Category Archives summer

Summer Reading Disney Style – Catch Me There

P1030490This summer, the boys and I are participating in a reading program at the local library. Thanks to this, NHL has been highly motivated to read books. What’s even better, he likes and is intrigued with chapter books. This has not always been the case.

In the past, I bought him books like the Phineas and Ferb one seen here, but he was too upset about the concept of chapter books.

It has been exciting to watch NHL devour different series of books over the last few weeks. I love seeing the excitement in his eyes as he announces he has finished another chapter.

My last Disney Driven Life post was Summer Reading With Disney. I wrote about NHL’s fears about chapter books, things we tried, and shared some great resources from Disney. Did you know that they have a website where you can search for titles based on age of child, categories of books, and featured characters. They do and you can read about it on my post.

Please stop by to say hello and check out the other magical posts from my Disney Drive Life friends. My other posts there can be found under NDM183 – that’s me!

Before I go, I wanted to share a fun video that I love featuring Phineas, Ferb, and Regis Philbin. Yes, THE Regis Philbin sings a Phineas and Ferb song. Oh and Neil Patrick Harris also has a small part in it.


Are you Phineas and Ferb fans? Let me know if you have a favorite character on the show.


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More Summer Sleep Needed

Dear NHL and JSL,

We need to talk. The summer is here and the sun is out a lot later. Daddy and I would love to let you stay up to enjoy the extra hours of daylight.

There is a problem though. Although you will go to sleep at night and typically stay asleep…you wake up WAY too early the next morning.

Sleeping While AwayNo matter when you go to sleep at night, you are both up almost as soon as the sun comes up. NHL, we can almost count on you being up before the alarm clock goes off at 6:00 each morning. Daddy needs to get up for work, but you are really allowed to sleep to 7, even 8 if you would. JSL may sleep a little later, but not by a lot. Most mornings you are up by 7.

Lack of naps, lots going on, and less sleep is starting to show up with behaviors that are not so nice. So let’s make a deal. If we let you stay up later to play at night with Daddy and enjoy the extra hours of sun, you will try to sleep in. Ok?!




If you want to participate in Dear Kid Saturday, head on over to Cutest Kid Ever by clicking on the button below.

Dear<br<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
/><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Kid<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

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Learning About Niagara Falls

When NHL heard that we were going to visit my brother and his family, he was excited to hear that we were thinking about going to see Niagara Falls. Although he had been to the Canadian side of the falls years ago, he had no memory of this.


As the trip got closer NHL kept asking questions and telling us things about Niagara Falls. You see, at NHL’s new school, they learned about the falls. My son was like an encyclopedia of knowledge telling us one thing after another.

As we were driving toward Niagara State Park, he asked if the water we saw was the Niagara River. He was fascinated with the water under the bridge. Then, as we walked into the park, he noted how quickly the water was flowing.

Raging Niagara River

First, we looked at the American Falls and he was blown away with the beauty, just standing there and taking it all in.

In Awe of the Falls

Of course, NHL was really interested in the Maid of the Mist boats across the water. We promised him that another time we would take him on this.

American Falls

Then, it was time to head over to see the Horseshoe Falls. These really had NHL’s attention. He thought it was funny getting cold water misted by the water.

Horseshoe Falls

He also liked the view of the Skylon Tower. Yes, this was another item he had learned about in school. It made him so happy when TechyDad mentioned taking a photo of him with the Skylon in back. Here he is posing with Cousin SG.

Fascinated With The Skylon Tower

Have you ever been amazed by something your child has learned at school? I would love to know.

Summer memories and learning are something I recall from my childhood. I hope to continue this tradition and Niagara Falls was just the start.


Other recent posts about Niagara Falls:

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Cherries On My Mind

Tuesday Tales will be on hiatus today. Right now, I have cherries on my brain. You see, we went cherry picking with my brother and his family and there were a lot of cherries to pick from.

Here are a few photos I shared via my cell phone while we were out in the amazing cherry wonderland.

 Lots and lots of cherries

We all had a really great time at Kappus Farms. The tractor ride to the sweet cherries was an extra perk for the kids. All of the cousins picked countless cherries and added them to our two large buckets of fruit.

 Cherry picking fun

When all was said and done those buckets seen at the top held 45.2 pounds of cherries. Yes, we have a lot of cherries that we will be sharing with others, eating, and possibly even baking with.

Have you ever gone cherry picking? If you have any good cherry recipes to share, please let us know.

Oh and if you were wondering, this was a new cherry picking record. Three years ago, we picked 22 pounds, last year 33 pounds. Hmmm… does that mean next year will be 55+ pounds?! I guess we will have to wait and see.


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