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Nursery School Passover Seder

Ready or not, Passover is coming quickly (officially begins next Saturday evening). Since next week is April break, NHL’s school had their Passover Seder that parents were invited to this week. So, yesterday my mother, JSL and I went to NHL’s school for their mini-Seder. It was absolutely adorable to watch NHL, especially when he saw that Nana was with us. Here are some photos and a video of the Seder. 

JSL had a great time in Nana’s arms for the entire Seder. He loved watching all of the kids, especially his big brother.

JSL with Nana - a surprise for NHL

 NHL sat down at a table with some of his friends, so we joined him to wait for everything to begin.

Patiently listening to the Passover story

This is how the table looked when we sat down. In case anyone is curious the tongue depressors represent the shank bone that is on the Seder Plate

The Passover table at school

Before we were able to try the Passover foods the kids all performed some Passover songs for us. Here is a small part of my favorite song. It was too funny hearing all of the little ones singing the chorus in the halls prior to this. As you will see some knew the other parts, but they all chime in for the chorus.


NHL loves to perform. As you can see he was quite happy when he was going back to the table after singing. 

All excited after singing songs

NHL gobbled up everything that was on his plate (although he was not in love with the radish). 

YUMMY - fun stuff to try on the seder plate

JSL was able to try some of the Charoset thanks to it being a nut free building. Nana said he loved it! 

Trying some Charoset

Of course the kids did not have wine, instead it was grape juice all around. 

Drinking his grape juice

A fun little seder for all. I am SO thrilled that NHL was able to go to this school. I have fond memories of it when I was little and I know he will too.


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Gaggles of Giggles

This is a video that was taken last weekend of JSL and JL together. The little guy looks like he is having some spasms, but alas he is trying to get JL to do something to him that he found hilarious. 




As the little guy said at the end – Buh-bye!


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Is it Hanukkah or Chanukah or . . .

Tonight is the 8th and final night of Chanukah. How fitting it was when I was looking at my Google Reader and saw a post  all about how to spell the Festival of Lights. On the GoodyBlog today there was a post called "How Do You Spell Channukkahh?" – all about this dilemma.

Growing up I always spelling it Hanukkah. This was probably because most of the items you could purchase for the holiday spelled it that way. Then I met and married JL. He had a strong preference for Chanukah. . . so I not only agreed to have a Kosher kitchen for him, but also switched my spelling of the holiday too (just kidding). Do I really care – no not really. In fact I think more non-Jewish people are worried about the spelling than those of  us that celebrate the Festival of Lights.

In additon to posting other website references about the spelling of Hanukkah/Chanukah, the GoodyBlog also had the following You Tube video. Since I thought it was cute I am also going to share it with everyone.

Enjoy and Happy last night of Chanukah to all of my Jewish friends!

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Shofar 101

Thanks to my brain not working I forgot people may not know what a Shofar is (thanks S). Here is the Wikipedia information (with a great photo of one) to give the significance of the item to Rosh Hashana and Yom Kipppur.

Thursday night my grandmother gave NHL this:

It’s a seemingly harmless plastic shofar for kids. Uncle I and Aunt M had given him one in the past. He loves them, but man can it be LOUD and annoying.

Here is a video of NHL using his shofar as JL says the calls that they do when they sound the shofar:

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So that is the beautiful shofar. Next Saturday evening after Yom Kippur there is a service where I believe there will be at least 6 shofars out in all area of our synagogue. They sound together and it’s an amazing experience.

C’est Moi

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Rosh Hashana 2007

L’Shana Tova to all of my Jewish friends.

Thanks to Rosh Hashana I have not blogged. So now that the holiday is over NHL has a message. This message is from my new digital camera that I ordered Wednesday night and came via UPS today. Check it out: 

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For those of you that would like a translation of hyper over-tired 4 year old he’s saying "Shofar! Shofar!" and later tells me "Rosh Hashana"


Oh and in the background is JL yelling "Oh no!" since Mt. JSL exploded at the changing table. The poor monkey must be teething and has WAY too much saliva for his own good. So the video was cut short to go and help JL.

C’est Moi


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