Category Archives school

Purim Mask-Hat

About a month ago, the principal of NHL’s Hebrew School sent home an e-mail to parents. We were asked to help the kids make a mask-hat for a Purim contest. There were little or no directions. The mask-hat was to stay above the eyes and had to be worn the entire time the kids were in class.

I kvetched about what I basically considered an assignment for the parents, since the kids are only in kindergarten and 1st grade in NHL’s class. Still, JL and I opted to figure something out . We did not want NHL to be the only child at Hebrew School without their own mask-hat.

We went to the craft store and found a foam hat. I flipped it around and put it on NHL’s head. Bingo! It looked like a mask-hat to us. We thought about themes that we could do. Perhaps an ark with the animals going two by two on the blue hat. We walked over to the scarpbook stickers and nothing would work for that idea. NHL saw some ocean animals that he thought were cool. We agreed that they would be perfect for the blue mask-hat that would now be the ocean.

When we went home it was time to make the project. Here is the completed mask hat on NHL when we were finished. 

Ocean theme for the Purim mask-hat parade

Now we need to find the Halloween costumes that the boys wore so we can attempt to go to the Purim Carnival tomorrow night at our temple. Should be an interesting time to say the least. Photos the boys from Purim last year are here and here.


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Goodbye to a long time car

Our 1998 Toyota Corolla has a lot of memories that go with the 104,000+ miles. This is the car that JL had when we met. The trusty little car is the one that would make the treks to meet me at the outlets, or come here when we were still dating. The car is pretty much the last big item that we own from before getting married, almost eight years ago.

Car goes on last trip to school and work

This morning, JL and NHL ventured off to kindergarten and work in the Corolla for what will likely be the last time. As they made their way to the snow coated car I went outside to take some photos. Yes, I am being sentimental.

As terrifying exciting as it is to be getting a new car, it is like saying goodbye to an old friend. NHL would always go into the Corolla with JL on their way to daycare back in the day. It has also been the main mode of transportation to kindergarten each morning. Thanks to this, I felt it was fitting to have a photo of the big guy with the car that transported some of my precious cargo each day. 

Kindergarten kid off to school

Tomorrow I hope to be able to share photos of the boys making their way to school in our new car. What can you say, we are just doing our part to help and stimulate the economy.


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100th Day of Kindergarten

If you are a parent of an elementary school child you have probably done a project for the 100th day of school in recent days. Prior to winter break, NHL came home with an assignment to make something to bring in for the 100th Day of school. The instructions were simple. The project had to contain 100 of an item in a creative way. Not too hard and something we could easily do over the vacation time at home.

We went to the local craft store and showed NHL different options to use for the 100 items. He immediately wanted to use googlie eyes. We gave him the choice of a few different types that would work nicely. He selected flaming neon colored eyes. Then we looked at some options to put the eyes on. The store had a lot of fun foam shapes. One of them looked like a megaphone. it was a great shape and large enough to hold 100 eyes on it. NHL liked the idea. So we selected a black one to contrast the neon colors and picked up some double sided crafting tape to put the eye balls on. Gluing 100 of those little guys seemed like overkill.

Saturday morning we sat down at the dining room table. NHL counted out 100 eyes from the packages. He did groups of 10 and then told me he was finished. At that point he handed them to me to cut pieces of the sticker like tape. Once that was done he placed them all over the foam shape. When we were finished NHL liked the idea of adding the number 100 and his name and 2009 on the foam with fabric paint. I helped him with this and we set it to dry.

Here is what it looked like when finished:

100 Day project 2009

The project went into school Monday, but they share it with the class today. This is actually their 100th day of school when you factor in vacation and snow/ice days. They will have a celebration during the day. In addition to this the entire school is having an assembly that parents were invited to. The assembly is to celebrate Black History Month. NHL’s kidergarten class will be doing a little "play" about Mae Jemison who was the first African American woman into space. He had a pretty big line to memorize and is all set. Nana, JSL and I will be heading there this morning to watch.

So what have you done for 100th day of school projects with your child/children?


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Happy New Year to the trees

You may be wondering why I am wishing a Happy New Year to the trees in February. Today is Tu B’Shevat which is the New Year the trees and could be compared to Arbor Day. In Israel, the almond trees are starting to bloom, so it makes more sense than here with the snow still on the ground.

Although Tu B’Shevat is a minor holiday, it is the time of year that we celebrate trees and all that they do for us. Customs for the holiday including planting a tree and eating dried fruits and nuts.

Last week at Hebrew School, NHL made a decoration for Tu B’Shevat. Yesterday, the entire school had a party which included special cake that had dates in it. NHL said it was a lot of fun and then they practiced their Israeli dances for their upcoming festival. JSL also received a book in the mail as part of the PJ Library about the holiday. The book is a great introduction to children about this special holiday and why we celebrate.

Time to thank the trees

As you can see, Hebrew School has been a great way for NHL to learn more about our Jewish customs. He has a great time and is starting to learn the Hebrew alphabet. To my surprise he already knows how to write his name in Hebrew. We are well on our way to preparing for his Bar Mitzvah in about seven years. . . OY!




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