Category Archives teething

Weekend Review (11/16 – 11/18)

It is hard to believe that the weekend before Thanksgiving is already over. Time just keeps flying past me and I need to remember to stop and enjoy it while the boys are still little.

Friday night we were all exhausted from a busy week post visit to Uncle I, Aunt M and SG. JL and I actually went to bed at 9:00 to warm up and watch television. We fell asleep quickly and were rudely woken up my JSL at about 11:00. He was hysterical. JL rocking him did not work. I nursed him and he was not too thrilled with that. Each time JL would get him to sleep and get him into his crib he would wake up. His head would shoot up and he would start  bitch -er chatting loudly. We were afraid he would wake NHL up. Fast forward numerous attempts to when we tried to get him to sleep in our bed. HA! The little monster would pop his head up, scootch over to me, pull up to my face on the pillow and LAUGH! I kid you not this is what my 6 month old did. After a second nursing attempt JL was finally able to get him to sleep and put him into his crib at about 2 in the morning.

Of course NHL was up at 6:30 and woke his little brother up. JL and I were walking and talking zombies. My parents offered to have us go to their house for lunch. They said they would watch the boys so we could nap (never happened). Thanks to little sleep two nights in a row we canceled going out to dinner with friends.

PJ status remained until close to 11:00 when we finally moved our rears to go to the library. My copy of Deceptively Delicious was waiting for me there. We wanted to check it out to see if we wanted to purchase a copy (we did). Before getting dressed JL read to the boys. Here are some photos of this boy bonding time.

Everyone concentrating on the book:

 Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Notice who was flirting with mommy and the camera:

 Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

After the library we went to Nana and Papa’s house. Here they had a fun new toy for NHL to use with the cars at  their house. Here is NHL setting up some cars:

 Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Ready to race the cars again: 

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Lunch was really yummy (and nutritious too). Our friends actually stopped by and we chatted with them for quite some time before they left to shop. At about 4:30 we left and went to the grocery store. We got lots of things and were home at about 6:00 when we had to figure out dinner. Thankfully the boys slept nicely the rest of the evening.

Sunday morning we took the boys to the craft and story time at temple. This month was all about Chanukah since it starts December 4th. Here is NHL with his craft (the candles come off and on to "light" ):

 Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

After this we ran a bunch of errands (lunch, Kohls, Target, BJ’s) and then went home to make pumpkin pancakes with a secret ingredient!

JSL had a rough evening thanks to teething and still refuses to eat solid food – *sigh*  He will tolerate Cheerios and the Gerber sweet potato puffs, but cries and clamps his mouth shut to rice cereal, oatmeal and even butternut squash. I am calling it quits for a little while. A nice plus is yesterday JSL finally figured out how to nurse without the shield and is very happy. So my poor body will now have issues after 6 months that new mommies go through.  All I can say is I will cope and thank goodness for teething tablets.


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2 tooth smile

On Monday JSL’s teeth finally cut. I tried to get photos, but they were barely out. Plus  he did not like me prying attempting to  open his mouth and using the flashy thing.

Not to worry we found a solution!!!!!

Funny daddy made JSL laugh and I grabbed my camera and got some shots. Here are the ultra sharp pointy new teeth in JSL’s mouth as we were heading out into the cold today:


As you can see he did NOT liike when the hat went on:


*sigh*    My baby is growing up way too quickly.

C’est Moi

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Weekend Review (10/21 – 10/22)

The weekend was a whirlwind of errands and things all packed into one. Justing thinking about it makes my head hurt. . . oh wait I already had this stupid headache!

Saturday morning NHL received a phone call from Nana and Papa. They wanted to know if he would like to go with them to breakfast and out. So we quickly got him ready to head out with them. Then a little while later they all called to see if we wanted to head to the new Lowes with them. We said sure. When we got there NHL was so excited to go in. He had watched the building get knocked down and the new one slowly go up and was thrilled to see the final product. When we walked in my father knew to ask for a coupon. If you asked they had buy $25 get $10 off coupons. So we took one. I needed a new extended snow brush for my van and we also bought the new energy saving fan bulbs for our dining room. Now we’re investigating new insulation for the attic to try to help prevent the monster ice damns that form. So we used the coupon and the snow brush was free!

After that we were going to head to Sams. Then my father pulled his car over and asked if we wanted to stop at Toys R Us. He explained that he had heard on the radio the day before that they were having a special sale on all Fisher Price Sesame Street items (50% on them except the TMX line). We arrived before they opened and within 5 minutes they opened the door. We bought a bunch of things for Chanukah gifts for cousins and a few items to put away for future baby gifts. Then we went to Sams and NHL loves snacking there on all of the samples. Then it was time to head to Target to turn in NHL’s antibiotic medicine chart for a prize (LOVE Target pharmacy).

Once we were done with this we went our separate way from my parents. We went home to do lunch. JL decided to make applesauce in the crock pot. Once it was set and on we went to Michaels to buy some items for NHL to have for The Wiggles concert. He bought a rose for Dorothy the Dinosaur and bought things to make a bone for Wags the dog (photo of this to come later). Then it was back home to eat and then we went to the grocery store.

Sunday we got up and went to our Shul for a Story time and craft hour that is for 3-5 year olds. This was the first time we went. Noah really seemed to enjoy it. There were only 5-6 kids there (we’re told there are usually 12-14). They read the kids Five Little Gefiltes. The book was hilarious! Then it was time to do the craft. They had big plates, glue, and all different types of beans for the kids to make mosaics. Some kids made Star of Davids and others made their own things.

After this we had to do to Verizon Wireless to get our phone fixed. My parents met us there and we all got new phones ($150 ones for FREE x 4) and added my mother onto the plan. We were there FOREVER. We left there called my friend L to confirm plans to meet at the park for the boys to get energy out. We went back home had lunch and I tossed laundry in (I found all of NHL’s old 6-9 month clothing to wash and get ready). At 3:15 we went to the park to meet L and IA to play. The boys had a blast. Here are some of the 100+ photos that JL took while we were there (he was in his glory getting some autumn shots).

NHL going down the slide: 

NHL slide time

I LOVE this shot of NHL having fun crunching the leaves. It’s a great photo representing the fun in fall.

 Fall time in the park - NHL crunches leaves

NHL and IA on the train. This was one of the few times they stood still long enough for a photo with both of them in it.

 NHL & IA on the train 2

Both boys on the slide together:

 NHL & IA sliding 2

Most of the time NHL was running after IA. Here’s a shot of what it was like!

 NHL chasing after IA

NHL on the swings being a goofballs:

 The face says it all

JL decided to help both boys on the swing, so I took over on camera detail. Note that both boys were chatting with each other at one point.

 NHL & IA talk as they swing

Soon after this IA was chanting "Higher! Faster!" to JL. You will see he was in heaven since we saw his feet most of the time.

 WHEEE - IA goes higher per request

During this time JSL was in his stroller enjoying the almost 80 degree day. He was taking in the sites.

 JSL hanging out in the stroller

Next it was time to break out the soccer net and ball. Here are a few shots of how the boys played soccer.

 Soccer time

 Novel concept - kicking the ball!

 NHL saves the ball, but IA was scored

 Note what the boys were more interested in


You can just hear the leaves crunching:

 Can you just hear the crunching leaves?

Here’s an amazing macro shot by JL: 

Macro of the leaves

The boys on top of the climbing wall:

 NHL & IA on top together

My cool dude!

 Hey cool dude!

JSL so fascinated with his big brother:

 JSL is SO fascinated with NHL

Before leaving the boys were fooling around and they fell onto the ground. IA was on the bottom and clocked his head on the ground pretty bad. Luckily he seemed to be fine, aside from biting his lips.

From here we picked up my grandmother and went to dinner at my parents house. I now LOVE tilapia since it is SO low in points (Weight Watchers that is). I programed my father’s new phone, JL uploaded their photos to WinkFlash and we had a nice meal. JSL started crying hysterically at 7:00. Nothing stopped him. The poor kiddo was teething. As I posted before this those suckers on the bottom broke through Monday.

Well, that’s basically the weekend. I best be off to get ready. We are going to see The Wiggles tonight and have front row seats. I need to gather supplies for JSL to have at Nana and Papa’s house

C’est Moi

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Houston we have toothage!

JSL  had another milestone. Not only can he roll all over the place, sit up for a little while, and try to pull up to stand . . . . his two bottom teeth are cutting through.

The poor little guy is so easy going, but has been super clingy thanks to the pressure in his mouth. The last two weeks you could feel the tooth buds pushing their way up. The white shadow was there. Over the last 3-5 days you could really feel a hard ridge at the top of the gum line.

Last night he cried himself to sleep nursing since he hurt so bad (tried teething tablets and almost got Tylenol). This morning I stuck my hand in and sure enough feel little sharp spots starting out of the gums.

So much for those all gummy smiles soon. Time to really be good and brush his gums/teeth at night now.

C’est Moi

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Sleep for the sick and teething

The last few days both boys have been fighting sleep. They don’t want to nap and are restless when they finally go to sleep. Yesterday was particularly bad for JSL. Thanks to teething (I can feel those suckers on the front bottom under the gums) he’s miserable. He wants to nurse often since he can’t nurse long thanks to the pressure and he wants to be held. He didn’t want to sleep. In order to help NHL with something I had to put him in his crib with heavy eyelids. So I put him in and he flipped to his back. I left him like that and put on the noise machine with waves. Here is the end result after a little while.

 Tired JSL fell asleep listening to waves


He finally rests for a short time

Today NHL was a basket case. He’s been cooped up in the house since Saturday night, except for a quick trip to the doctor on Wednesday (same here except for 3 other mini-trips to get things at the store or NHL’s new school). He would not listen to me and refused to sleep. After much crying he fell asleep in his bed, had a nightmare and then I carried him to the couch in the living room. Here’s how he is right now:

 Poor NHL was SO tired he didn't want to sleep


NHL sleeps after a week home sick

Hopefully something will happen with JSL’s teeth to ease his pain. Mind you I am not looking forward to chompers when nursing, but he’s so miserable. And we’re hoping that NHL can get rid of this fever. The antibiotic seems to be helping his wheezing (along with the other medication he’s taking), but who knows about the ears since he still has a fever. I just know it’s doing a number on his GI system.

C’est Moi

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