Category Archives school

Purim Parties Galore

Holidays come and holidays go. For some reason, Purim seems to stick around longer and longer each year. I love the holiday and the fun associated with it. However, getting kids dressed up so many times, heading to events, and everything else can get rough after a week.

Still, looking at the fun that the kids had makes it all well worth it.

Purim 2012 Costumes

School Purim ProjectsTomorrow, we will finally be able to put another Purim “season” behind us and move on. This bring me to the other reason Purim may have a sore spot with me. This fun holiday reminds me that Passover is just around the corner. We need to weed out our cabinets of non-Passover food and start thinking about our Seders. I think I am still in denial about all that goes with shopping and planning.

For now, I will remember the Purim celebration at JSL’s school that included a concert from Andy the Music Man. It was so much fun watching the kids parade around in costumes, sing, and dance with Andy. He was full of energy, funny, and so patient with the kids (and adults too). I know we will be looking to see where he will be performing in the weeks ahead to catch another show. Capital District readers, if you have a chance to see Andy – do not miss it!

Fun with Andy the Music Man

I recorded a video of the Purim parade that was so adorable. I will share it with family members privately since I do not have permission from all of the parents to post it on YouTube.

Did you celebrate Purim? I would love to hear how you kept the fun times going with your family.

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Finally Some Snowy Fun

Dear NHL and JSL,

I know the two of you do not understand how I could possibly dislike the snow. Both of you will probably understand that a lot more once you have to drive in it and own a home. Of course, I can remember being a kid and making snow forts and playing outside for hours at a time with my friends. This winter, I have watched the two of you celebrate when you see a snow flake form, only to realize that there was nothing to go outside and play with.

Ready to play in the snow

That certainly changed this week when we doubled the winter snowfall in a 24 hour period. Finally, the two of you would be able to test out new winter gear and romp in the snow. Of course, that had to wait a day. I was not feeling well during the snow day and both of you were so sweet taking care of me. I promised you before school on Friday that if it was not raining you would have time outside.

Once NHL was out of school, we ran into the house and got everything on you and then went outside to check out the snow. I have to admit, this was amazing snow for building things. It had just enough moisture to make perfect snowballs.

Perfect snow

The two of you played, ran, dug, slid, and so much more. Watching you smile, concentrate, and hearing the laughter was worth my numb toes.

Snowy fun

Of course, I had to laugh when you both noticed the spot on the lawn that was perfect with no marks in it. JSL immediately immediately tossed his body down and went into perfect snow angel form. NHL was not into this, instead you just plunked down and looked around taking everything in.More snow play

It may have been cold, but it was fun watching the two of you enjoy the time together being creative in the snow. I promise not to complain too much next time it snows – well, not for too long.



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Happy Birthday Trees

Dear JSL,

Watching you learn about Jewish holidays at nursery school has been so much fun. You love taking in all of the information and sharing it with us when you get home. Of course, you also adore making crafts that go along with the events.

Tu B'Shvat 2012

Last week, your class celebrated Tu B’Shvat. As you told us, it was time for the trees birthday. One day, when you arrived at school, you were going to add paint to a tree project that you had already started. You were so happy to see what this multi media craft would involve. Another day, you planted parsley seeds into the remains of half an orange. As we drove home and you held onto the orange you were proud to announce that you helped to make orange juice before planting the seeds.

Now we will take the best care of your seeds as possible. With any luck, some parsley will grow and we can use it for our Passover Seder. For now, I look forward to seeing your smiling face as you learn all about Purim in the weeks ahead. I have a feeling you will be a pirate for your festival at school.

Thank you for sharing all that you learn.



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Ideas for Valentine’s Day 2012

Tuesday is Valentine’s Day and families all over will be getting ready to send there children things into school for celebrations. One of my boys will be doing this on Tuesday, while the other will have to wait until kindergarten. NHL’s class is having a little gathering where they will exchange Valentine cards and have some snacks.

I knew we would not have enough time to make any of the really cool Valentines that I have seen on Pinterest – like the ones from Zakka Life below.

Source: via TheAngelForever on Pinterest



It would have been great to make them, but the reality check is not enough time to get the items needed and to construct them. Thanks to this, I went to the store and bought some that I knew NHL would love. I do believe that Agent P would approve as well.

2012 Valentine Cards for NHL

So this weekend, NHL will sign them and get them ready. Then we will try to figure out what snack to make to bring into his class. I have a feeling I may try one of the cool items that I pinned in my <3 Day Items board on Pinterest.

Some Valentine's Day Pins

There are just so many great things to be found on Pinterest. If you want to see what I have pinned in mine, just click on my board below and it will take to there now.

My <3 Day Items Board on Pinterest

So what are your plans for Valentine cards, crafts, and/or baked goods for Tuesday? Please share below!

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