Trying to play catch up with blog posts and other items has been on hold the last few evenings. I have felt quite sick and pretty green. As much as I love Kermit, being green is definitely not my thing. Sitting at the computer to do blog posts was not an option last night. I actually went to sleep at 9:00 and curled up into a ball and slept. This morning I felt better. I did my EA Sports Active 30 Day Challenge workout, along with two more to total about 45 minutes of exercise. When all was said and done I felt pretty good. The plan was to go out tonight to the graduation at the school that I used to work at.
Plans changed after NHL came home from school. Suddenly at about 4:00 I felt naseous and VERY green. The boys were playing and I curled up on the couch. By the time JL arrived home from work I was hardly able to move off the couch. I had chills, felt sick and was burning up. Thanks to the thermometer I know I have a low grade fever, so my plans were off.
I had thought that the green feeling the last few evenings was thanks to my vitamins. Today I have not taken any of them and am still feeling nasty. Clearly my body is fighting off some sort of virus. I know that a lot of kids at NHL’s school have had a variety of things going on and I have been there a lot later. So, tonight I am home and will try to rest up. With kindergarten graduation on Monday, and other plans this weekend rest is a must.
On a side note, my Twitter picture is not green to show my level of illness. Here is a Tweet that explains it all: