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Must leave the house

December 24,  that was the last time I left the house. On that day I went to my parent’s house. My father had the day off and said to bring the kids there to play so I could rest. I had a headache from a cold and major head congestion. I sat around, knitted, and tried to nap.

P1000857When TechyDad was on his way home, I asked if I could go and meet him to do a quick run to the store. I picked TechyDad up and we went to Price Chopper and the pharmacy for a few items. As we were making our rounds to get essentials (on Christmas Eve) I started to ache. I knew it was not going to be good.

We picked up the boys and went home. I took my temperature and realized I had been “blessed” with a fever. To bed I went. I honestly do not remember a lot from Saturday and Sunday. Since I felt so awful, TechyDad picked up Chinese food for our traditional Jewish Christmas dinner. Sunday I slept most of the day in extreme pain. My sinuses were killing me thanks to the storm coming into the area.

P1000872Monday, the storm hit and we were trapped in the house. I made a strategic error and shoveled when I was still recovering from my illness. Tuesday was a pajama day. I did not want to make another error and opted to just stay in PJs with the boys and play the day away. Check that, I also did some article writing that had been put to the side when I was so sick.

Yesterday, the mountains of laundry started to attack me. Seriously! It had to get done, so the boys and I spent another day in the house. Today it is supposed to get to the 40s – a heat wave in these parts for late December. With any luck I hope to take the boys out to lunch or do something fun. I seriously do not want to spend another day stuck here playing Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, computers, and the like (see photos above).

So what do you like to do after being stuck at home for a while and finally getting out?

Now to figure out what to do with the kids. It honestly does not matter much. I think we just need to move out of the house and seek out an adventure – even if it is the mall.


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A serious note to my readers

Time for a serious blog post. For the last several months, TechyDad and I have been rather quiet about something that has been going on behind the scenes. What started with an innocent Tweet back to someone we didn’t know has now escalated into much much more. I am sitting here shaking because I am so upset over this entire thing.

An individual believes that we are someone else, someone she knows. Thanks to this, she will not leave us alone. We have blocked her on Twitter and gone to other precautions to safeguard our family.

I can not go into a lot of specifics, but I wanted to let my readers, PR professionals, and companies that I have worked with know what is going on in general terms. Why now? Well, this individual has been threatening to contact you. Via blog contact forms and comments, along with other tactics, she has stated numerous times that she will be notifying you of our so-called "lying ways to get free items."

TechyDad and I have worked long and hard to build trusting relationships with everyone on our blogs and beyond. We hope that you will work with us while we try to get this matter taken care of.

Thank you for your support.


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Oh no, here comes the snow!

Living in New York state, the autumn weather can be rather unpredictable at best. Some days, you can wear a sweatshirt outside, while other days you need a winter coat along with hats and gloves. This morning, they mentioned that a winter storm over the Atlantic was backing westward into our area. They said nothing would really happen here aside from a few flurries. May I show you what it looks like outside my house right now:

Life in the north

Yes, that is snow sticking to the ground. In addition to that, ice pellets came down for a while and have left a nice slick layer. Ah, life in northwestern New York. So today I plan on staying inside, getting laundry done, and taking care of the boys who are both home. While they play nicely, I will also do a little stress knitting.

Getting ready for the cold

This is my current project., a scarf for ME (imagine that) to keep myself warm in the cold months ahead.

How are you all doing today?

Update: Two to three hours later it looks like this outside of my house:

Snow update


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Trying to forget and live in the moment

Stress. It is something that has been invading my life a lot in recent weeks. Rather than talk about it today, I am off to enjoy a day playing Candy Land and running in the sun with my little guy.

Learning and Playing

For a few minutes, I will try to forget about:

  • Hysterics from the 3 year old at nursery school drop off
  • Negative e-mails/calls from many sources
  • Failure of our education system to assist gifted students
  • Inability to control schedules of all kinds

I know that is very vague, but a snap shot of several big items that have constantly been on my mind. Once again, I fully admit that being an adult is very, very, very overrated.


As I head off, I must remind myself of one very important item. I am not failing as a parent. The system is failing most children. I am the best advocate for my children and will never give up in my fight for their rights.


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