Category Archives sickness

Antibiotic 1 + Antibiotic 2 = Tired and Healing Me

Warning this is going to be a novel!

To update on my appointment from Wednesday. I went to the OB’s office on Wednesday with my mother. I fully expected to be sent directly to the hospital for IV antibiotics. My mother was mortified with how the thing looked. I don’t think she realized that I was far from exaggerating.

Much to my surprise I wasn’t sent to the hospital. The NP came to see me (since she saw it on Monday) and was shocked with how my thigh was looking. She agreed that it had centralized, but still it shouldn’t be worse and so painful after that much time on Z-Pack. Well, she had the OB on come to look at it. Her eyes bugged out of her head. She was floored. She didn’t want to try to drain it since it didn’t have a head. Instead they agreed on a VERY aggressive second antibiotic (Clindamycin)in addition to the Z-Pack. I was also given something to help with the pain and told to sit in a hot bath or hot pack the spot. I was also told to keep my appointment for Thursday with the other OB so she could see the progress and I could talk to her about the baby’s size.

My mother took me home and did one round of hot packing. Nothing happened. By Wednesday night I ached all over. My eyes were burning and I knew my temperature was going up. I had a low grade fever and my entire right leg was throbbing. I felt so sick to my stomach to boot. JL was ready to take me to the ER, but first he looked at the spot. To our shock there was a tiny little head. He went to get things to start hot packing it again. By the time he got back there was a white line, 5 more minutes it was the size of a dime. It quickly grew to be larger than 1 1/4 inch diameter (just the head. JL could actually see it pulsing!

The darn thing wouldn’t pop. I was in agony from the pressure and trying to push on it. JL was too afraid to hurt me. And to add insult to injury the little monkey in decided it was a great time to head-butt me in the cervix. After talking to my friend (who in turn talked to her friend that is in a health profession)we opted to get a needle and sterilize it. JL got it ready and I didn’t feel a thing. It exploded and with the help of three total needle pricks and an hour of work it was drained for the first time. We bandaged it up and I was able to sleep sort of well. By 4:00 I was up and couldn’t move my leg. It had ballooned again and needed to be drained. Before JL went to work he helped me and bandaged it up.

My friend took me to the doctor and the OB didn’t want me to take the bandage off. The NP came in and said just the surrounding area looked amazing compared to the day before. No less my coloring and what not. The OB and I also talked about Ewok Part Deux’s size. She isn’t alarmed at all. She said it really is on track with what NHL was too. What she did shock me with was that she thinks I may have seen my last day at work. We technically don’t go back to school until Tuesday, but given I won’t be done with the antibiotic until Wednesday/Thursday she’s doubting I’ll be able to do that. She also said that although she had felt April 27th was a good ending date, it may not be reasonable anymore given this nasty infection. So I am heading in to see her next Thursday and if I don’t feel well Monday I should call and they will yank me from work.

At this point I think I may call my boss tonight or tomorrow and say I will definitely not be in Tuesday and Wednesday. The problem with that (aside from leaving plans for the days) is they are having a baby shower on Tuesday for me. So we shall see. Right now I feel so much better, but I have no energy and after doing almost nothing practically pass out from exhaustion.

On that note I am off to finish dinner, take a shower, wash my hair and have JL check out the wound.

C’est Moi
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The Thigh Saga Continues

I’m sitting here in tears from agony. I called the OB’s office again to see about the spot on my way inner thigh that was checked out on Monday. The nurse was not happy to hear that it was still so inflamed and hurting me to badly that I can hardly walk. She told me to come in. I have to see the doctor I’m not thrilled with and they will likely want to culture it. I asked if she was serious since my pants just touching it makes me want to jump out of my skin. She said most likely the antibiotic isn’t cutting it since it is definitely not the medication of choice for this type of infection.

My friend said she would take me (the one I was supposed to go out with today for a fun time), but I’m too afraid I’m going to end up in the hospital on IV antibiotics that I really want JL there. I called him and he asked if anyone else could help out. I called my mother and she didn’t volunteer and I felt odd asking her to leave work. So I called JL back up and asked if he could tell his boss it was a big emergency and he would make up the time on Sunday. He started giving me excuses, so I hung up on him. The reason JL feels like he can’t is because he was off last Monday-Wednesday for Passover and again the last two days. Plus he’s going in late next Monday since he’s going to fight the ticket he got the other day in traffic court.

So screw it, I will drive myself in. I seriously do not understand how something so stupid and little could get so bleeping bad so quickly.

C’est Moi

Update: As I was posting this my mother called and is leaving work now to come and get me.

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Hurts like H-E Double Hockey Sticks

Well I went to the doctor’s office yesterday early in the afternoon. I saw the NP that I had seen on Friday. She immediately looked at my inner thigh and was shocked with the raging infection that had settled in so quickly. She told me she was putting me on antibiotics immediately. Then came the tricky part. Trying to find one that should work while considering my drug allergies. Unfortunately, she couldn’t put me on her medication of choice since it has a high risk of causing problem with people that have penicillin allergies. So, she put me on Z-Pack.

I’m also glad I spoke up. I reminded her that I was being seen Thursday by the OB to have my Group B-Step swab. So, since the antibiotic would render that pointless she did it right then and there. Then she let JL and NHL hear the little guys heart beat. NHL was too funny and was dancing to the beat. He got very concerned when it stopped. Sue quickly explained that it was because she took the machine away from me. Then I questioned her about the sizing thing from Friday. I told her I had been worrying about that. She measured me again, looked at my chart and said that it had almost been 3 weeks since my last ultrasound and was going to try to get me another one now.

So we went out and the ultrasound technician (with no personality) came and took us back for the ultrasound. I nearly flew through the ceiling. She hit my thigh not once, but 3-4 times before I got a little snippy and told her I was there and had a raging infection and it hurt when she did that. So she was doing the exam and kept telling us that it’s hard at this point to really get good measurements. She then hinted that it was worse since she couldn’t go underneath my belly by his head. So I quickly told her I would lift myself up and she could do it, just to stay AWAY from the infection on my leg. NHL had fun watching his little brother on the screen and did another dance when she put the baby’s heartbeat on to listen to.

The end result was the BIG monkey is measuring 2 to 2 1/2 weeks ahead of where he should be. Am I alarmed – sort of. With NHL I he was always measuring 2 weeks ahead on ultrasound the entire pregnancy. He came at 38 weeks, very fitting! The difference is with NHL we weren’t 100% sure when I ovulated and with this one I am positive since we were using the testing kits. Not even 3 weeks ago they were estimating the baby to be about 4lbs 3oz. . . and now 6 1/2 pounds. I didn’t look good when we went out with the results to the NP. I told her I was freaked. She told me to remember that at this stage of the game ultrasounds are usually not too accurate, but a good tool to help. She told me that they can be off by +/- 1 pound. I looked her straight in the face and told her that the +1 pound scared the you know what out of me.

Thanks to this and the infection on my leg she told me to keep my appointment for Thursday with the OB to discuss things. She told me that it just means the baby is on the large size, but it wasn’t too alarming (she remembered that big babies run on bother sides of the family). It is to me though since I know how big NHL was and how I don’t think I can birth much larger. *sigh*

So to continue my novel. . . I picked up the Z-Pack and went home to take my medicine. By that point the spot on my leg was getting even bigger. It was going down my thigh to my knee and was pretty much at the crease near my pelvic region. I took the 2 pills to start and man it hit hard. I had a rough night and took Tylenol to help take the edge of the pain off so I could attempt to sleep. This morning JL thinks it looks the same – not worse, but not better. My fear is that this antibiotic won’t cut it since it wasn’t the drug of choice. I really don’t want to end up in the hospital with IV antibiotics now.

Well on that note I am off. If you have read this long – thanks!

C’est Moi
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The Rash Saga from Yesterday

Friday morning NHL seemed so much better. The rash had lightened and the little guy wasn’t swollen at all. We decided to let him try nursery school and ask them to watch for anything and to call us immediately. Since we were convinced that the culprit of this entire allergic mess is somewhere in the classroom or center we wrote a note to his teachers and the director to give them a heads up.

JL just went to give NHL his Benedryl again at about 11:00. On his way there he received a call from daycare saying that something was up with NHL. By the time JL got there NHL started to complain that his legs hurt. He would NOT let anyone near him and was screaming again. I left school and eventually met the boys home. When they arrived I was able to get his pants off (with lots of screaming, hooting and hollering). Since he was so much better in the morning our guess is even more focused on something at daycare triggering him to get worse. We got the message from our doctor to take NHL to the ER immediately and to have them update with information.

We arrived at the ER at about 2:00 and got back into our car at about 7:40. The doctor there said it definitely looks like an allergic reaction, but he is worried about the swelling in his knees and other joints (one blood test came back slightly elevated that was related to that). They said that the likelihood of it becoming an anaphalatic reaction was slim to none with such a HUGE skin reaction. Of course he did say it could happen, but very unlikely. They also said they didn’t feel the need for steroids and just to use lots of benedryl and to call our doctor tomorrow. So we’re going to call him at one point today and will bring up a few things and demand a referral to get into an allergist ASAP next week. My biggest concern is why it’s so much worse at daycare.

Now it’s time to figure out lunch for all of us.

C’est Moi

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Rash update and VERY sick NHL

From earlier today: JL stayed home with NHL today to take him to get seen at the doctor. Apparently they did not feel that it is anything viral since there are no other symptoms. Now we need to figure out what is causing this so-called allergic reaction. NHL was put on an antihistamine to try to help with the symptoms for now since Benedryl just knocks him out. Hopefully we won’t see this happen again. In thinking about items that may have caused this we wondered if it had anything to do with the painting they did at daycare. They just moved the kids back into the room earlier this week. We shall see what happens and how we can try to figure everything out.

From earlier this evening: Things are NOT going well with NHL. Tonight he’s been complaining more and more about hurting. Eventually he went to the couch and started whining. Now he’s in complete and total hysterics. He’s been screaming that everything hurts for 40+ minutes now. I called the emergency doctor number since his hands were swelling really badly and radiating heat. He’s so exhausted, but we’re afraid to let him sleep since his eyes were rolling back funny (again it may have been since he is so tired on top of all of this). I just have thoughts of when he had his febrile seizure and stopped breathing. *sigh*

Update from now: After giving NHL the benedryl that the doctor told us to do and cooling him off some he’s zonked out on the couch. We thought we were heading to the ER, but the doctor said to give it 40 minutes to see if he would calm down at all. He’s snoring and sleeping now, but he looks so miserable. I have a feeling it may be a really LONG night and we could end up in the ER. Below are some photos of things.

NHL’s face earlier this evening.
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A not so great look at his tummy rash.
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Hands starting to get red, swell and radiate heat.
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In hysterics.
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Almost asleep.
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As I was finishing this up NHL just woke up and is in hysterics again. *sigh*

C’est Moi

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