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Aloha Friday #12

Aloha and TGIF everyone!

Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.

 Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

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My question for this week is:

What song did you have your first dance to at your wedding? Was there a special reason for this song? If you are not married yet, what song would you pick and why?

Talk about your random questions, but I needed something not related to school, so please humor me!

JL and I had a tough time coming up with songs to dance to at our wedding. We knew that we would start off the reception with the traditional Horah, but after that it was tough. Decisions had to be made for our first dance and for the one with my father and JL’s mother.  We did not want to use things that were constantly used at the time.

A few months before our wedding my father bought a new CD from the BeeGee’s. He sat us down to listen to a song. The song was Wedding Day and had just been released. JL and I had never heard it before. Once we heard it we fell in love with the song. We knew we wanted this for our wedding day. I called our band to find out if they would be able to do it. It was new to them, but she said with some information they would likely be able to do it.

Our first dance - June 2001

Thanks to my father’s suggestion we had a beautiful song for our wedding day. Here is a video of the BeeGee’s performing this song not long after it was released.


 Have a wonderful weekend!


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Go, Go, Go!!!

What do you do when you have a stubborn toddler that refuses to do what you want when it comes to walking?

For weeks now JSL has been SO ready to walk, but he refused to do it. If you even said the "w" word he would immediately drop to a crawl, give a laugh and bolt away from you. Clearly he was showing us that he would do things on his own timeline, not ours!

Note to self: If this is his true colors coming out, then the teen years are going to be mighty fun!

Over the last week we have noticed that when JSL does not think we are watching he will cruise, let go and take 6+ steps at a time. Over the weekend this increased. Now he is trying to pick things up, turn and stand up in the middle of the floor.

When I went to pick JSL up at my grandmother’s today he came out her apartment door and charged at me on two feet down the hall. It was so sweet to see how excited he got.

So how did we FINALLY get the breakthough? We were quite creative. Rather than asking JSL to "walk" to us we said to come here or used his favorite new demand to us "GO!" We told him to "go, go, go" and he went! 

JL was able to get some video of the little guy charging around and chanting "go go go" tonight. 

It has been so much fun to watch JSL reach this huge milestone. He is quickly getting more balance, but his need for speed often causes him to fall and restart his adventure.


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Introducing Sparky

Did you know that static electricity is quite entertaining?  Seriously, it is!

Sunday we went to a local place to celebrate NHL’s birthday with a friend (think Chuck E Cheese with amusement park rides – inside). At one point NHL decided that he wanted to go on the indoor playground. JL thought it would be fun to follow NHL up and take photos of him inside. I went to watch them come down the big slide.

As JL was flying down at me I noticed something. He had sparks flying out of his pants. Yes, the static electricity was quite evident not only thanks to visible sparks, but also the snapping sound that accompanies it.

The little guy soon wanted to join Daddy and big brother in the fun. This meant that I took over control of the camera. I opted to do a video. When we arrived home we decided to check out the photos and videos. Sure enough, we were able to see and hear the static electricity on JL’s pants!

NHL thought it was hilarious and wanted to see it over and over. "Make Daddy go back up the slide and down!"

Who knew?!   Here is the video so you can witness the wonders of static electricity yourself. 

Later on JL was talking to Laura on the phone and told her about the video. She immediately gave him a new nickname –> Sparky! So please help me to welcome hubby’s new nickname.


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Bowl hats and Boston accents

Apparently the new in way to condition your hair for the toddler set is to use a bowl that previously had pasta with margarine in it. Case in point my little monkey Monday night. You know the same evening he was eating his toes. Here he is all shiny and conditioned. 

If I smile they can not be mad at me

Could you be angry with that face?  I do not think so! Especially if the little guy is sitting there chanting "hat" over and over as he proudly dons his new chapeau.

Soon after this we took away JSL’s new hat and gave him some crackers. Who knew crackers could be so exciting?Check out his reaction here: 

We are still trying to figure out where the Boston accent comes from. Perhaps I should test this and ask him to say "park the car" and see what happens.

Once the crackers were gone, it was time to use the miracles of soap and it’s surfactant quality to rid the grease build up in JSL’s hair from his new beloved hat. After tub time all three of the boys had some fun romping around. 

The boys being boys before bed time

Right before NHL and I went to read more of a Magic Treehouse book we decided to familiarize JSL with a real hat. 

Sporting a real hat

 Wonder what is in here?

So in review:  JSL not only has a thing right now with eating his own feet, he also loves to put anything and everything on his head and scream "hat" at the top of his lungs.

Ah, to be 14 months old and love the simple things in life!


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Wii love balls

As the boys continue to grow I want to capture moments that show them at each stage of their lives. I was able to video a few things recently and want to share.

JSL is quite obsessed with balls. He loves to play catch, to roll them, to toss them, and to look for them. Anything that is round and looks like a ball is therefore a ball in his 13 month old mind. Case in point was Saturday as we were putting groceries away. JL and I bought a mini-watermelon at the store and it was on the ground. JSL found it in the bag and pulled it out onto the floor. He immediately squealed "ball" at the top of his lungs. He kept playing with his watermelon "ball" and was quite happy until he tried to pick it up. He just did not understand why it was so heavyy. I finally went to get the camera and captured some of his antics.

Another popular sport in our house involves the Nintendo Wii. NHL loves to spend time with JL to bond, especially when the Wii is allowed. He enjoys playing bowling, baseball, and golf. He LOVES playing Mario Kart Wii. It is funny listening to him talk about it. He knows all of the Mario characters from my childhood and can tell details about each of the courses and cars in depth. Tonight I thought it was time to get a video of the boys during their almost nightly routine. As you will see NHL sits on his daddy’s lap and they play together. 

I love my boys!


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