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Hat appreciation & Package O’Fun

A few weeks back my parents went to my Cousin M’s wedding in California (still bummed I was unable to go). My father was in his glory because he is a HUGE LA Dodger fan. After they arrived home the boys and I went to visit. Dad quickly showed JSL his new LA Dodger hat and placed it on his head. Here are some photos from JSL trying to fill Papa’s large hat. 

BTW – No Dad, I am not saying you have a big head. Mayor Big Head is the one with an extra large cranium!

Be sure to hover over the photos for the captions.

 Making Papa proud


Nope, no cooties inside


Safe to put back on

As you can see, JSL enjoyed playing with the hat more than actually wearing it. Hopefully he will appreciate the wearing more as the warm weather will require on in the days to come.

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On Monday when we went to take the boys outside to play a package was on our doorstep. I immediately noticed it was not an ordinary box (in a good way). This box was covered in lots of fun stickers and things to make me even more excited about the contents from Kim & Jason of Lemonade Stand and Escape Adulthood. When I went inside I was blown away with how it was packaged. Here is a collage of the photos of the box and the goodies waiting for me inside.

Fun from Escape Adult

BTW – in case you were wondering what it was that was inside the box it was the book Living Out Loud – Activities to fuel a creative life by Keri Smith. It really looks like a fun read – I can not wait to get a good look at it. Thanks again to Kim and Jason for all of the surprises inside and out of the box!


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Get Snow & Give Thanks

Please note that the getting snow and giving thanks have NADA to do with one another. Sure I may have the flu and have been stuck at home with a sick child all week, but I am not that delusional!

Now that that is cleared up here are some photos from outside just minutes ago. 

Memo to Mother Nature. . .

 it is SPRING!!!!

Clearly someone did NOT get the memo that it is SPRING already. Hello – stop with the cold, snow, ice, and other non-spring precipitation and weather patterns. Sickies are done with this garbage and have put it out on the curb with the rest of the trash that went out last night.

Thanks for letting me vent!

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Now onto the good stuff. I would like to send out some thanks for some packages that arrived here this week from giveaways that I won.

First up is MissAKit:

 Prize from ~~All Day Night~~

I won this from Candi at ~~All Day Night~~ as her entry in the Ultimate Blog Party.  Thank you so much Candi – I love it and it will come in handy in my diaper bag for emergency Mommy situations! The Ultimate Blog Party was so much fun. I was lucky enough to find Candi’s blog and am now a daily reader. She is the Mommy of two little boys who are very close in age to my little guys. Stop over and say hello to Candi when you have some time.

Yesterday as the boys were getting antsy another package came. Inside was my giveaway from Momsational: I had won a set of fair trade Peruvian Finger Puppets from Inca Kids. They are absolutely amazing. I can not believe that people and not machines knitted these little guys. Here are a few photos so you can check them out. 

Inca Kids Garden Animal Puppet set

Here is one side on my hand. . . 

 Garden Animals - front view

And now the other side. . . 

Garden Animals - back view


Thank you again to both ~~All Night Day~~ and Momsational for the fun giveaways!!

Oh and please tell the snow to GO AWAY and take the sickies with you.


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Leap Day Giveaway Winner is . . .

Thanks to I have a winner for the $30 gift certificate to Announcements Galore. And the winner is. . . .

Comment #54 by Brandy:

Cute site & great designs! If I won, I would love to purchase the Happy Halloween Cards. I always hand-make my kids’ Halloween costumes, so this would be a great way to show them to friends and family ^_^ Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

Congratulations to Brandy!!  *sigh* I wish I could make my own costumes, but that is not happening here any time soon. Have a great time selecting your goodies.

Thank you to everyone that participated and a special merci beaucoup to Announcements Galore for sponsoring the fun giveaway.

Stay tuned more fun to come.


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Time to “Leap” into a new design – Giveaway too!

Happy Leap Day All!

After working for quite some time JL, my hubby and handy dandy webmaster, finished my new blog design enough to make it live last night. Did you check it out? Please head on over to look and see what you think. There are still a few little bitty things that I would like different (mainly the header), but it is nice change of scenery. You may have also noticed that I now have BlogHer ads. I wanted to try them to see how it went. I have always admired all of the blogs out there with them and have learned about several from looking around the BlogHer site itself. One of these days I will get to the BlogHer convention (oh please come to the East Coast one of these years).

If you notice any bugs with my new blog layout please let me know. Leave a comment here or e-mail me. The information for that is in the About Moi section.Now onto the giveaway information.


The Giveaway:

A few weeks ago I was contacted by someone to run a giveaway on my blog – so readers check out the details below. I asked if it would be acceptable with them to wait and do it with this launch . . . she agreed. In fact she also increased the goody being given away last night!  Here is the information. 

Announcements Galore would like one of my readers to win a $30 gift certificate to their website. If you have a special event coming up, need to make photo greetings, or announce a wedding or new baby, then this is perfect for you (there are many other possibilities too). Head on over to Announcements Galore to see what they have to offer.

Here is an example of one of their really great designs: 

Announcements Galore Sample

Cute no?!?! There are so many possibilities it can make your head spin.

If you would like a chance to win all you need to do it head over to the Announcements Galore website and look at what they have to offer. Then head back here and leave me a comment letting me know what your favorite(s) are. What will you do with the $30 when you win it. . . think positive! Don’t worry you can always change your mind later on.

Rules (you knew the teacher in me would do this):

  • For one entry all you need to do is leave a comment here telling me how you would use your $30 prize at Announcements Galore. For a second chance you can blog about this giveaway and link back to me. Just let me know so I can give you the extra credit entry. 
  • Please be sure to leave your e-mail address and/or blog so I can contact you for your information when you win.
  • A winner will be randomly selected from all of the comments by (no trees will be killed in the making of this giveaway).
  • Entries will be accepted until 10:00 PM EST on Thursday, March 6, 2008. I will announce the winner here during the day on Friday, March 7, 2008.

Oh, and for those of you who want to purchase something now (or later) from Announcements Galore please know they gave me a cool coupon code for 10% off –> SPRING10. Just let them know TheAngelForever sent you.

Good luck and have fun. . . and enjoy the new look at



P.S. Thanks to JL for being the best webmaster (and of course hubby) a girl could ask for!


*** UPDATE: It is officially after 10:00 EST on Thursday, March 6, 2008. The comments are now closed. Thank you to everyone that entered and to Announcements Galore for sponsoring this fun.  I will post a winner tomorrow. Stay tuned more giveaways in the future.


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Valentine’s Day Package of goodness

Last week I received an e-mail telling me that I had won a giveaway at Fun & Free Giveaways. The giveaway was for an absolutely adorable Valentine Mailbox full of chocolate made by Beth at her Ebay store called Scrap-A-Teria.  Two days ago the package arrived with a fun little bonus included. Here is what it looked like: 

Valentines Day giveaway I won

I was blown away with the details that Beth put into the mailbox. Thanks to her and Fun & Free Giveaways for the wonderful package. My entire family will enjoy it!



P.S. Coming next week a redesign of TheAngelForever and a fun giveaway too!

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