Category Archives weather

Spring 2010 is here!

The first day of spring does not always give us nice weather in New York state. This year we were lucky, it was absolutely gorgeous on Saturday. We woke up and turned on the weather channel. We saw that it was going to be 65 degrees and sunny. We tossed sweatshirts on the boys to head to the post office quickly. After that, we went right to the park. It was time to let the boys run and get some energy out.

Spring at the park

The boys were so excited to take off to the slides. Once we got there, both boys were climbing and sliding up a storm. Much to my shock, the little monkey was trying to do everything on his own – oy! We continued to another section of the park and TechyDad noticed that the buds on the trees were out. Check it out:

Sure sign of spring

The boys went on a variety of other items while full of smiles and laughing along the way.

Lots to pick from at the park

Then, it was time to go on the swings. We stayed here for quite a while. Neither of the kids wanted to go. 

First swing time of spring

While I was busy sending out Twitpics, my phone started to ring. It was Papa and he was at the park. The boys loved seeing Papa and dragged him around.

Fun with Papa at the park

I was even able to get a photo of them all together on top of the rock climbing area.

Pictures with Papa

By this time, we were all getting too warm with our sweatshirts on. We noted that it was warmer here on this first day of spring than most of our trip to Disney World in February.

And the coats come off

The boys played a little while longer before we decided it was time to head home. Kisses were given to Papa as he went back to his house. The only way we got them to go was to promise a trip to see Mimi and ride on their bikes later. All of these were done and many more pictures taken.

Papa kisses

So have you been able to enjoy any spring weather where you are?

Of course, I know that even here the weather can easily get chilly again. No doubt, more cool temperatures will come before we thaw out completely for the spring.


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A warm November day

Typically, temperatures in November get quite chilly here. Lows are usually in the 30’s and highs could climb into the 40’s. It is certainly not the type of weather that one would take their child to the park for an extended length of time. The temperatures have soared to highs in the 60’s the last few days. Thanks to this, I took JSL to the park yesterday. It was just the two of us for an hour or so and we had a fabulous time. Every day, he has been begging me to take him to the park to go "Wheeeee" on the slides. It was so nice to be able to grant him this simple desire.

When we arrived at the park, he bolted away from me. Usually when we are at the park, JSL follows his big brother around. It was so fun to watch and see where he would go on his solo mission.

Boy with a mission and on the move

Of course, my camera was in the car . . . so I used my new cell phone to snap some of our precious memories. There was no way I could rip the little guy away from the park to go and get my camera. They may not be the best, but they certainly capture the moments. After he let go of my hand, he made a beeline for the little train slide.

Warming up on the little slide

Once he did this a few times, JSL was ready to run to the bigger slides. Over and over again, he climbed up the ladder. Why go up the easy steps when you can give Mom gray hairs? He would stop on the bridge area to jump a few times and look through the bars to laugh at me.

Monkey behind bars at park

Then he would go over and over to the big twisty slide. JSL had no fear since the playground was empty and loved the freedom to pick what he wanted.

Wheeeee . . . down the twisty slide

After a few times down the twisty slide, I convinced him to try the tunnel to another section. He hesitated, but then realized he could play peek-a-boo with me. He kept going over and over and of course I kept missing him. He was too fast and thought it was funny that I was getting bad "cheese" (= photos to a 2 year old) over and over. Eventually I got this which is a big favorite of mine.

Peek-a-boo at park

Soon, JSL decided it was time to check out more of the park. On our way, I noticed there was a single tree that actually had leaves on it. The tree was gorgeous and a vibrant red color. I went under it and took the following photo.

Red leaves filled the sky above

Then it was time for JSL to channel his inner dinosaur. He needed a boost to get up. Once he was on the dino, he was roaring and rocking out. He had a great time, but quickly wanted to move to more things.

Roar says dino JSL at park

I was shocked he did not want to go on the giant slide at this point. Instead, he picked the "round and round wheee" ride as he called it. This did not last too long. In an attempt to grant me even more gray hairs, JSL kept letting go and trying to stand up while it was moving around.

Round and round he goes

I was able to convince him to follow me to the swings. He wanted to go on the regular ones, but those are not made for a two year old little boy. I put him into the swings for kids that look more like odd contraptions and he could not see anything. I tried to take a photo, but had used up my cell phone memory (oops!). This seemed like the perfect time to call it a day. I told JSL it was time to head home. We only had an hour to eat lunch before it was time to head to school to pick up NHL.

The weather is supposed to be mild again today, but not as sunny. Perhaps we will have another adventure in the park together. It is days like this that I remember why I am so lucky to be a stay-at-home Mom!



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Picking 35 pounds of apples

After we picked up NHL from Hebrew School, we went home for lunch. Thanks to the events yesterday, we opted not to go to Six Flags today. Once we were done eating, I suggested that we see if the apple orchard was still allowing pick your own. We went online to check things out and sure enough they were. Today was actually the last day of the pick your own season.

So we packed up the boys and went to the orchard. In just about an hour, we managed to pick all of these apples:

35 pounds of aples

That would be three bags that were not quite filled all the way, yet totaled approximately 35 pounds of apples! Yes, we are now coming up with recipes to use all of these apples in. Of course, the boys and I chowed down on five very large apples that were probably a few pounds right there.

When we drove there, we were not too sure what to expect. Would there still be plenty of apples? Did the frost we had ruin the apples already? Would a lot of other people be there and cause crowds while we explored the orchards? Did we dare go and risk a sudden turn of the weather?

Well, here are the answers to all of the questions:

1 – There were plenty of apples on the trees. Check them out:

Plenty of apples to pick

2 – The frost was not kind to the look of the apples, but there were plenty that still taste quite amazing. There were a lot of apples that were on the ground.

Tons of apples on the ground

3 –  It was pretty empty at the orchard today. We only saw a few people here and there once we were out among the apples and trees. Most of the time, the only people we saw were hauling their bags of apples to the stand to pay and leave.

Lots of apples to take home

4 – The weather was gorgeous. There were absolutely no clouds in the sky. Who knew the fall could be so nice?!

Gorgeous blue sky

The best part of the adventure was watching the boys (all three of them). They had so much fun and the little guy’s reaction to all of the apples was priceless. At almost two and a half,  this is the first time he has gone apple picking. More photos of the kids picking the 35 pounds of apples coming soon.

If you have a great apple recipe (or more)  to share, I wold greatly appreciate it. As you can see, we have a lot of apple baking/making ahead of us this week.




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