A few weeks back
Here it goes:
Accent: I do not really have one, although people from the south or other countries may disagree.
Breakfast or no breakfast: Must have something for breakfast or else . . . *evil grin*
Chore I don’t care for: Hate cleaning the bathroom. JL is really sweet and will typically take care of the shower/tub and from time to time I will help with the toilet.
Dog or Cat: ACHOO! If I was not allergic to most dogs, dogs would be my choice. Definitely a bird person.
Essential Electronics: Digital camera, MP3 player, laptop, cell phone and battery recharger.
Favorite Cologne: None – makes me sneeze!
Gold or Silver: White gold
Handbag I carry most often: Usually I have our diaper bag (LL Bean little backpack) and a small purse.
Insomnia: My motto is a Barenaked Ladies song "Who needs sleep?"
Job Title: SAHM, teacher on hiatus right now.
Kids: 2, unless you count hubby (LOL)
Living Arrangements: House with my two little boys and husband.
Most Admirable Trait: Good at planning out and following through on projects (unless they involve cleaning).
Naughtiest Childhood Behavior: Had fun taunting my little brother. That only lasted until he was taller than me and took up wrestling at school.
Overnight hospital stays: UTI when pregnant with NHL, birth of both boys, and stayed with JSL while he was in the hospital four nights in February.
Phobias: Not a bug person, but nothing that I would really classify as a phobia really.
Quote: “TBSS!" (typically said to JL) or "I so need to blog this!"
Reason to smile: My family – I love my three boys!
Siblings: 1 younger and much taller brother
Time I wake up: Trick question – it depends on which kiddo wakes up before the alarm. When school starts we will have to be up by 6:00.
Unusual Talent or Skill: Can not really think of anything. Hmmm. . . .
Vegetable I Refuse to Eat: Cooked peas
Worst Habit: I look into things way too much and always wonder "what if"
X-rays: Lots of dental x-rays, chest for bronchitis/pneumonia, and wrist after being hit by a car.
Yummy Stuff: Chocolate chip cookie dough – YUM!
Zoo Animal I Like Most: Giraffe or polar bear
Want to do it too? Copy and paste it here! Be sure to let me know so I can check it out as well!