Category Archives winter

Winter time soups

No matter what the groundhog said, the fact is that winter is still here. When the winter strikes, so does our need for hearty warm soup for meals. Of course, I would love my mother’s Matzoh Ball soup every day. The fact of the matter is that although it tastes delicious, it is not "point" friendly when watching your weight (darn Matzoh Balls). At least once a week TechyDad makes soup for us, typically in the slow cooker. Two that he has written about on Cooking With TechyDad are:


My favorite these days is Minestrone in the slow cooker with a TON of veggies in it. I also like to whip up tomato, barley and carrot soup on the fly. We keep a Kosher kitchen, so we often do things vegetarian style. Thanks to great veggie broth and No Chicken Chicken broth, we are able to tweak many recipes.

So my question to you on another wintery Friday:

What is your favorite soup to eat on a cool winter day? Always looking for new things to make, so list as many as you can think of.



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #85

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Pilot light out for the count

Yesterday evening, when JL got home from work, I went over to the thermostat. The boys were both going to have a bath, so I wanted to get the house warmer for them. Of course, all day I had been sitting and shivering in the house. A few of my Tweets mentioned that my hands were numb. Seeing that I have troubles with my hands from a car accident in middle school, I didn’t think anything of it.

At 7:00, both of the boys were ready to head into the tub. NHL was already in there and the little guy was perched on his Diego potty seat. I thought it was a little cold, so I went over to the thermostat. I did a double take. It was set at 65 and reading 62. This was not a good sign over an hour after I had turned it up.

I went into the basement to check on the furnace and could hear something, but had a feeling it was probably the hot water heater and not the heating system. I went upstairs and asked JL to head down to check and see if the pilot was lit. Hubby went down and confirmed that the pilot was not lit.

Hubby and I have no clue how to light our pilot. We will both admit that we are afraid to do it since it involves the natural gas. We called the power company and told them. They told us that someone would be at our house at one point. About 40 minutes later, the doorbell rang and it was two gentlemen from the power company.

JL went with them down to the basement. As time went by, I was getting very nervous. Nothing was working. They were not able to get the pilot to stay lit. Eventually, they said they suspected that the thermocouple was no good on our furnace and it needed to be replaced.

Please picture my face draining of all blood. I seriously was freaked out about no heat. Our house was down to 60 degrees (normally at 63) and the night low was going to be in the teens. We could pile blankets on us, or go to my parents, but the old pipes in our house were susceptible. What happened next is what will warrant a call to the power company. The one gentleman took the old part off to show JL. He then took the time to explain exactly how to hook it back up and start the pilot. He also warned hubby that the thermocouple is easy to break, so to handle and uncoil it carefully.

Everyone left while I went to put NHL to bed. He was upset since he knew we had no heat and worried. Still, he settled and went to sleep. As I was trying to chase the little guy to bed, JL called from Home Depot. The thermocouple we needed was on back order for three weeks now, but thankfully they found ONE in the store that had already been partially opened. Oy! Thanks to my friend L, I got the number to Lowes and had JL call there to see if they had any. Nada!

JL came home with the one and only thermocouple in the area and all of the pressure in the world. I sensed he was worried about something happening to the part. I went down to the basement to cheer him on. If he can build a computer and make it work, I knew he could go this. When I arrived, he already had most of it set. Finally it was time to light the pilot. It was lit and appeared to stay on. At this point JL turned the nob from pilot to on and WOOSH – we saw the blue flame on the pilot.

Pilot light working again

I swear this sight was amazing!  The fear of a huge bill, bursting pipes and more left my mind. We went upstairs to monitor the thermostat. In less than an hour we were up to 66 degrees. We turned it back down at that point and called it a night. TechyDad – you are my hero. Thank you for working so hard under pressure to fix the problem and keeping us all safe, I love you.

Stay warm everyone!


P.S. An extra special thank you to J and her hubby P. They were willing to help over the phone with the heating issue (with e-mailed photos). So nice to have such great friends.

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Trapped by the winter

Winter is here and there are days that I just feel trapped. Not only trapped in my house, but in my own skin. I can not simply pack up the little guy and head out to the park to enjoy some sunshine. For several months, the sky is gray and we hardly see the sun or any hints that it exists.

Bundling up to head out into the extreme conditions often does not feel like it is worth it. Instead, we stay in the warmer house and try to keep busy. I know that one of the things that will help me to feel better is to exercise. I think I am tired and feeling sluggish from lack of activity. My pedometer is back on and I see the lack of steps in my winter life. The reality is there. . . once again I need to Move it, Move it! It has less to do with helping in the weight loss department, and more for making ME feel better.

I need to stop worrying about my post H1N1asthma/lungs and kick it into high gear. I need to get back to where I was before we went to Disney World. I want to get sick of hearing Leslie Sansone and tune her out while walking and kicking 25+ miles a week. I need to find all of the EA Sports Active parts and moan/groan about how it hides squats and lunges into every nook and cranny of the work out. I need to walk/run in place while watching things on the DVR while wishing I had a treadmill or elliptical machine.

I want to stop feeling like this (a special thanks to my 2 year old model):

Tired at Target

I think if I get my rear in gear I will be more motivated to count my points and stick to my healthy living. If I don’t feel like sludge moving in slow motion perhaps my attitude will change. I know I need to do this for ME.

Excuse me while I go and find my workout clothes and dust off my Leslie Sansone Walk at Home DVDs – Mama needs a work out pronto!


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A snowy birthday to remember

Each of us probably has a birthday that we will always remember. I have several of those from my childhood, when I first met TechyDad and as a mother. Yesterday, I added another memorable one into the group.

As if turning another year older is not enough, add being sick. My Neti Pot and I became very good friends by the end of the day. I was up most of the night not feeling well. Poor TechyDad was up with me and felt lousy in the morning. He had a headache and sore throat. He called in sick to rest up and try to feel better. Then there was the snow. The reminder of winter and the frigid months that are ahead came back fast and furious. The 1-2 inches turned into at least 5-6 inches of very heavy/wet snow.

NHL’s school was closed, along with pretty much every other school in the area and beyond. The two little guys were anxious to get outside. Too bad TechyDad and I were not feeling as excited about it thanks to illness. To delay going out TechyDad got the boys to give me my birthday presents. The boys gave me a Snuggie since I am always freezing in our house as we attempt to save the planet and cut costs. TechyDad had already bought me the "Forget Me-Knot" charm for my Pandora bracelet. In addition to this, he gave me a subscription to Picnik Premium. I had been toying with this for a while, but he splurged and now I get to play.

After breakfast, we found all of the snow gear so the boys went out. TechyDad focused his attention on the roof. He raked the snow to try to avoid the ice damn issues of the past few years.

Heading out into the snow

Meanwhile, the boys had fun. NHL kept pegging JSL with snow and eventually the little guy caught on and did some sneak attacks on him. Once TechyDad was done with the raking and sidewalk in front, he helped the boys to make a snow creature and sled down the street for a few rides. Here is a photo show I created using Picnik.


When the boys came in, they were soggy and cold. So hot chocolate came out and then it was time for lunch. Eventually, TechyDad figured it was best to get our cars out from under the snow. NHL went outside to help Daddy. Meanwhile the little guy and I set out to bake a cake. We had planned on going out for a nice birthday dinner and then to have cake with my parents. Since I felt awful and so did hubby, we asked for a raincheck.

Cake baking time

While the cake was baking, I heard a scream of "Oh no!" come from outside the window by my laptop. I looked outside and saw TechyDad grab NHL and scream to me to come to the door quickly. I ran and grabbed tissues expecting something to be bleeding. By this point, NHL was howling in pain. The boys were digging out the driveway together. NHL walked in front of hubby as he was looking down. TechyDad did not know he was back there and lifted up a big shovel of snow just as NHL bent down. The shovel got NHL right on the outside edge of his eyebrow.

When they arrived at the door, there was blood all over the place (faces are brutal like that). I grabbed more tissues (could not find gauze). We removed the pressure for an inspection. I could see there was a deep gash. Still in my PJ’s, I called my mother. She came to our rescue. While TechyDad finished getting his car uncovered, I got NHL ready to go to the ER. He was in a panic because of past stitches history (and removal). The boys picked up Nana on the way.

Long story short, they went to a new ER and it was a good experience. The people there were amazing and in the end NHL did not need stitches. They were able to use glue to put the skin back together. Now we just have to be careful to watch for an infection and to make sure it holds. We go back to the doctor on Monday for a check to see how things are going.

He's a tough kiddo

So after that eventful day, I used my Neti Pot (with an audience amazed to see the magical event) before bed and curled under my flannel sheets to bid adieu to my birthday for 2009.


P.S. TechyDad wrote about yesterday here. He has photos from the ER and of my cake right before we ate it.


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