Category Archives weather

Tiny toe troubles

As previously mentioned, the cold weather is definitely here. I know how to bundle the boys up to head outside to stay warm. The trouble I am having is keeping some of the items on JSL once we are out and about. I will not even imagine the fun we will have with hats this year. Of course with the limited mobility from a winter coat that may not be a huge issue.

Right now my problem is best illustrated with the following photo from yesterday: 

So proud of his accomplishment

Do you notice the twinkle in his eyes, and the smirk on his face? Yes, even at 17 months old he knows to do this! Typically he yanks off his shoes and socks upon getting into the car. If I can stop him for a few minutes with a Wiggles song on it may take 3-5 additional minutes. Then I hear him fidgeting around in his seat. This is followed by a giggle and sweet little voice pronouncing "sock" and "shoe" as they come flying around the car with a big THUD! 

Mr. Serious

He is beyond stubborn and determined. No matter how I try to stop him his mission is always accomplished. I try not to make a huge deal out of it because that only encourages the situation. Still I am getting quite sick of being greeted with tiny little toes when I get JSL out of the car. Trying to find two socks and shoes launched in a van is tricky at best. 

Cold feet anyone?

I worry about his feet getting so very cold this time of year. My hope is that once we switch to boots he may have a little more of a challenge getting them off. I am sure he will be able to toss those (at my head probably), but I will worry about that later.

So do you have any tricks that may help us out? If you do I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.


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Fall, where are you?

Depending on where you live you may have noticed that fall seems to be quickly slipping away. The signs here are all there:

  • Leaves almost all off the trees
  • Frost outside in the morning – sometimes enough that you have to scrape it off the windshield
  • Temperatures barely making it to the 40’s or 50’s during the day
  • Temperatures below 30 in the night
  • Frozen fingers
  • Toescicles on the bottom of your feet

When all of this begins you start to think about heat. Will it kick on when you test it out? And, of course, the biggest question of all. . . . when do you finally give in to the numb feeling in your feet and hands and turn on the heat?

For us the answer was checking things out a few weeks ago when the temperatures started to dip. Thankfully everything went on with no trouble. Our thermostat is set at 62. The heat will only turn on when it goes below that, or when one of the kids has a tub and we turn it up slightly.

Yesterday morning it was below 30 outside. I had to take NHL into school to bring his antibiotic eye drops in. It was bone chilling outside and I know it is just the start of things. When JSL and I arrived back into our 62 degree house it seemed toasty warm. Goes to show it is all a matter of perspective. Right after JSL went for a nap it was time to put the all important flannel sheets onto our bed. 

Winter time warmth

Let me tell you those were quite welcomed last night when I put my purple and blue toes into bed. Silly me, I was working on something in the living room and did not wear any socks. I think I learned my lesson. Now I just need to convince another little someone that going sans socks is not a smart thing to do for  at least another 5-6 months. 

Cold little toes

While I am at it, I suppose I should tell him that includes stripping his socks and shoes while out and about in the car, restaurant, mall . . . . or anywhere these days!


BTW – Quick update on the potty kid. Yesterday our #2 did a #2 while sitting on our throne!

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Croquet for Columbus Day

If the weather would stay like it is right now I would be perfectly happy. The weekend was absolutely gorgeous and 70 degrees each day. The sun was out and the sky clear. It even made sick me want to go outside to enjoy it for a little while.

Saturday while JSL was taking a nap, JL and NHL went outside to get some energy out. It was time to make him run, jump, play and get some sun. While outside I decided to take some photos of the boys playing croquet.

Croquet for Columbus Day

Today the two little guys are home with me. We hope to be able to get outside to enjoy the weather while it is here. The end of the week calls for temperatures barely making it to the 50’s. Talk about a major change!

Enjoy the fall while it is here.



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Baby cucumbers, thanks and busy weekend

For the last two years NHL has asked to grow sunflowers and other items during the spring and summer. Year one we had sunflowers in a patch of our garden. Apparently they were quite tasty – our friendly neighborhood bunny enjoyed them all. NHL was devastated. Last year we bought organic spray to keep those bunnies from eating the plants. Too bad the spray did not help again the hail that mutilated the poor plants.

This year we set out again to attempt to grow sunflowes. They grew nicely inside our front porch at first. Then we put them outside and brought them in when we heard storms were approaching. We did not have the heart to leave them outside after the history we had.

While visiting Aunt M during the 4th of July, she gave NHL a teeny tiny little cucumber plant. It was not looking the best when we got home. We loved it and cared for it ,no I did not talk to it, sorry I do draw the line. Before we knew it, the little plant had quadrupled in size.

Thursday when I arrived home from taking NHL to his summer program I noticed something by the flowers on the plant. Sure enough, there were teeny, tiny baby cucumbers growing! NHL was thrilled when he saw them. Just within the last 24 hours they have grown a lot more and quite a few more are now visible. Wahoo! 

Our baby cucumber plant 

The biggest baby cucumber

The sunflowers are still growing nicely. One is so close to opening up. I have a few photos, but will upload those later. We just hope that the pesky birds do not destroy the flowers once they open. The birds have already taken every rose that bloomed and our gorgeous lillies as well.

Oh, we did learn a lesson. Next year we will get the already grown plants and not even bother with seeds, too much work and they never seem to grow as well.

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Did you win anything during the Bloggy Summer Carnival? I did!!! Two items actually, plus I gave one away.

One of the items actually arrived this week. You should have heard me jumping up and  and yelling when I saw the package as I opened the door. NHL and JSL surely must have thought that Mommy had completely lost it.

This is what was inside of the package that I won from Christina at A Mommy Story

Prize won on the Summer Bloggy Carnival

Seriously, I was the lucky winner out of 548 entries to get the Nintendo DS that she was giving away! Secretly I had always wanted one, but never could justify it. We talked about it for NHL’s birthday, but again could not see spending the money on something at this point. I was blown away when I received the e-mail from Christina telling me the news. I have used the birthday money that I never spent from December and bought a few games. We are also looking into some more kid friendly ones for NHL. He is anxious to test it out, but we are waiting for the screen saver to arrive first. For now he helps me out.

Say cheese Nintendo DS!

Any suggestions on games for a mommy that loves puzzles and things like Dr. Mario and Tetris or for an almost 5 year old little boy would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again to Christina for her generous gift.

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This weekend is action packed. Today we will spend the day at the lake with family to celebrate my father’s 60th birthday. It should be a great day of playing in sand, swimming in the lake/pool, and going on the boat. After we get home JL and I have to prepare foods for NHL’s family 5th birthday party on Sunday. We already baked the giant cupcake that will form the volcano and put it in the freezer. So much to do and so little time. Eventually I will catch up on NHL’s birthday party from last week with his friend IA. Of course Mommy also needs to sit down and cry to write about her big boy (technically still my baby) turning five on Sunday.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.


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