New Daffodils for Earth Day 2009
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- holidays weather Wordless Wednesday
When we woke up yesterday morning we knew it was going to be an exciting day. We were going to trade in the old 1998 Toyota Corolla for a new car. Of course, a few things stood in our way. The car dealer needed the release on the lien, other papers had to be brought in, the loan had to be acquired and a few other items. With the economy the way it is, and having been identity theft victims, we were a little nervous. The snow outside was just going to make things even more "interesting" in the scheme of things.
After JSL woke up from his nap, we went over to the dealer and brought the paperwork. I waited around while they looked it over. At that point they had me sign a paper that we were indeed going to purchase the car. As I was looking it over, I noticed that the money for the trade was missing. Ooops! That was fixed in seconds and I signed the proper forms. When I left they said they would call JL at work with figures on interest rates and loan offers.
JSL and I went to my parent’s house. My cousin M and her hubby B were in visiting from the other coast (more on their visit later). They had never met JSL before, so we went to spend time with them. Just before I went to pick up NHL from school I called JL at work. He said there was a little snaffu with the loan process. Apparently the security measures that we had put on our credit were working a little too well. He had to talk to the bank to finalize a few things. By the time I was at school getting NHL, we had a loan secured with a nice interest rate.
Of course, the snow did not really let up most of the day. We did not get a lot of it, but there was a lot of blowing and drifting snow. It certainly added to the anxiety of getting the old car in for a trade and picking up the new one. My family watched the boys and we left for the car dealer to pick up the new car. This was just before 5:00.
After a comedy of errors that included me leaving the title at my parents house (thanks Dad for bringing it to me), forgetting the check book, and the car getting stuck on ice when we tried to pull out of the lot, we finally got back for dinner just before 7:00.
Oh, before I forget here are photos of our new "baby" from this morning:
We are the proud new owners of a 2009 Nissan Sentra. Thanks to the size and amazing trunk space, we will be able to use this car for mini trips to save on gas that my minivan guzzles. So yesterday we continued to do our share to help the economy and put ourselves into debt again. Not having a car loan for a few short months was nice, but this was a needed acquisition.
How sad is it that I am looking forward to 20 degree weather next week? Seriously, compared to the weather right now, that is going to be down right balmy.
The snow on Saturday into Sunday was beautiful, although a pain to shovel and drive on. Still, even with the snow, the temperature was not extreme for winter in our parts.
Today, the high will struggle to get to 8 degrees and that does not factor in the wind chill. Tonight, we will get actual readings well below zero. Tomorrow, the high may be a record (low of course) – one I would rather not hit.
So what is the weather like by you?
I know that parts in the north west are a lot worse than us with wind chill values reading -50 degrees or more. I can not understand that. When temperatures are this low it is impossible to breathe when you go outside, parts hurt within seconds. Yesterday when I picked NHL up from kindergarten JSL actually cried since the wind hurt so bad. I actually worried about the tears on his face freezing!
One thing that keeps me going is the fact that our Disney World vacation in the warmth is just around the corner. So for now I will cherish the sweet memories of our last trip and look forward to making memories there with our kids.
Today while many of you are enjoying Christmas meals with your family (Merry Christmas!), the boys and I will be heading out to keep a tradition alive. This evening we will have Chinese food for dinner once JL is home from work.
Last Saturday, we had an early Chanukah celebration at my parents house. Thanks to the snow storm, my brother and his family were not able to make it into town. Still, we had a very delicious dinner with my parents, grandmother, and Aunt T. Here are is the delicious meal that we had.
Photo Key: 1. Sweet Potato latkes, 2. Sides and things, 3. Salmon, 4. Pierogi goodness, 5. Not officially Chanukah – so these candles will do, 6. Must have some veggies
Before sitting down to eat, NHL declared that he wanted to sit between Aunt T and Mimi. Thank goodness they are good sports and allowed his wish to come true.
My mother had a Chanukah table cloth out and had napkins to match. Check these out. On one side it had holiday greetings, while the other told the story of the Festival of Lights.
After we ate dinner, the kids played for some time, while everything was cleaned up. Then the goodies were put on the table.
Right before we went to the table, JSL fell down running and landed on the back of his head. At first we did not think it was serious, but when looking back it is never right when the little guy refuses chocolate. Our time with the cheesecake and other delicious items was cut short by the call to 9-11, arrival of the paramedics, and ambulance ride to the emergency room.
This will certainly not be a Chanukah that we will soon forget.
Please note: This was the little guy’s first time in the snow on his own to play and explore the wonders of snow.