Category Archives TechyDad

Christmas Day Fail Whale

As I was sitting in bed trying to make the best of being sick, Twitter crashed. It went out of service for quite time time. Of course, most people immediately went to other Social Media areas. While in one of those locations Kelby, TypaAMom, mentioned that she wished the Fail Whale was a little more festive. I immediately went to Picnik and had some holiday fun. I wanted to at least make her smile.

This is the Festive Fail Whale that I made with Kelby’s inspiration:

Original Christmas Fail Whale

Of course, TechyDad added that it would be fun to change some of the Twitter birds to dreidels, so here is what I came up with just for him.

Christmas Fail Whale

Now we can just hope that the Fail Whale behaves as we head into the New Year. As fun as holiday inspired themes are, I would prefer not to make another.


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2010 Holiday Cards

TechyDad and I decided years ago that we were going to send out New Years cards to our family and friends. This covers Chanukah, Christmas, and everything else for pretty much everyone that we know.

Of course, there is another perk with this. When we are slower getting the cards made, they are not late . . . win-win for everyone! This year we had a photo shoot with the boys in their Toy Story pajamas. NHL wanted to wear the Woody ones and JSL selected his Buzz Lightyear. Here is our holiday card for everyone:

2011 Internet Holiday Card

So my question to you this week:

Do you send out Holiday/New Years cards to family and friends? If you do where do get them from?  (Ours were purchased from Winkflash)

Please be sure to stop by and enter my Family Taco Night giveaway and also check out TechyDad’s WikiReader giveaway.



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the linky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An<br<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

/><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

Island<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />


Aloha #131

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Day out with Nana and NHL

Nana and NHL both had the day off on Wednesday. We all brought JSL to nursery school and then made the most of our four hours together. First stop was to have Nana pick out some yarn. I told her that I would make a scarf. I think my mother was a bit overwhelmed with all of the different options. In the end she picked out some Lion Brand Homespun in Baroque.

Ready to knit

I have to admit, I was pretty excited she wanted to try the Homespun. I was really intrigued with it and had never bought any. Not entirely sure I love working with it because of the way it bunches up when you have tension in your knitting, but I am figuring it out as I add knit away.

After this we went to the mall. Nana asked NHL where he wanted to have lunch and he requested Pizza Uno. NHL was really hungry and did not understand that we had to wander around for an hour until they opened for business. We went to a few places looking for the Keurig Apple Cider K-Cups that TechyDad wants to try. Nothing was found. After checking out a few stores, it was finally 11:00.

NHL knew exactly what he wanted on the menu. My mother and I decided to do the pizza and soup lunch special. Check out the soups that we tried. They were absolutely amazing.

Some soup at Pizza Uno

Fighting off a cold, I was definitely more interested in these than the pizza. Speaking of the pizza check out the photo my camera took.

Farmers Market pizza - take 1

I am in LOVE with the new camera. TechyDad picked out a great one. The food photo setting does a phenomenal job! No really here’s another view of the pizza!

Farmers market pizza - take 2

So I’m curious, do you take photos of your food?

I think TechyDad started to do it while at Disney World after seeing AJ’s blog all about Disney food. After a bit, I caught the food photo bug since AJ inspired us. At Disney you don’t get a lot of looks from people when you are snapping away photos. Around here, people look and sometimes question. I just reply that I am a blogger and often write about food out. The end!

On that note I am off to nurse a cold that has blossomed over night. The little guy and I were both up a lot. Oh and TechyDad, enjoy the pizza for lunch!


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The joys of a camera that works

Just after JSL was born, I decided that I wanted to get a small digital camera that I could easily transport with me while out and about with the kids. As an early birthday present, TechyDad bought me a Canon PowerShot A570. I have written about my adventures with this camera before, including here and here. To make a long story short, the camera stopped being able to recognize fully charged batteries in less than a year. Many web sites show reviews and similar complaints from other people, but Canon would not acknowledge it. A local camera store gave me a fix that worked for a short time.

My New CameraOnce again, my camera stopped working and was never charged even with new batteries in it. I was frustrated and upset. The timing was perfect with Chanukah and my birthday this week, so I asked to get a new digital camera. TechyDad and I finally narrowed it down to Panasonic DMC-FH20. Unfortunately, each time a Canon was suggested I could not think about it after my recent experience. Sad, since I know Canon cameras are good. TechyDad’s digital imaging friends said the Panasonic was great.

On Friday, my camera arrived and I have not looked back. Although I am still getting used to the menu options and settings, I am in love. My little red powerhouse (seen above in a bad photo taken by my cell phone) takes amazing shots and is easy to toss right into my purse for on the go moments. Below are a few photos from the weekend via my new camera.


The boys sat and were cooperative letting me take photos of their new Agent P pajamas that they picked out for Chanukah.


TechyDad trying to figure out his new camera. I can’t wait for him to share the photos from his DSLR, they are unreal!


Front and back of the new Mickey and Minnie pieces that my parents gave us for Chanukah. Later I will share some of the macro shots of these, they were pretty amazing for a tiny point-and-shoot camera.


The boys concentrating on their games. Note the dimples on both of them! Please excuse the hat hair. All three of the boys had just gotten their hair cut and it was being a bit defiant.


A macro shot of my Chanukah earrings. TechyDad and I were both using them to test our cameras last night. It only took us a few minutes to realize what the Hebrew on them said (we then realized we both need sleep).


While knitting a little, I had to pull out my camera. I have not been able to get a decent photo of the yarn I am currently using. I think this did it. You can see the swirls of purples and other colors within it. Now I just need to finish the scarf so I can use it.

Just thought I would share a few items from the weekend via my new handy dandy Panasonic camera that TechyDad and my parents bought for me. Thank you again everyone, I love it!


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A serious note to my readers

Time for a serious blog post. For the last several months, TechyDad and I have been rather quiet about something that has been going on behind the scenes. What started with an innocent Tweet back to someone we didn’t know has now escalated into much much more. I am sitting here shaking because I am so upset over this entire thing.

An individual believes that we are someone else, someone she knows. Thanks to this, she will not leave us alone. We have blocked her on Twitter and gone to other precautions to safeguard our family.

I can not go into a lot of specifics, but I wanted to let my readers, PR professionals, and companies that I have worked with know what is going on in general terms. Why now? Well, this individual has been threatening to contact you. Via blog contact forms and comments, along with other tactics, she has stated numerous times that she will be notifying you of our so-called "lying ways to get free items."

TechyDad and I have worked long and hard to build trusting relationships with everyone on our blogs and beyond. We hope that you will work with us while we try to get this matter taken care of.

Thank you for your support.


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