer so I did not get the wrong -uck word!  Of course nobody could have prepared me for little Z who came up with his own short u word. He said "butt" and would not stop. He was chanting "butt" and made up a little "butt" song. From that moment on Z was forever known as "butt boy" in my eyes.  Ah, the joys of kids and teaching! 

My kindergarten kid

This has taught me that I  need to cherish these moments. Before I know it, my naive kindergarten kid is going to be gone and he will soon learn more street smart items from his classmates and world.



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Cold is an understatement

How sad is it that I am looking forward to 20 degree weather next week? Seriously, compared to the weather right now, that is going to be down right balmy.

The snow on Saturday  into Sunday was beautiful, although a pain to shovel and drive on. Still, even with the snow, the temperature was not extreme for winter in our parts.

Winter white

Today, the high will struggle to get to 8 degrees and that does not factor in the wind chill. Tonight, we will get actual readings well below zero. Tomorrow, the high may be a record (low of course) – one I would rather not hit.

So what is the weather like by you?

I know that parts in the north west are a lot worse than us with wind chill values reading -50 degrees or more. I can not understand that. When temperatures are this low it is impossible to breathe when you go outside, parts hurt within seconds. Yesterday when I picked NHL up from kindergarten JSL actually cried since the wind hurt so bad. I actually worried about the tears on his face freezing!

One thing that keeps me going is the fact that our Disney World vacation in the warmth is just around the corner. So for now I will cherish the sweet memories of our last trip and look forward to making memories there with our kids. 

2001 Disney Memories


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