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Another febrile seizure anniversary coming

The other day, it hit me. It has been almost a year since JSL’s last febrile seizure on October 29, 2009. I should be optimistic about this milestone, but we have been there and done that before. JSL’s febrile seizure nearly twelve months ago was his fourth. I had three as a child, TechyDad at least two, and NHL only one, so we know all too much about them. Still, I look at my bubbly child and wonder, will there be another?

Happy kiddo

Will we need to go on another ambulance ride to figure out why he has a raging fever and seized? I do not obsess over this, yet it is on my mind a lot right now. It is hard not to when you have seen your child stop breathing four times in less than three years’ time.

The first febrile seizure was when JSL was nine months old in February 2008. That was quite possibly the darkest night of my life. The night that my baby’s lifeless gray body had to have breaths of life blown into him by my mother.

Sleeping peacefully

A four day hospital stay resulted. I wrote about it at the time, and, then a year later, in my post called Memories of THAT night in February. At the time, I celebrated the fact that JSL had gone a year since his one and only febrile seizure. Typically, that is a huge accomplished and means that a child is less likely to have another. Something I have learned, JSL is not a typical little guy. Less than two months later, I would be writing about JSL having his second and third febrile seisures in less than 30 hours.

Tired and sick little guy

Seven months later, while home alone with the boys my worst nightmare happened. While recovering from H1N1, NHL had to help me let paramedics into our house. While changing his diaper, just moments after running around and playing with his brother, JSL had his fourth febrile seizure. To this day we are still not sure what caused that one.

103.3 fever just at ER

Now, I just hope and pray that we can continue to add additional time onto our watch since JSL’s last febrile seizure. I promise not to jump each time the phone rings and it is nursery school, but I think you can probably understand why the underlying fear will remain for years to come.

Now, I am off to give my little guy a great big hug.


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Making time

There seems to be a lack of time recently. Each day starts off with a list of items that needs to be done, but something always comes up. Case in point. Yesterday, I took JSL to nursery school. He was not feeling the best, but was not SICK, if you know what I mean. Just like big brother, when JSL is fighting off a cold his asthma kicks in. This makes him clingy, tired, and off. To make a long story short, I managed to leave the school (literally pulling him off my leg), get around the block, and suddenly I saw a familiar number on my cell phone ID. It was the nursery school director. She had a hysterical JSL in her office.


I went into the school and knew that my son was not really sick. He is fighting off a cold just like half of the kids in his class. His nose was running and he was coughing from non-stop tears. When I arrived, he perked up immediately. The first thought in my head was that this was a mistake. We were letting a three year old think that if he cries and has a fit, I will automoatically appear. I took his temperature and it was 97 (he has a very low normal temperature). After many more tears about leaving, I finally took JSL home. I set him up on the couch to rest, but he did not sleep. He wanted me next to him. So there I sat snuggled up with my little guy. While he watched cartoons, I finished listening to The 19th Wife on my MP3 player. Those articles for Kids Fun Plaza NENY will have to wait for another day. My little guy needed me. As we were walking to school to pick up NHL yesterday, this was JSL.

One exhausted little guy

He fell asleep with a Doodle Pro in his hands while I was walking and talking with another mother. Yes, he was one tired little puppy.

Although there may not be enough time in the day to get my writing done ahead of schedule, have a spotless house, exercise (need to work on that one), and do research on Gifted Education, at least I know I am here and ready to help my boys if/when they need me. Everything will get done, but a time out for snuggles and hugs may be required first.


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Time to stop and think

It has been a rough week around here. Feeling angry and hurt, like the system failed my family, would be understatement of the century. Right now, I am just not ready to explain more than that. I am still trying to figure items out and see if we have any legal recourse to help with part of the situation. The good news is nobody is hurt, things will get better and answers are finally coming our way.

Yesterday, I woke up with a migraine. It was just a sign of the way the day was going. I had not slept too well the night before after reading a bit too much about bedbugs and reports of them all over NYC, including the hotel that will host BlogHer this coming week. Like the thought of lice, bedbugs make me itch and creep me out.

I finally got dressed in the afternoon and decided to take JSL with me. I figured we would walk (read me push him in the stroller) over to Nana and Papa’s house to get out. Plus, it was a chance to have some of their caffeine rich Keurig coffee. We walked there in about 18 minutes (.89 miles) and stayed for a little while. Poor JSL fell running to get a toy and bit his lip and got a bump on his chin. He was super snuggly from that point on.

When it was time to leave, it looked like rain. TechyDad and NHL came to pick us up with the carseat for JSL. Of course, JSL insisted that we walk back with his stroller and not ride. NHL immediately wanted to go. So there I was walking back with both of the boys. It was a nice walk. NHL ran ahead of us and JSL was singing his Wiggles and Winne the Pooh Songs. I had to stop and take a photo

Walk with boys

Here were two of my boys, happy and carefree. For just a few minutes, even my worries were gone and everything was good in our little world. Although it did not last long, I enjoyed it and only wished that TechyDad had been with us. Instead, he stayed behind waiting to leave in case the sky decided to dump rain on us.

Thank you JL. Thank you for always being there for all of us and not being upset when something silly like everyone wanting to walk happens. Next time, let’s make it a family adventure together. 


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Education funding crisis – save our school

When my son left school on his last day of first grade, we assumed he would be back there in September to see his friends, teachers and other members of this amazing school community. This assumption came to a screeching hault on Tuesday afternoon. After a fun filled morning out, I arrived home to a rather disturbing e-mail. Nothing could prepare me for this as I let out a rather frightening scream and tears fell down my face. 

It seems our dear governor had pulled some powerful punches that would pretty much screw our entire school district. Rather than think about the children that this move would hurt, he kept signing off on item after item. Once again our district was being forced to make some rather disturbing decisions which may include closing one or more elementary schools, including ours.

I do believe that fire burst from my eyes as the anger increased. No, I never thought we were 100% safe until my child walked into school in September, but I NEVER expected this on going roller coaster. My son heard me and saw that I was upset. I had to explain in second grader terms that once again we did not know if his school would be opening again. My child asked me why. This was a tough one. I told him that for too many years members of the powers that be have sat back and allowed some businesses to come into our district and take children away from us. I told him that they pretend to be schools, but most of them are not. I promised him that I would do everything in my power to:

Education Crisis


I asked NHL to go into the other room and play with JSL. I had some important phone calls to make. I started with the mayor and moved on down my list of community politicians. I left messages, talked with some people and then called a representative of our school district. I wanted to know what a concerned parent/citizen could do to wake up our community. Enough is enough! The truth needs to be heard and people need to stand together to stop the insanity. If we do not do this, not only will my son’s school be on the chopping block, but our entire public school system could be in danger. Our community needs to be the example to other parts of our state and I dare say the country. We need to get the right people to hear us and see how these money hungry businesses that are dressing up as educators are killing public schools across the nation.


Previous posts about the battle to save our school:

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Burst water pipe blues

Monday morning, I was feeling rather ambitious. I was moving out the clothing that NHL had outgrown, switching out JSL’s fall items for summer and heading down to the basement for laundry/get the next size items for summer. Minutes later, things in my little world were changing. To give you a sense, this was how I felt this morning:

Eeyore kind of day coffee

Thank you Keurig machine at Mom and Dad’s house. You are definitely my hero today! Now, back to yesterday.

When I went downstairs, I saw water on the ground. Let me rephrase that, I saw a lot of  water! Over 3/4 of the basement floor was wet. It was not deep, but I could hear water rushing. This was not in the usual spot. I immediately screamed for TechyDad to come. Much to our horror we quickly found the culprit. There was geyser of water from a pipe in the back corner of the basement.

I was freaked out and knew it was not good. I called my father and he had someone come over to help us try to stop the flow. Nada – so we called the city. They were at the house in about an hour. By this time, I was already gone. I took NHL to school and went to my parents house since we had no running water.

They eventually came and told TechyDad that it was a pipe running to our main service line and we would likely need to replace that entire line. My heart sank when I heard this. This would be beyond expensive and require a huge section of our yard to be dug up.

To make a long story short, two people came to look. The first plumber I called said they would be there in 2-3 hours. Then, my father mentioned another person to call. He was there in 20 minutes. He gave us a price. I had to get back to him after I heard from our insurance company to see if anything would be covered. Nada on that (mixed feelings after the roof fiasco just a month ago). I told him that we had another plumber coming and not to be insulted. The other plumber came and gave us a better price. The catch – they could not do the work until Thursday at the earliest and he told us we could not wait. So we went ahead, signed a contract with the first person. That check hurt to write.

The saga continued. When they turned the main water off, the water kept flowing. Yes, the river in my basement was still going and going to the drain on the other end. TechyDad went to clean up some with the wet/dry vac and saw more of a mess. As he was sucking water up, more was coming. He called the water department again. Different stories were given, the potential for our bill was getting larger by the minute. I was in tears hearing the story over the phone. Lucky for us, the two men went into the basement and they found something. There was a covered sewer pipe right next to problem pipe. Thanks to TechyDad cleaning that area, they were able to see it and removed the spot and it shot right down there

Below is a view of the leaking pipe area this morning. Looks SO much better than yesterday, but who knows what will happen today as the work progresses.

The culprit - 24 hours later

Fast forward to this morning. After 2 hours of sleep, I took JSL to the doctor and then went to our house. The power company, telephone company and numerous other had come to check in so they would know where it was safe to dig. There were several large vehicles parked outside our house. Before I knew it, this was the scene:

The mess at our house

I left the house since it was raining and was told they would call if anything was needed. Now, I wait and see. With any luck, they will be able to fix it and restore the water. The box outside may also need to be replaced will will add a significant amount of additional spending on this project.

On that note, I am off to rest while waiting to hopefully hear some good news about the dig site in my front yard. Once again, I wish that dull moment would come soon.


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