Category Archives travel

Smartphone Charging Solution

As a blogger who just finally entered the world of Smartphone ownership, I knew that keeping my phone charged when out and about would be critical. I have often seen other bloggers at events running around to find an outlet to plug in their phone. With Disney Social Media Moms Celebrations, TechyDad and I  knew that we would challenge our phones. The reality is that Violet, my Droid Bionic, does not keep her battery charged for a full day at home. I knew that I would be doomed at Walt Disney World.

Thanks to TechyDad doing a lot of research we finally ordered two Anker Astro 5600mAh Backup External Battery Packs and Chargers from Amazon. They arrived shortly before our trip. This gave us time to see how many times we could use them with our Bionics before we had to recharge the main unit. Here is a photo of Violet sitting on the passenger seat of my car charging while picking the kids up at school.

Charging Violet on the go

We quickly found out that we could get two recharges from about 15% to fully charged. What I liked was I could use the phone during the conference as it was gaining strength, it could go into my purse and gain power while waiting on lines. This is Violet on the table while waiting to hear author Ridley Pearson speak.

Charging Violet at DisneySMMoms

In a typical day, I do not have the photo opportunities that we saw in Disney World. While TechyDad had his regular camera with us, I was often busy snapping shots with my phone to send to Twitter and Facebook via Instagram. If my phone was not charged, I never would have captured these amazing memories and others.

Magical Memories captured on my phone

The things we will do for our Techy Toys! All I can say is thank you, TechyDad, for finding this must have to keep my phone alive.

It's Me

Disclosure: Although we paid for our own trip to Disney World to attend the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration, we were given an incredible deal from Disney. Also note that Disney never asked us to blog about this event. As a long time Disney fan, it is my pleasure to share my experiences from the event. We purchased the Anker Astro with our own money and wanted to share how it helped us while traveling.One Amazon affiliate link for the Anker Charger is included in this post. I will receive a percentage of money for the sale should you opt to buy this item.

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Our Disney World Family Tradition

Dear NHL and JSL,

Coming back home from a magical week at Disney World has been a tough transition for all of us. Now, we can sit down and look at all of the moments that we captured from this latest adventure to Orlando. There was the pirate party, dancing in DinoLand late at night, and checking out the Art of Animation Resort. Once the conference was over, we had some extra days to roam the four parks together.

Magical Brother Moments

Even a simple moment like the two of you sitting together on a Disney bus while going to a new destination melted my heart. Just three years ago, you were so little when we took you to Disney World for your first visit. Now, the two of you could lead us around the parks and tell us where you wanted to go.

What I loved was the two of you humored us to keep a tradition alive. On our last day at Disney World, we have always worn matching shirts. Both of you agreed to do this again. The best part was wearing them while two special friends before our trip was over:

Time with some famous mice

Sure the heat may have gotten to all of us from time to time, but the amazing moments together is something we will always remember. For now, we will look back at these and hope to start planning another trip back one day soon.



Disclosure: Although we paid for our own trip to Disney World to attend the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration, we were given an incredible deal from Disney. Also note that Disney never asked us to blog about this event. As a long time Disney fan, it is my pleasure to share my experiences from the event.

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Fantasmic Memories

Adventures to Walt Disney World continue to change as the boys get older. Each year, they grow bigger and taller for new rides. In addition to this, they get more adventurous and can stay up later.

For years, we would skip a lot of the late evening shows, parades, and fireworks since the boys were tired.


During this trip, we experienced a first together. We finally got to see Fantasmic at Hollywood Studios.  TechyDad and I missed it on our honeymoon because I had sun poisoning the night it was playing.

The timing was right and we got to Hollywood Studios later in the day. We did a few things, had a quick dinner, then walked to get on line. The time in the beautiful arena went quickly. The kids were nervous,  but that changed.


We all loved this magical first viewing of Fantasmic and there will be many more items to share soon.

What moments have you shared with your family at Walt Disney World that were special to your family and why?

    It's Me

Disclosure: Although we paid for our own trip to Disney World to attend the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration, we were given an incredible deal from Disney. Also note that Disney never asked us to blog about this event. As a long time Disney fan, it is my pleasure to share my experiences from the event.

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Moving to Disney World

Dreams, we all have them. Sometimes, we may not even realize they exist until you have an opportunity in front of you. I seem to be living this. First, it was walking in Norway at Epcot with this amazing man:


That is the head Kingdom Keeper – Ridley Pearson showing some of us places that inspired parts of his book series that I have written about before.

Then, when walking back to Yacht Club alone, this view made me know that I was on my way home.


Yes, I feel so comfortable at Walt Disney World that it is my home when I am lucky enough to be there. I can visualize the memories that we will have with our family for a lifetime and I know they will be magical.


We will forever remember these times that we enjoyed together.

    It's Me

Disclosure: Although we paid for our own trip to Disney World to attend the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration, we were given an incredible deal from Disney. Also note that Disney never asked us to blog about this event. As a long time Disney fan, it is my pleasure to share my experiences from the event.

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A Trip to Remember

Dear NHL and JSL,

Watching the two of you at Walt Disney World has been amazing. On Thursday, I spent some time roaming Epcot with NHL alone and that was a first.

While Daddy and I were at the conference on Friday, you spent most of the day at Hollywood Studios. My heart skipped a beat from the joy when Papa sent me this photo:


I can only imagine how the rest of the photos from the day went. So many other things to share from our magical time, but those will be later. Now it is time to savor these moments together.


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