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DaBib Review and Giveaway

I will admit it, my boys lived in bibs for much of their first year. Whether we were combating spit up, drool from teething, or eating their first solid food a bib was a must. JSL is almost two now and bibs are still much needed accessories for meal and snack time. I do not know about you, but most toddlers are very messy eater. As they learn to self feed, clean up often becomes a hassle. 

We have many plastic/vinyl bibs that we use when feeding JSL. Recently we had the opportunity to try out  DaBib thanks to Family Review Network.


My Review:

The first thing I noticed about DaBib is the collar. The collar is made of a soft material that scrunches up at the neck. A big problem we have with JSL is food going down the neck of his bib. This patented feature stopped that from happening as he ate. Then I realized that the crumb catcher was not permanently on the front of the bib. For kids that do not need it, the catcher is located on the back of the bib when not being used. If you need it, you simply unfold it forward and the wide mouth of the crumb-catcher is ready to go. As I was putting the bib onto JSL for the first time I was impressed with the large adjustable velcro strip. This bib would definitely fit not only my almost two year old, but a teeny tiny infant and also a child older than JSL.

JSL liked the bib. He did not complain about putting it on and the real test was that he did not try to yank it right off. The nice feel of the soft material kept him happy (me too). JSL was not a fan of the crumb catcher while sitting in his high chair. As you can see in the photo below, he asked us to tuck it in. Clearly if we were dining out and he was in a restaurant chair without a sliding tray, the crumb-catcher would be a wonderful asset.

DaBoy in DaBib

When JSL was a baby, I would hate bibs that were not thick and absorbant. I so wish I had DaBibs when he was smaller. We used to go through so many bibs and outfits a day thanks to the thin nature of most baby bibs.  I would definitely recommend DaBibs to people with or expecting little ones and will purchase them as part of future baby gifts.

Important Facts about DaBib:

  • All of DaBib are shrink-resistant and machine washable
  • Have the patented "Scrunch Collar" that helps to minimize leakage of food and drinks onto the children and their clothing
  • Crumb-Catcher found on the back of the bib and automatically pouches when folded forward to catch food and liquids
  • Front closure on DaBib has an adjustable strip that allows it to fit infants to toddlers
  • Waterproof bib backing and micro-fiber terrycloth front make it highly absorbant and easy to clean
  • DaBib is extra-long and wide to cover children from shoulder-to shoulder
  • Non-toxic, lead-free – meets and exceeds the new US requirements

DaBib is available in two styles. DaHugs  (which we received) is made with a super-absorbant micro-fiber Terry front and waterproof back. It is great for the first year when absorbancy is the key.


DaGiggles is a wipe-off, waterproof style. This bib is comfortable and a great option to replace plastic and rubber bibs when your child is eating solid food.


DaBibs are currently available to purchase for $12.99 on their website. If you buy three or more shipping is free. Soon DaBibs will also be available at Babies R Us. 

A Chance for you to win!

Thanks to DaBib, 1 lucky winner (US and Canada only) will have a chance to win their own DaBib.

Rules for Giveaway:

  • MAIN RULE – Visit the DaBib website and then come back and leave a comment telling me which DaBib (color as well) you would select and who it is for.
  • 1-2 Bonus Entries – View one or both of the DaBib videos Vitto Gottabone or DaBaby, DaDoll & DaBib   Via e-mail to the_angel_forever at yahoo dot com  answer the following question for Vitto Gottabone: What is the name of the little girl in the video?   For the video DaBaby, DaDoll & DaBib: What is DaBaby sharing with DaDoll.  Leave a comment for each e-mail response that you send me.
  • 1 Bonus Entry – Subscribe to my RSS feed (or let me know if you already are) in a separate comment.
  • 1-2 Bonus Entries – Stumble this post and/or my main blog page and leave your Stumble name in a separate comment.
  • 1 Bonus Entry – Follow me on Twitter @TheAngelForever and tweet about the giveaway. Be sure to include @TheAngelForever and  DaBibs in the Tweet. Please leave a direct link to your Tweet in a separate comment. 
  • 1 Bonus Entry – Add TheAngelForever to your blog roll and leave a separate comment.
  • 3 Bonus Entries – Write a post on your blog linking to my blog about the DaBib giveaway. Be sure to leave 3 comments about this to get credit for all of your extra credit.

To enter, just follow the rules above within the comment section. Be sure that I have an e-mail address that I can contact you for a mailing address once the giveaway is over. All entries must be received by 10:59pm EST on  April 5, 2009. I will pick the winner using and contact you via e-mail. You will have 48 hours to claim the prize. If no response, another winner will be selected.


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Suitcase solutions

When we were married we had a lot of items on our registry. Thanks to keeping a kosher kitchen, we needed two of most cooking items (meat and dairy). With this in mind, we did not register for luggage. JL had a few small pieces and we were given a large one from my grandmother to use for our honeymoon. When we went to Las Vegas Aunt S and Uncle M gave us another piece to use for taking dress clothing.

It has been over six years since our last big trip. When we travel to Disney World we will have to pack for four people for an entire week. Clearly, the few small bags we own will not cut it. So we need to research luggage brands, acceptable sizes for airlines and all of the rest that goes along with serious suitcase studies.

Back in December, on my birthday, I received an e-mail that I had won a Lands’ End rolling duffel bag from Did You See That? I was so excited because it was something we needed very badly. Last night, I packed it for the first time. There is so much room in it thanks to well defined compartments. I was able to put  winter clothing for an entire weekend for the two boys and myself. Here are photos of it all packed and ready to go.

Front view  Side view

Now I wonder if we should take this with us and maybe get more of the larger ones for Disney and beyond. So my question this week:

Do you have any suggestions on what type of luggage to look for? What have you had success with that is durable and good for family travel?



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating. Th

 Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #33



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Timing is everything

In early November I won a fabulous David’s Cookie and Brownie tin in a giveaway on Debbie e-mailed me with the great news and I sent her my mailing information. To make a long story short, things were crazy during the holiday season at David’s and my prize never arrived. A contact at David’s Cookies was great the other day and told me that it was being shipped on Wednesday and would arrive via UPS on Friday. I was never overly worried, just concerned that it had been shipped and someone had taken it off my porch.

Yesterday right before dinner, I popped my head outside and sure enough a package was sitting on my front step. Here is what was inside: 

Special delivery that I won  5 pounds of David's cookies and brownies

The timing is perfect and ironic at the same time. My brother, sister-in-law and niece are in town this weekend. We kept the tin all ready to take with us to my parent’s house today. This will be our goodies to go with dinner tonight. The ironic part is that yesterday morning I finally signed up for Weight Watchers online.  As a non-chocolate consuming person, not too much should tempt me, but I did see some oatmeal cookies. Thank goodness for extra weekly points!


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Chanukah shopping fun – Game Giveaway

Growing up Jewish in a predominantly Christian society can be tough on a child. For most of the fall months into December, most of world is dressed up and ready to celebrate Christmas.

As a child growing up in the 80’s, living in a moderate Jewish community, we had few items to really decorate for Chanukah. There was only a small store in our synagogue with some merchandise in it.  As the years went by, more main stream stores started to carry a few Chanukah items here and there. They would all pretty much have the same few token tchotchkes. Plastic dreidels, cheap looking menorahs and some window clings were available.

In more recent years, people have started businesses online to help keep traditions alive, add modern touches and provide fun for Jewish families. One of these online stores is 

Last year, post Chanukah, I found I oogled at numerous items and thought about different family members to purchase things for.

The Plush Menorah would be perfect for the little guy. He would be able to safely light his own menorah along with us.

 Plush Menorah

The Got Latkes? apron would be perfect for almost any of the women (or men – like my hubby) who prepare the tasty traditional Chanukah food. 

Got Latkes Apron

NHL loves to wear his kippahs to Hebrew School. The Kroc Kippah would be a fun way for him to personalize it on his own. 

Kroc Kippah

Of course for my brother, a recreational poker player, the Poker Yarmulke would be a perfect choice. 

Poker Yarmulke

Seriously if you are Jewish, know someone who is, or want to learn more about another religion is a wonderful source for goodies galore.

The Giveaway:

The founder of has offered my readers the opportunity to win their own No Limit Texas Dreidel Game. This game would be enjoyed by both kids and adults, so it would be fabulous for family game nights. It puts a modern spin on a traditional holiday game for everyone of all religions to enjoy.

No Limit Texas Dreidel Game

Rules for Giveaway:

  • MAIN RULE – Leave a comment telling me three of your favorite items from
  • 1 Bonus Entry – Subscribe to my RSS feed (or let me know if you already are) in a separate comment.
  • 1Bonus Entry – Stumble this post and leave your Stumble name in a separate comment.
  • 1 Bonus Entry – Favorite TheAngelForever in Technorati and leave your name there in a separate comment.
  • 1 Bonus Entry – Follow me on Twitter (@TheAngelForever) and tweet once about my giveaway. Leave a link to your comment in a separate comment.
  • 1 Bonus Entry – Add TheAngelForever to your blog roll and leave a separate comment.
  • 3 Bonus Entries – Write a post on your blog linking to my blog about the giveaway. Be sure to leave 3 comments about this to get credit for all of your extra credit. 

My Chanukah shopping fun game giveaway will run through Friday, December 19, with the winner being contacted over the weekend. The winner will be chosen using and will be notified by e-mail for address information. The winner will have 48 hours to contact me before another winner is chosen. Giveaway is open to U.S. and Canadian residents only and will be shipped from PopJudaica with the hope (no promises) that it will arrive to enjoy during Chanukah.

Have fun and thanks for participating in my Chanukah!


More examples of Chanukah goodies

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Tweet, Tweet, Tweet! (Aloha 21)

Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.

 Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

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My question for this week is inspired by my participation in the 15 Days of Marketing by Jessica Knows:

Do you Tweet? Translation: Are you using Twitter? If you do use Twitter, what is your favorite part of the experience? What is the part you are least fond of? If you are not on Twitter. . . what are you waiting for?!?!

Hello my name is @TheAngelForever on Twitter and I love to Tweet! 

I Tweet do you?

For those of you that are not familiar with Twitter it is a social networking experience like no other you have seen before. Unlike other services, Twitter limits you to posts/messages that are 140 characters in length. Talk about a challenge! Twitter makes people learn to condense their thoughts and be extra creative. More and more corporations and small businesses are also showing up on Twitter. They have found that it is a fabulous way to connect with consumers. These days you just never know who you will "bump" into on Twitter. Who knows . . . maybe even you!

NaBloPoMo '08



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