Category Archives stupidity

Google sued for crimes against humanity

Frivolous lawsuit – ya think?!    Oh just wait until you read the ridiculous details of this. It’s unreal what we allow to tie up the courts in this country. This was filed September 18.

Here’s the full article. Now some quotes about it:

If you think you’ve seen bizarre lawsuits before, check this one out. Pennsylvania resident Dylan Stephen Jayne is suing Google for crimes against humanity and is asking the court for $5 billion in damages. The charge: his social security number, when turned upside down and scrambled spells Google.

A copy of the complaint is below. And even though it is handwritten, it’s a real lawsuit. The original can be found at Justia here.  

Dylan lodged eight filings with the court, including an accusation that the Philadelphia 76ers play a key role in the code to unscramble his social security number to spell Google.

I don’t think Google will have a lot to worry about with this case, but it does make you wonder why mental health services aren’t more readily available in the United States.

Read this PDF file (page 18) where he shows how his Social Security number was stolen by the Philadelphia 76ers and Google. It’s too sad really. In addition to this note the elementary handwriting and horrid spelling errors.

*shaking head*

C’est Moi

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Walmart in Hot Water

My friend L just IM’d me the following website about a mother who had a Wawlmart security guard try to take her baby from her. Apparently a code Adam was called and they didn’t follow protocol. Rather than lock down the store they went to this innocent woman and traumatized her and tried to take her child. Here are links to articles about it:

Stacy’s Blog about the incident

The Consumerist details about the events

It really got JL and I thinking. How do you prove an infant is yours? Clearly this child was clinging to the mother in horror, but they don’t have ID for the child. So what do you do? There is project Safe Child all over the country. The problem with these ID cards is that children, especially infants, change so drastically in just a few short weeks, no less months. There’s no doubt in my mind that this will get people thinking and perhaps help to prevent something like this from happening to another parent and child.

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To all nursing Mommies about Applebee’s

Last night my friend L sent this to me to read.

I was floored by what I was reading. Basically a mother in KY was told that she had to cover her baby’s head when nursing at an Applebee’s restaurant. When she went to talk with the manager and showed him this was against the KY law he told her the following:

“I know but somebody complained it was indecent exposure so you have to cover the baby with a blanket if you need to breastfeed here.”

What a lame response from the manager. There is absolutely nothing indecent about nursing a child. As others in this thread that I linked to mention many people at the restaurant were probably exposing more with their regular garment than this mother was while breastfeeding. So the woman left the restaurant with her children and contacted a lawyer. After quite some time she received a response from corporate.

“we are also considering keeping blankets in the restaurants for use by breast-feeding mothers that may not have them readily available as a result of this incident.”

This made me ILL. Applebee’s is going to provide someone a blanket to feed their child? WTH! That is also against the law in KY. Others in the thread stated that the people that should be given the blanket are those that complain – rightly so. And if they were to require a mother to cover over because of exposing herself, then what about the women that come in with mini-skirts, bellies hanging out, or low cut shirts exposing their girls? Will they too have to cover over?

Although I personally choose not to do public nursing, I wouldn’t want someone to tell me to stick a blanket over my child’s head. Most woman that I have seen nursing in public places do it in such a way that you wouldn’t really know what they were up to.

So keep this information in mind next time you decide to eat at an Applebee’s. I know we are not likely to go there again thanks to this.

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How do you forget a child?

JL called me on his way home to tell me about a note that was in all of the cubby’s today at NHL’s nursery school/daycare center. Here’s what the note said:

Dear Parents, 
      Today one of the classes was playing at the park. When they left the park they checked that they had all of the children and made a mistake. One of the children was left. Fortunately two hospital employees saw her, brought her into the hospital and called the center. The assistant director went and got her. She was fine and not aware that she was lost. I called the Abuse Hot Line and reported the incident and called the Office of Children and Family Services, our licensing agent and reported the incident. They will be doing an investigation involving parents and staff. I will be meeting with classrooms to make sure that procedures are in place so that this does not happen again. 
       The teachers that were involved are wonderful, long term employees. They are devastated that this happened. Please come and talk with me if you have any questions. 
                                                                                     The Daycare Director

Needless to say I was floored. I know you can make mistakes, but how can you make a mistake counting only 10-14 kids? I am a teacher and know it’s tough to keep track of kids (granted 3-4 year old must be worse), but I did it with 32+ kids on field trips to places like NYC and Boston. 

So I think I am going to call Madame Daycare Director tomorrow. I think I should be able to know if it was my child’s room. Especially given recent events that happened in the room with the chin incident. (Refresher – the day before NHL split his chin open in the bathroom by slipping on water I witnessed 4 children in the bathroom playing with NO teachers and a wet floor. I had planned on called to report it, but had to meet my child in the ER for stitches before I was able to make it there). 

The good news – next Friday (NHL’s 4th B-day) is his last day there. After that SAHM is here with both boys until NHL starts public PreK. 

C’est Moi


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