Category Archives school

Food pyramid and chess king

Dear NHL,

Each morning this week, you would ask the same question when you woke up. Once we figured out the Disney World count down, you would head off to get ready for school. Luckily you were focused at school (I think) and worked hard to get your homework done. So proud when the 107% came back yesterday from your spelling test. You truly are a spelling whiz and we are not able to keep secrets with spelling around you anymore. At Chess Club, I was told that you are doing amazing. The teacher in charge said that you shock him with your knowledge and ability and will continue to excel.

You have also been studying the Food Pyramid at school as part of health education. Thanks to this, you have been telling us what you need from the pyramid each day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It did not stop there. You also used the Food Pyramid as inspiration to build the following with JSL’s LEGO blocks.

Linking school and home

Now, we just need to work on making you feel better before Disney. You have been complaining of a sore throat and had a low grade fever last night and this morning. Hoping this is nothing serious and you do not feel the need to share with the rest of the family.




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Dear Kid Saturday




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Potty time and preschool preparations

NHL went back to school today and I began my mission. No, not the potty training of my two year old. That one is on hold for this minute, Over break, big brother NHL and JSL were both given potty charts in the bathroom. Stickers were rewarded each time they used they potty. Care to guess what happened?

Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Both of the boys received a Sesame Street chart to fill with stickers.
  • The little guy saw NHL use the potty and get a sticker.
  • JSL immediately begged to get onto his Diego potty seat. Within a few minutes of concentration, he had a sticker on his chart.
  • NHL knew that if he filled up his chart he would get a prize from us.
  • The 6 year old learned to exploit the system. He went to the potty to pee more times in one day than I can remember. I finally had to set a rule that he could not simply have 2 drops count for a sticker – OY!
  • 2 year old went onto the potty another time. This time he sat there for over 30 minutes (allowing my laundry ready to come out to wrinkle) and did nothing. He got off and wanted a sticker. Mean Mommy told him you need to pee or poop for a sticker.
  • NHL continued to use the potty and filled over half of his chart in a day.
  • By day two, NHL was doing potty math. He figured out how many variations of peeing and pooping were required to finish his chart. *sigh*
  • This weekend, we bought NHL something special for helping out with the potty training Olympics.
  • JSL’s chart still remains at 1 sticker and new plastic potty training pants are ready for when he expresses a little more interest.

One Potty Chart Complete

Back to today. While NHL was off in first grade learning more about subtractions, how animals grow and digraphs, I decided it was time to look into preschool for JSL. Denial is rough, but the reality is that September is coming quickly and spots fill up. I made a phone call to a local organization that has lists of preschools in the area with contact information. Less than a half hour after my call, I had an e-mail with the names of about 20 places. When I narrowed the list down, I had five places to call (being Jewish church based schools are not an option).

The locations are all close to us. Still, we need a little more information to compare all of the options. I know that two are 2 1/2 hours 3 days a week. One has a lot of options on days and the other is 3 days a week for 4 hours a day. Two of the locations are higher on my list from prior experiences there. The only issue with one is that we would have an additional membership fee to pay. Of course, then we would have pool access along with a gym and other options. The front runner is the place that I loved last year when we went to see their 2 year old program. The only reason I passed was the price tag for a 2 year old. They also mentioned that they had early drop off option and flexability for extended day. This would be fabulous IF I could line up substitute teaching. You know, keep my foot in the door in some districts/schools while paying for nursery school at the same time.

Wednesday, we are going to see one of the locations, another on Friday. Both of these are my "favorites" and I like their potty training philosophy. The third told me to call back when I can secure a place for JSL (why he can’t go kind of bothers me) and the last has to call me back.

So, do you have any items that you think I should ask when I visit these locations? This is new to me since NHL went to a daycare center that had a preschool program built into the day. Thanks in advance.

Now I am off to hug my baby and try to forget that he will be going to school in the fall along with his big brother. . . even if it is only preschool for now. 

Spending time in first grade


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Gingerbread house building

Wednesday was NHL’s last day of first grade for 2009. To help celebrate, the kids all helped to bring in supplies for a tasty craft and party. As one of the room parents, I saw the list of items and immediately knew what they would be making. The class was going to construct gingerbread houses using graham crackers, frosting, lots of candy and their imagination. Of course, as a teacher, I knew that NHL’s class would need more adult hands on deck to assist with the group.

JSL and I went into the classroom. I was afraid that he would be all over the place. Luckily, he was content watching the kids, while munching on a few M&M’s.

Little guy and lots of candy

Meanwhile, I had fun dishing out extra frosting and supplies to the kids. It was interesting seeing those that had never made a gingerbread house (like my NHL) compared to those who were seasoned professionals.Here are some photos of NHL making his first gingerbread house. He was quite into it, but also asked his teacher numerous times if he could nibble on some of the candies. Needless to say, this was a common question in the room of first graders. 

Making of a first gingerbread house

NHL had a blast adding frosting to his creation and then putting all of the different candies it. Take a close look at his face above, there’s even some frosting on him. Here are some views of his first ever gingerbread house: 

The creation

Eventually, NHL stopped adding things to his house to go and read on the rug with his little brother. JSL was already surrounded by a gaggle of first graders!

Hugs from big brother

While they were on the rug, I went around looking at all of the different gingerbread houses. One of my favorites was made by a little girl. She had made many of these in the past. Check out the view from the front and back: 

Creation by expert classmate

So my question to you this week is inspired by the first graders:

Have you ever made a gingerbread house before? If not, you are not alone . . . I do not recall ever making one. If you have what are your favorite items to use as decorations?



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #79

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Happy Thanksgiving 2009 – visit with first grade

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving meal with your family and friends. Today, the boys and I will be going to my Aunt S and Uncle M’s house to have dinner with many members of our extended family. My parents will be there, but sadly my brother and his family will not. Luckily we will see them in a few weeks for Chanukah. Since TechyDad has to work tomorrow, we were not able to be with his family.

Yesterday, JSL and I went to visit the first graders for their Thanksgiving dessert party. When it was time to eat some of the goodies, we went to NHL’s seat. His teacher even set up a place for JSL to sit down. Here is the cute Thanksgiving item that NHL made yesterday before we got there:

Craft the kids made

All of the kids enjoyed the sweet items that were sent in. They quickly and quietly gobbled up most of the things that were offered.

Sugar time      Yummy yummy!

Once they were finished reading the kids were told to go and read a book while others cleaned up. NHL and JSL went to the main rug. The little guy seemed at home and wanted to join the first grade.

Reading time after the goodies

Seriously, JSL did not want to leave. He had taken on the role of teacher of sorts and the kids kept going to him.

Thinks he is ready for school

We had a nice time visiting and celebrating with the kids. JSL enjoyed seeing the kids that he knew from last year and NHL loved having his little brother there (me too – I think).


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Sunday school fun

Dear NHL,

This is your second year of Hebrew school on Sunday mornings. Last year, you loved going. Each week, you would talk about what you had learned and would eagerly wait for Israeli Dancing. This year has been no different. You seem to really like your new teacher and classmates. 

A few weeks ago, when you were getting better and having a tough time breathing, we told you that you could not do Israeli Dancing. The look on your face was priceless. It was like we told you something beyond horrible. In your six year old mind, we had taken away the best part of Hebrew School.

Last Sunday, you came home with a lot of items that you had been making with your new Hebrew School teacher. Everyone made items for Shabbat. These included decorating candle sticks, making a challah cover and Kiddish cup. 

Shabbat creations

In addition to all of these, you have been amazing us with all of the songs you have been learning. Hearing Hebrew come out of your mouth floors me every time I hear it. It is hard to believe that you are almost half way toward being a Bar Mitzvah.

Please slow down NHL and enjoy this time. You are growing up way too quickly.




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