Category Archives sleep

Busy Saturday & Shiva period over

Yesterday we opted not to go to temple since we weren’t feeling so great. Instead we went on some errands to get a few things just in case the baby appears soon. We ran around to several places and had lunch out as well. After that we went home and got NHL to take a nap.

Can you tell he was a little tired (after finally giving in to a nap)?
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Here’s NHL after we woke him up with a camera in his face:
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Late in the afternoon I wasn’t sure if my water broke. I finally came to the conclusion that it probably wasn’t and life went one . . . with constant phone calls inquiring what was going on. So here I sit more pregnant than I ever was with NHL and miserable since the longer this goes and bigger the little guy gets the more unlikely I will be to deliver without a c-section. *sigh*

I was drained and actually went to bed before 8:00. At about 10:00 my mother called joking about bringing me some pineapple. I was sleeping, but woke up with the phone. JL came in to see me and told me I was leaking. Unfortunately it wasn’t the exciting kind, this just required nursing pads and a bra along with a change of night shirts since I was soaked. The rest of the night I was in hip agony. My one hip was killing me no matter what I did.

This morning we all went to the last minyan before Shiva was over. Talk about pressure to deliver and have the baby NOW. Everyone needs to remember that I have NO control of this and it’s all the stubborn little guy’s fault that is within. He was officially served his eviction papers last night, so it’s totally out of my hands! And we’ll make the bris work, so everyone can stop pestering since that’s all I’ve heard for the last week from various people.

Right now NHL and JL are outside planting flowers. The key this year was to get and use the bunny spray. Last year a family of bunnies kept eating anything and everything that was growing. This year we have the non-toxic spray that bunnies do not like the smell/taste of and will stay away. Hopefully it will work since NHL is going to be very upset if nothing grows.

Here’s a photo of the boys outside:
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On that note I am off to rest, I am just too drained to clean or do things for work.

C’est Moi
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Right now it’s almost 4:00 and I am up AGAIN and can’t sleep (been up since 3:00). I am in agony and ready to cry over it. I swear I was never this big or in this much pain with my first pregnancy. I have barely gained 10 pounds from the start (not bad considering I’m 33 weeks) and am huge! My mother and JL actually agree with me that I never looked this pregnant right before I had NHL at 38 weeks. I didn’t take it as an insult, but know it’s likely a reason for my intense pain.

All week I haven’t been able to sleep thanks to my shins killing me. My ankles and feet are slightly swollen, but that goes down quickly after putting them up at night. I work full time, but I’m sitting more than anything lately (I feel so lazy teaching from behind my desk). I know I need to elevate my feet, but it’s hard to do during the day.

Right now I’m awake since my knee locked up so bad and I couldn’t move it. I had to yell to get JL to wake up to help me to move since my arm was asleep and the other legs shin hurt so much I couldn’t help myself. It’s actually getting to be depressing. My next appointment is Friday with the NP, but I’m wondering if I should call Monday to see if I can get in. I don’t think I can deal with this too much longer. My fear is they will tell me to stop working before the date I wanted, but I guess C’est La Vie!

In between Passover cleaning today, and going to leave plans at school for Monday, I may go and buy more pillows to try to help. Apparently 3 and a body pillow are not cutting it.

C’est Moi
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It’s 3:45 am . . . and I’m awake!

We had a really great time visiting my aunt’s house today. My uncle from PA was in town so we went there to visit with everyone since my grandfather came from the nursing home. NHL had a blast being the only kid there. My aunt and JL actually went out in the snow to play with NHL. It was priceless seeing my aunt romping around and doing snow angels.

Now I’m paying the price of not breathing well due to the three cats at my aunt’s house. Thanks to being pregnant, I am not taking my usual allergy medications that typically control this type of reaction. This along with the little monkey riding high and squishing my lungs is killing me. I can’t get air in or out well. I passed out earlier thanks to using my inhaler, but I think it may be time to use it again. So here I am up thanks to hot flashes, ankle/leg cramps from hell, hunger, and not being able to breathe.

On that note I am off to finally take my inhaler and try to get some more sleep after that.

C’est Moi
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Who needs sleep? . . . . I do!

I so need sleep and can’t seem to get any right now (it’s 3:30 in the morning). Last night I went to bed early since I was having such difficulty breathing thanks to a baby inside crushing my lungs. He also found my ribs and wouldn’t stop kicking there. When I was taking a shower I literally had the wind knocked out of me and started seeing stars. JL had to come running since I wasn’t too sure about moving on my own.

NHL woke up at 2:45 (about an hour ago) screaming that he had to go potty. He went a little in his pull-up, did the rest in the potty and then was screaming. He was so tired he melted back to sleep in our bed. Now I’m sitting here unable to sleep thanks to two snoring monsters in my bed. The little one is particularly bad today! So many more schools are closed again for the day Thursday, but no main districts in this immediate neck of the woods, just colleges now. I have a feeling most will close by 5:30. We are plowed in BIG time. I don’t have a clue how JL is going to get us out IF we have to move today. It should be interesting to see what happens.

On that note I best be off to try to sleep again at least for another hour or so before I watch school closings again. Hopefully the little one inside will settle back down, he’s got the hiccups really badly AGAIN — just like his big brother did!

C’est moi
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