Category Archives weekend

Fluffalicious has a Home

It is no secret that we love our cupcakes. We have explored many a tasty treats within the area and beyond. Still, our love for a cute pink truck has us watching to see what new and exciting things will be available.

Fluffalicious Cupcake Truck

When we heard that Fluffalicious was getting a new home, we waited to hear the news of their grand opening. That happened last weekend and we were not able to make it. Though we just went, we may have to go again next week for Small Business Saturday.

While TechyDad’s parents were in town, we decided to head over to the new Fluffalicious store. As we pulled up, we knew we were in the right place. We saw the Fluffy truck outside, and pink on the side of the building.

Fluffalicious Home

When we went inside, the boys did not know where to begin. They love the cupcakes from Fluffalicious, but had never SEEN them like this. When the cupcakes are in the pink truck, you are not able to view them and pick based on the look, just the sound and flavor.

Beautiful treats

As we were trying to pick things out to take home, I recalled a Tweet that I had seen. The Tweet mentioned that they would have Cherry Cheesecake Cupcakes ready at 3:00. It was just before that, so I asked. Sure enough they were ready.

Fresh from the oven

In the end we picked our four cupcakes. JSL wanted Triple Chocolate. NHL wanted the Hot Fudge Sundae. TechyDad and I wanted to try one of the Cherry Cheesecake and Boston Cream. Check out the beautiful cupcakes below.

Our cupcakes

We all enjoyed the items that we selected and I am sure we will be heading back to Fluffalicious one day soon. Thank you for making these fantastic treats.

It's Me

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Cookie and Challah Monsters

Dear JSL and NHL,

Bubbe and Grandpa are in town this weekend. Since we are not able to be with them for Thanksgiving, they came up to spend time with all of us. On the way here, they stopped in Queens to get some special treats. They knew that the two of you really like challah. They also asked if they could get you a special treat at Violet’s Bake Shop.

Daddy told them that it would be okay for a special occasion to get you cookies. When we were out at dinner Grandpa mentioned that you may want to only have half today and the other half tomorrow. We couldn’t imagine why until we opened up the box. This is what we saw.

For the cookie monsters

The challah was also really, really, really big! Check it out next to Daddy’s head:

TechyDad with the monster challah

Who knows what other surprises there will be the rest of the weekend.




If you want to participate in Dear Kid Saturday, head on over to Cutest Kid Ever by clicking on the button below.

Dear<br<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
/><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Kid<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

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Snowtober 2011

Snow in October is not unheard of in the northeast. Of course, IF we get snow it is not usually able to be measured. On Thursday, we were lucky enough to get just under two inches of snow. Thanks to some warmer (40 degree-ish) weather, it melted quickly on Friday.

As I write this, we are bracing to see just how much snow we get during what they are calling the great Snowtober storm. Originally, we were told the storm would begin here at about noon on Saturday, but the reality was that it started at about 4:00 and looked like this:

The storm is here

Prior to that, it had been very dry and the sky was even really blue early in the day. Then, at about 5:00, it started to really stick on the ground. Here is another photo of outside in the front of our house.

Snowtober 1 hour in

Of course, snow in October worries a lot of us because we remember another winter weather event that happened not too long ago. On October 4, 1987 we had a bad ice/snow storm. The trees were still covered in leaves. Old trees fell and pulled down lots and lots of power lines. I was in elementary school and there were no classes for a week. During that time, we lived with my grandparents because our house had no power and they did. It was an adventure that I will never forget and hope not to live with my boys.

2 hours into the mess

So excuse me if I am not around much Sunday and beyond. Depending on how much snow we get, I may not be able to get online.

So how is the weather by you? If you live in the line of the storm please let me know how you are making our by you.

I know we are lucky compared to some areas. This just makes me wonder – what is the rest of the “winter” season going to toss our way. Clearly Mother Nature gave us a major trick before Halloween.

Night is here and more snow

It's Me

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Birthday Cake Making Dreams

This weekend, we went to visit my brother and his family. My niece, SG, turned four on Saturday, so it was time for a birthday celebration. When we arrived, her cake was sitting on the dining room table. Check this out and guess the theme:

The Cake Delivered

This gorgeous cake was made by a co-worker of my sister-in-law. Here is her business card in case you happen to live out in western NY.

Molly's Cakes

Not only are Molly’s Cakes delicious, her work is gorgeous. She also worked around a slight complication for my niece. SG is highly allergic to eggs. As you can probably guess, this can make baked goods complicated. We make cupcakes with no-egg substitute in them for birthdays to allow her to enjoy what everyone else is eating. Molly made SG’s top layer of the cake with no egg. It was a pumpkin cake. The bottom two layers had chocolate and vanilla with egg. Oh and the fondant was a new kind that she was testing. While I did not try any, others raved about it.

Did you guess the theme of the party? Here’s a little more decorations to help you out:

Party Decorations

Here is  a photo of the cake with the cute little toppers added right before  everyone enjoyed the cake:

Everyone sees the cake

The birthday girl seemed very happy with her layer. Check her out with her cloud cake layer.

Birthday Girl with her cake

Of course, seeing SG’s cake made me realize how much I would still love to take a Wilton Cake Decorating class. They are given at several of the local craft stores. One of these days, I may. I think I am ready to explore with fondant, but then again – I really love my piping fun with cupcakes.

It's Me

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