Category Archives school

My first kindergarten kid

For the past nine months I have been able to refer to NHL as my kindergarten kid. It is hard for me to believe that the little boy who went to kindergarten is now practically finished. Today, I sat at the kindergarten graduation half paying attention. You see, I was sitting there not only trying to wrangle my two year old, but I was also fighting back tears. As I watched NHL’s serious little face in the front row it really hit hard. Tears started to well up in my eyes and are doing so now as I type.

My first born baby is not a baby anymore. NHL went into kindergaten in Septermber still looking like a little boy. Now, you see hints of a little man showing through. We have had our ups and downs this year, but there is no denying how much NHL has grown physcially and academically. It still blows my mind to realize that my son can read. Not only can he recognize sight words, he can actually decode larger words using phonics. He is making the reading teacher in me so proud. Now I watch as he gets a twinkle in his eyes when he picks up a book and actually reads it to his little brother. There is no more spelling to hide things from him, JL and I may have to resort to sign language.

I truly hope that NHL’s excitement for learning more math, science, social studies…and reading lots of books will never end. My little boy is growing up so quickly before my eyes. This summer, I hope to slow down tand make more of an effort to enjoy our special time together.

Photos from graduation are not off the camera just yet. For now I will share pictures of my kindergaten kid from last week. The two kindergarten classes had a special day with pony rides, games and pizza. Here is NHL’s first time on a horse. 

First time riding a pony

There is no doubt in my mind that NHL will remember his year in kindergarten forever. My kindergarten kid has made me very proud this year and I look forward to seeing him spread his wings more in first grade and beyond.


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Summer days 2009

Although many parts of the country are already on summer vacation, NHL has school until the end of next week. Monday and Tuesday are full days, then two half days after that. It is still hard for me to believe that my big boy is going to "graduate" from kindergarten on Monday. I can not believe that I will be the Mommy of a first grader in the fall. It seems like it  was only yesterday when we  took photos of NHL on his first day and now the year is almost over (photo below).


Smiling to make Daddy happy

Recently, I have been trying to figure out activities to do with the boys this summer. We just received information about a summer camp in August that would be fabulous for NHL. They have several different programs that we can pick from for each of the week long sessions. Some have to do with Dinosaurs, Insects and even math fun. We are trying to figure out how to swing at least one session for him.

The boys and I will also participate in the reading program with the local library. NHL did this last year and really enjoyed it. Other than that, the two little guys and I will be entertaining each other for the long haul. NHL will be 6 this summer and JSL was just 2. They love to play together, but the age difference does hinder some things since JSL still needs his naps.

So my question for you this week:

What are some ideas of things to do with my boys this summer? Any thoughts and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.

 Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #53

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Playing catch up and the kindergarten blues

It is hard to believe that it is well into June already. Kindergarten kid has less than two weeks of school left and he will be a first grader. This has caused some anxiety for the little guy. NHL does not do well with change. Of course, a lot of this has to do with the absolute hell that he went through when we tried the Montessori school for PreK in September 2007. Similar to the end of last year, NHL is acting out. Today it finally hit on me as to why. He has no idea what to expect in first grade and has loved kindergarten. He does not want it to end. Of course, this only dawned on me after several days of the poor kid crying and having nightmares. None of this excuses NHL’s behavior, but it certainly explains it. Talking with the school nurse helped me to see the light. NHL went to her with an earache today. I mentioned to her how he did not want to go to school this morning and I think he was trying to go home.

Last night was a rough evening. When we went to sleep a horrible thunder storm was coming into the area. Our house was actually shaking when we heard the thunder. We closed everything down and listening to the hail pound outside the house. When we went to sleep at close to midnight everything was still on. At about 12:30 last night I was really warm and woke up. The room was pitch black. No television on, no clock and no fan. I woke JL up and we got flashlights to see what time it was. We found the number to the power company and called. I finally got a person there and found out that there were 1800 people with no power in our are and they projected it to return between 3-4 in the morning. I was thrilled when less than 40 minutes later everything came back on.

Of course, my mind was racing a mile a minute. I could not settle down and sleep. I was thinking about NHL. What are the three of us going to do this summer. Should I try to send him to camp? What are my options for next year if he is not in the first grade class that would be most beneficial to him. The list of things goes on, but you get the point.

Thanks to all of this and trying to take care of things for school (I am the room parent), I am still playing catch up with blog posts. I have three more days of our Disney trip and two days at the lake with family to name a few. I hope to get them caught up soon.

So while my brain is still on warp speed, let me see what ideas you may have:

What are some inexpensive things that I can do with the two boys this summer?

Remember that JSL just turned two and NHL will be six at the end of the summer. Trying to figure things out is turning out to be very stressful. I worry that it is going to be a very long summer if we do not have something to get out and do, especially with other children (and adults for me).


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Field Day 2009

Dear NHL,

Yesterday was your first experience at a Field Day. It was a little bit crazy, but lots of fun. The two kindergarten classes were together while the first and second graders were on the other side of the field. JSL and I watched you with the rest of the kids. We were so proud of you when you won the second place ribbon for the bean bag toss. You were amazing when you did the standing long jump. Who knew you were able to leap like a big frog?! Then you were in the second group of racers for the run across the big field. We watched as you easily flew across the field for the first place ribbon.

Field Day 2009

Then last night you were so tired at the late dinner for Nana’s birthday. You sat next to Mimi showing her how you write, thanks to Aunt M’s crayons and Aunt S having paper. You did not understand a fancy restaurant and waiting so long for food. When the meal was over and we finally got into the car after the long day you were tired. When we asked you said you were falling asleep. Sure enough before we arrived home you were sleeping in your booster seat.

Tired after a BIG day





Dear Kid Saturdays at Cutest Kid Ever



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