Category Archives Six Flags

The Year that was 2009

I remember it like it was yesterday, December 31, 2008. The boys and I were snuggled onto the couch. We were looking at a photo album from our honeymoon at Disney World. The boys were fascinated because we told them we would all be going there in 2009. That day we had officially booked our first big family vacation. Yes, in a few short months the boys would be going on an airplane for the first time to experience the magic of Disney. 

Disney honeymoon memories - 2001

The year has gone by in a blur. It is hard to believe that 2009 is just hours away from being over. Here are some memories from a year in my life:


  • JSL learned at 19 months old that snow is tricky to maneuver in. We captured this life lesson on video.
  • Last year, I joined the anti-resolution craze. Did really well with this until things gradually slipped back and H1N1 killed it all.
  • Going back on Weight Watchers, I was obsessed with my Nalgene water bottle. I was constantly drinking that and living my life in points (heading back on this as well).
  •  Then 5 year old NHL showed me that Word Families can be rather fun thanks to the "-it" clan. My angel was growing up too quickly.

Mimi and her great grandkids


  • Disney planning happened early one morning when I called in to make our dining reservations. This was huge and important for our trip that now included Nana and Papa.
  • We continued to battle for control over NHL’s allergies and breathing troubles.
  • A year passed from JSL’s first febrile seizure. A false sense of security from a year with no additional issues as I recalled the events from 2008.
  • We went to Sesame Street Live. This was the first time for JSL and Cousin S, NHL was a pro and showed them what to do.

Stretching before the second half


  • Reality hit and I learned that simply doing Weight Watchers was not enough. I had to move it, move it and Leslie Sansone became my friend. Time to dust those off again for 2010.
  • We said goodbye to TechyDad’s long time car and bought a new one in the snow.
  • Everyone dressed up for Purim and went to the parade for some fun and games.
  • A weekend away for a family party = fun at a hotel pool.  It was also the weekend that we questioned where the adult-parent line is in certain situations.
  • 13 months had come and gone and nightmares returned as JSL had 2 febrile seizures in 30 hours.
  • With 4 years of physical therapy behind him (to improve low muscle tone), NHL learned to ride a bike. This was a HUGE milestone and he was so proud, so were we.

The boys on their way


  •  For the first time in my life, I actually liked exercising and sweating. I walked and kicked with Leslie Sansone for miles each day. Leslie and I are going to be good buddies next week, asthma permitting.
  • Lots of preparations went into Passover and the Seders were fun. This year, NHL really got into it thanks to Hebrew School.
  • An early morning phone call on Shabbat from TechyDad’s parents proved to be bad news. Grandma had passed away. She was a beautiful woman who is missed greatly.
  • Flowers were planted for Earth Day. They were gorgeous while they lasted. Sad to say, the neighborhood bunny dug up the bulbs and they will not be coming back this year.

Struggling to get back up


  • Just in time for the trip to Disney World, I bought a pedometer. I tried daily to get in my 10,000+ steps. Need to get this puppy back out for the new year.
  • Lots of packing, errands and last minute items were bought for Disney World. This included a shopping trip to buy everyone a new pair of shoes for sunny Florida. I lived in my Teva while we were there and all summer long.
  • A week away from the computer meant scheduling posts for my blog. Right before we left a prize arrived with Mickey Ears. Check us out!
  • While at Disney, the little guy turned 2. Here is a look back at two years in his life.
  • Before we could blink, our week at Disney World was over. I wrote about a lot of the trip, but hate to admit I never finished. Our trip there, Chef Mickey in photos, Mother’s Day at Hollywood Studios, Animal Kingdom & Boma,  and Day at the Magic Kingdom.
  • This month also brought us EA Sports Active. Loved this, but my knee did not. An old injury came back to life thanks to a million lunges, squats and the like.

Lots of distractions


  • Memories from my childhood visits to Disney World and a Figment bribe from my father.
  • We all celebrated a big birthday for my mother. Thanks to Aunt L, we had a nice party for her with family all there.
  • After the allergic reaction at Disney to walnuts, I went to the doctor and got my blood test results. New inhaler to help asthma and lots of vitamins were added to my routine. . . need to go back to those again too.
  • Shooting at the National Holocaust Museum brought back memories of living in fear of hatred that I have had as a Jewish American.
  • The end of Kindergarten for NHL was filled with fun events. There was Field Day, Cake Balls for the last day with the horse rides, and kindergarten graduation. NHL went into kindergarten with the goal to read and came out with that and so much more!
  • TechyDad and I celebrated our 8th Anniversary. Here’s a look back at our wedding.

Just the two of us - Animal Kingdom


  • NHL learned to play tennis at a local tennis program. He had a lot of fun, and we hope to do it again in 2010.
  • I learned what was causing my intense stomach pains for weeks – SOY!  Our almost vegetarian lifestyle was turned upside down.
  • A long weekend trip to visit Uncle I, Aunt M and Cousin S meant a stop to see the Berenstain Bears at the museum. The kids loved entering their world.
  • Thanks to season passes, we had a lot of time at Six Flags/Wiggles World. NHL conquered his fear of characters, we drove in Big Red Cars, and followed the M&M Road.
  • A BIG event also came to our area. We were lucky enough to take the boys to see Walking with Dinosaurs. It was amazing on so many levels.
  • NHL learned to swallow pills! Nice to be able to give him a little pill than tons of liquid or chewables.

Just driving along


  •  When the rain stopped long enough, we went to the park. JSL liked going on the swings with Daddy. Here they are having a blast.
  • In an attempt to relive the yummy memories from Disney, we tried our first stab at the Pop Century Tie-Dyed Cheesecake. This was in time for TechyDad’s birthday celebration
  • I also got my first pair of Crocs, some wedges that were really fun. Since then I have added 3 more pairs, including some boots.
  • NHL went to camp for the first time. He had a blast during the week long Dinosaur camp.
  • In the middle of the month, my first born turned 6. NHL was growing up before my eyes, so I showcased the past year for him.
  • The summer was filled with Wiggle Tooth woes. It actually required the Tooth Fairy to write NHL a note to encourage him to keep wiggling.
  • My knitting took on a new adventure as I tried circular needles for the first time. A baby blanket for my new nephew due in February 2010 is in the works.

Safety is important


  • My best friend that I went to kindergarten with had her baby shower. It was so nice being a part of this special day for her.
  • A night away from the boys was a special treat as I went with my parents to see Cirque du Soleil while it was in town.
  • NHL got ready to begin first grade. A new adventure was waiting for him as he went back to school.
  • A beetle invasion in our house led to the discovery of termites in the basement below. A quick plan of action and lots of money invested led to at least the termites being taken care of.
  • We celebrated the Jewish New Year with family eating lots of yummy food of course.
  • A weekend away to celebrate my sweet niece’s 2nd birthday also included craft time with MY little brother.
  • NHL was off to a great year in first grade. He was reading a ton, getting perfect scores on spelling tests. Of course, a little fun and excitement at pick up happened one day when JSL landed head first on the concrete at school. Yet another ER visit for our family.

Cousins playing in the sand


  • We took the boys to a pre-season hockey game. We had a blast and the little guy loved the zamboni the most.
  • After the hockey game, I started to feel lousy. Being a Mom, I ignored the symptoms until it was too late. A week later, a visit to the doctor confirmed that it was likely H1N1 (thank you ER visit). We left with my asthma being treated and a script for Tamiflu for the little guy just in case.
  • A 2:00 in the morning call to Nana and Papa required the Tamiflu being filled. H1N1 attacked JSL fast and furious.
  • While taking NHL to get his 6 year old portraits, we learned there is a great conspiracy involved.
  • TechyDad and I entered the wonderful world of texting. We dropped our cable phones, added texting and have never looked back.
  • Between sicknesses, we managed to get out to pick 35 pounds of apples. We had a blast with the boys out in the orchard.
  • During Halloween week, NHL was one of the 30% of kids out from his school with the flu. That same week, JSL had febrile seizure #4 while I was home alone with both of the boys. We still do not know what caused this one.
  • By Halloween, NHL was feeling well enough to head out to trick-or-treat at a few houses. Check out his costume here.

Good job . . . Mwah!


  • Both of the boys are Wiggles Fans. We bought tickets over the summer to take JSL to his first Wiggles concert. He had a blast and could not believe what he was seeing.
  • There were several absolutely gorgeous days in November. The little guy and I took advantage of this and went to the park for some fun while NHL was at school.
  • LEGOs came alive in our house with a fun discovery. Lots of imagination and building have followed.
  • NHL has been learning Hebrew each Sunday at Hebrew School. He even made items to use at home for Shabbat.
  • Twas the day before Turkey Day and we went to visit the 1st graders. . . later that night we went to a fun filled hockey game.

My three clowns


  • My birthday arrived this month. I finally picked out something from my parents from last year and this year. I now have a gorgeous Pandora bracelet that has so much meaning behind it.   Oh course having a December B-day often means snow ruins plans. This year the snow, illness and a trip for NHL to the ER got in the way. TechyDad also got me a premium Picnik membership, so lot of photo fun has taken place over the last few weeks.
  • Chanukah arrived and there was so much going on. Here are each of the boys enjoying the special time of year.
  • A gingerbread house building party closed out 2009 in the first grade. The kids had a fabulous time. I was so glad to be home and able to watch this.

More hockey fun

Of course, these are just some of the major events that took place here in my world. Thanks to my blog, I have many other moments captured for our family. 2009 has had it’s share of good and bad moments. Even with all of the ER visits, scares and things I would not change the year gone by. If we did, who knows if we would have had our magical memories at Disney World and other fun family moments.

Thank you to my family, friends (both IRL and online) who have supported me this year. Another thank you to the wonderful PR people and companies that I have worked with this year. Eveyone’s interest has been crucial to helping to be a success. I look forward to 2010 and beyond with all of you.

Happy New Year to all of you and your families.




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Family fun day at Six Flags

Dear NHL & JSL,

This weekend we were supposed to go to see Bubbe and Grandpa. Since the weather was going to be bad all weekend, we decided to stay home. Friday Daddy had the day off so we decided to go to Six Flags for the day. It was an unusually chilly day. We actually wore jeans and had sweatshirts in August.

JSL, you started to chant that you wanted to go on the Big Red Cars the minute you heard we were going. Of course, one of our first stops was Wiggles World. You loved driving the Big Red Cars and especially enjoyed spending time at the Wiggles gift store. You were quite upset later in the day when your Diego (Go-Go) sun glasses broke. Thankfully a special gift made you smile and you held onto it while taking a nap.

Big Red Car driving time

NHL you were upset that your favorite ride was closed down for the day. Thank goodness you enjoyed all of the other things you were able to go on. You seemed to like the wind in your hair when we went on the Big Red Planes. The cool weather certainly changed what we did at the park, but you enjoyed it. 

Flying the Big Red Planes

Just before our silly lunch (funnel cake sundaes), we stopped to watch the Looney Tunes show. At the end you could head up to the stage for photos with some of the characters. Both of you seemed to actually enjoy this when you went up with Daddy. 

A bunch of crazy characters

I hope that we get a few more trips to Six Flags in before the end of the season. Watching both of you laugh, be silly and smile while there is truly priceless.




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Six today

Today my big kid is six years old. I am in major denial. For some reason, NHL turning six has hit me harder than when I turned thirty. I am not sure why, but the fact that NHL is over half way to a double digit number is tough for me to swallow (Five).

Dear NHL,

Six years ago today the adventure began. You were born and our lives changed forever. Daddy and I became parents and we loved the challenges that came our way. Looking at our gorgeous little boy was worth every sleepless night.

NHL sleeps in his Pack N' Play

Before we knew it you grew up before our eyes. Each year we would celebrate. . . one, two, three, four and, last year, five. This year has been quite the adventure with a five year old. It was a transition for not only us, but you as well. Soon after turning five, you went to full day kindergarten and began your adventure in elementary school.

Here is a look back at the last year of  you life. After your fifth birthday, you were quite fascinated with croquet. Much time before kindergarten was spent outside with your new set from Nana and Papa. (August 2008)

Checking the parts out

With tears in our eyes we sent you, our kindergarten kid, off to school. (September 2008)

It is my 1st day of kindergarten!

Dr. NHL had a lot of fun Trick-or-Treating on Halloween. To this day, we all joke that your fascination with all things medical may be a sign of a career in your future. (October 2008)

My little doctor

For Thanksgiving at school, you insisted that the Pilgrims try some matzoh balls made my Mommy.  You gobbled them up and were so proud  that JSL came to kindergarten to visit. (November 2008)

Chatting with a friend

So many things happened at the end of 2008. We celebrated Chanukah, went to Disney on Ice and planned our first big family vacation. (December 2008)

New Mickey binoculars

During the cold winter months you, JSL and I had a lot of fun spending snow days home in our PJs. This was our time to catch up on watching different Disney movies before our trip in May. (January 2009)

Catching up on Disney movies

For the third year in a row, you went to see Sesame Street Live. This time you were the pro and helped to show your little brother and cousin S the ropes. (February 2009)

The three cousins wait for the show

As the spring arrived, you became excited about learning to ride your new bike (early birthday present from us), seeing your cousins for a weekend at the hotel/pool and getting ready for Disney World. You also showed your vulnerable side when you saw your brother taken away by ambulance to the hospital after another febrile seizure. (March 2009)

Enjoying the COLD water

Along with kindergarten, this year began another part of your education. You went to Hebrew School and loved Israeli Dancing. Daddy went with you to your first big dance festival and you loved it. (April 2009) 

Showing off his costume

When May finally arrived, you were beyond excited to take your first ride on an airplane and go to Disney World. You came home from that visit a new child. Not only did you love roller coasters/wild rides, you no longer were afraid of costumes at amusement parks. (may 2009) 

Mickey Mouse Moment

In June, you rode a horse for the first time and graduated from kindergarten. At that moment, you were no longer my kindergarten kid and it was tough for Mommy. (June 2009)

First time riding a pony

Bye-bye Kindergarten Kid

This summer, we went back to Six Flags and you continued to show your love for rides galore. You had fun riding in the Big Red Cars with JSL, and of course the Bob Sled with Daddy and me. The best part, you wanted your photos taken with all of the characters at the park. Now if only you can get your little brother to be cool with them. (July 2009)

Wags the Dog

This month, you went to camp for the first time, tried a Super Soaker with Daddy, went to Home Depot and Lowes for kid building clinics, finished the summer library reading program (read over 60 books so far), and discovered your first wiggle tooth is almost ready to come out. (August 2009)

Building with Daddy

This year you have learned so much. You saw how important it is to take your medicine to control your allergies, even if you do not like it. Figuring out how to swallow a pill was much better than a lot of liquid medicine. Not only can you add and subtract, but you now write stories and can read books on your own. This was your number one goal that you told your teacher in September and you met it with flying colors!

You are my big kid and I am so proud of you. I can not wait to see what this year has in store for us as you turn six today. Know that I always love you, will be cheering you on, and will help you when you need me. I hope that you have a magical birthday today and know that I love you with all of my heart.



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Recycling Coca-Cola style

The Green movement of buying more earth friendly products, recycling, using reusable bottles and bags has hit in our house for a while now. There are some things that will not happen (cloth diapering since my youngest is already 2), but we are trying to do as much as possible. I have been impressed recently with other places that are doing the same. 

This is a sign that we snapped a photo of while at EPCOT in May. I loved the display with information for people and wished that I had more time to stop and check things out.

A true sign for the times

This weekend while visiting Six Flags something caught my eye in Wiggles World. I went to check it out and HAD to take a photo. 

Coca Cola fun recycling bins

Yes, this was strategically located next to the regular garbage can. The Coca-Cola shaped bottle is actually a recycling container for visitors to place their empty soda bottles in. Love it!  In fact, I kept looking for different places where they were hidden within the park. Here is another one that I found. 

Another place to recycle at Six Flags

I think it is great that Six Flags and Coca-Cola are teaming up together to help our planet. They could simply have their trash cans and not bother, but they are going the extra step to help everyone. Kudos to both parks for helping us to be more Green!


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