Category Archives sleep

Sick NHL = Tired Mommy & Daddy

Sick kids are NO fun!  Especially when you have to sit and watch them as they are miserable. This is why I have not been able to blog for a while now.

NHL has not felt good since Sunday. Monday he was really congested and lethargic, but no fever. Monday night he woke up in the middle of the night with a fever. He stayed home with JSL and I Tuesday. This complicated matters since I was supposed to head to the school district for a meeting about NHL and his new school. Last night at 2:00 he woke up hysterical and burning up. He couldn’t stop coughing and ended up tossing his cookies from the ick he was hacking up.

JL and I freaked out since he was not responding to us. He looked like he did before he had the febrile seizure. I quickly called my parents and they were here within 15 minutes. While waiting for them I went to JSL and found him with a receiving blanket twisted around his head (can’t put that in there anymore since he rolls). I panicked and thank goodness he was fine.

My father helped to hold JSL who was hungry since he fell asleep at 6:40 (teething is wiping him out badly). Mom helped us to do a steam shower to open NHL’s airways. He was shivering and hysterical. We then took him to out bed to do a Fever All suppository since we didn’t think he would keep Motrin down. It took all three of us to hold him and get it done. About an hour later we gave him Motrin since the temperature was going up again.

He finally went to sleep close to 4:30 in our bed and was soaked from the fever breaking. At that point we fell asleep and the alarm went off at 6:00. JL opted to stay home since the boys have been up the last three nights and he was exhausted.

We took NHL to see the doctor at 11:30. She was great. She was able to look in his ears and immediately told us they were both infected and red. Then listened to his chest and told us the croup also had a wheeze and he had bronchitis.  So he’s on an antibiotic and Muscinex since we don’t want to do albuterol now. She also suggested taking his temperature rectally – ummm. . . . I DON’T THINK SO!!!! He’s 4 and too darn strong to fight. So we sucked it up and got an ear thermometer per her suggestion.

Kudos to Target for understanding kids. We went there since it was by the doctor’s office and fell in love with the pharmacy. They not only flavor medications for free, they also have incentives for kids. They handed NHL a chart and stickers to mark off each time he takes his medicine (3 times a day for 10 days). Once it is filled up he can bring it in for a prize. You know a mom must have come up with this. Hey it works and he’s been great with it.

Now I am off to try to get JSL who is a miserable teething mess to bed. NHL will be home with me again tomorrow and we’re debating Friday since he starts his new nursery school Monday. He needs closure, but it may be worse since he hasn’t been to the school since last Thursday.

Now if only we can get more than 3-4 hours of combined sleep tonight we may be able to semi-function tomorrow. *YAWN*

C’est Moi

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Long day apple picking and at school

Yesterday NHL’s class and the three other PreK/K classes went to the apple orchard to pick apples and see how apple cider is made. When he got home from school he was very hot from the pants requirement and strange near 90 degree heat that was here. We came into the house for him to cool off and change.

After a while he asked to watch a movie (The Land Before Time). So NHL and I sat on the couch together and were eating some popcorn together. At about 4:00 JL called to see what he should get at the store on the way home. While we were on the phone I felt NHL curl up on my shoulder. Then I noticed his arm crash into the bowl of popcorn.

You guessed it, the poor kid was out like a light on my shoulder, mid bite of popcorn. So I tried to get up to let him rest more comfortable. Here is the result. 

My tired little monkey


Could you tell he had a long day outside in the heat?


 Tired NHL

 NHL stayed like this until he snapped up at about 5:30 and screamed something about a bus. We think it had something to do with the bus ride to and from the apple orchard, but we never did get him to tell us. He went to the bathroom and was whiny and crying. He couldn’t talk, answer anything, he just cried. I asked him if he wanted to nap in our room. He said yes. We went in there and within 5 minutes he was OUT!

Basically he slept from 4:00 to almost 6:00 this morning. We took him to the bathroom once in the middle of the night, but that was it. JL and I were really afraid that something was wrong with him since he was so out of it. When I woke him up he jumped out of bed went to the bathroom and was laughing that he missed dinner and it was morning already. He didn’t believe me since it was still dark outside. Thank goodness he seemed fine, so he went to school today.

Now JL and I are just keeping busy looking at other places to move him to since his current school is not going to meet his educational needs.

C’est Moi

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Wake up Jeff!

OK, OK, OK. . . so I’m not Jeff, but I clearly need to wake up. (sorry felt like a purple Wiggly moment)

Last night before going to sleep I took the band-aid off my toe to check it out. I asked JL if he thought I should still keep something on it or not. He said that I probably should for at least another day.

So I went to the bathroom to get something and went back to the couch to put it back on my injured toe. I did this . . . or so I thought.

Now flash forward to about 30 minutes ago. I am on the phone with my friend. All of the sudden I look at my toe and realize something is wrong. As I was telling her the story about my accident I notice the silly band-aid is on the wrong toe.


Well, I guess it doesn’t really matter what JL thought or what my intentions were. I went this long without anything on it and did pretty well. Aside from still being sore and not really being able to move it much, it seems fine without being covered.

*sigh* Are we there yet?

Ya know I guess I should could my blessings that the laundry I just did came out without too many issues (that I’m aware of yet). Now I just hope that I put the diaper on JSL correctly or there will be more laundry in my not too distant future.

The diaper goes on his arms – right?!?! Oh well I don’t think I’m awake enough to work on the computer class things now. I may push a button and make my computer self destruct.

C’est Moi
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Rolling down the bed hills!

The subject is yet another song that JL and I made up last night. You sing it to the tune of “Rolling Down the Sand hills” by The Wiggles. It was in reference to NHL rolling all over his bed at night lately. Here is proof that he is doing it. These photos were taken within a 2-3 hour span of time.

Here’s the first capture. JL went in there since I heard him hit the wall. We had never seen this new spot before. Comfy – NOT!

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Later on I found him down a little in a slightly more comfortable pose:
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He seemed to want to adapt to “Rolling up the bed hill” for this one:
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You just never know where you will find NHL lately. Mind you his little brother is doing similar tricks already in his Pack N’ Play.

And the kicker this morning he let us know he was awake by squeaking his buddy that makes noise so we could check on him.

C’est Moi
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Swing, Sleep & Play!!!

The other day I asked JL to get the Take-Along Swing out that we had from NHL. He got it out and below is a photo of JSL in it for the first time. This swing was something that NHL LOVED. He was always happy in it. He loved the movement and being able to watch things. It was also a great way to keep him up after eating.

JSL’s first time in the swing:
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Sunday night JL decided to rent a game for the Wii. He got Cars and he played that while I fed JSL and did a few other things. After a while we actually managed to have both boys to sleep pretty early in their room. Here’s a photo of the way I found them at one point when I went to look at them:

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This week we are going to try to get the crib up into the room. JSL is just all over the place in the Pack N’ Play bassinet. He needs more space to rest in when he’s in there. After all he’s now sleeping 5-8 hours more nights and only gets up once to nurse and then goes back to sleep soon after.

In addition to sleeping, JSL is really starting to do more and more each day. He has already rolled over from his tummy to back at least once. He’s drooling and teething like crazy (and he’s only 7 weeks old). He likes to laugh and “talk” to people and smile all the time. Within the last week he started to really like playing with toys. He’s really figuring out that his arms can get/hit things that are in front of him. Here’s a photo of JSL playing on his play mat with some toys. As you can see when I tried to do tummy time with him the result was not quite what I was looking for.

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On that note I am off since I think I hear the little guy stirring.

C’est Moi

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