Category Archives sahm

Winter 2007-2008 unofficially begins

Is it OVER yet?

How sad is it that I am saying this after only one ice storm and our first real snow event of the season?  GAH!

This morning the snow began to fly just before 11:00. JSL was in his crib sleeping peacefully (thank you MOOricle) so I went out to my car to clean it off and move it up. The white nasty stuff was coming down quicker than I was able to get it off my van. *sigh*   As I was out there flipping out about getting NHL at 1:00 my father called. He was going to suggest to pick him up NOW since he had heard the roads were already bad. This was just 30 minutes into the storm and about 1 inch on the road.

So I cleaned my car off, scooped up JSL and went to pick NHL. His teacher was really nice and brought him to meet me at the door so I did not have to take the sick monkey out of he car. Poor NHL did not have his boots and wiped out on the way into the house. This stuff is powdery and slick. We are home warm and safe and just have to wait for JL to get in later on. He has a nice size trek to get here. With any luck he will be out a little early to avoid the major mess.

They are saying that we may receive 4-8 inches this storm.

This one?  

Yes, you read that right. We are getting an even larger storm coming Saturday night and all day Sunday. ICK! I am ready to pack it up and move to Florida to be closer to Disney World NOW!

Here is a photo of the white stuff as of 1:30 this afternoon. 

The winter season really begins

And now here is one of the Chanukah decorations in the window: 

Chanukah decorations

Updated storm photos to follow later. Now I just hope we can stop the ice damns from forming on our roof and flooding the inside of the house. 

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Tummy bug gets the little guy


A sick and clingy baby with frequent diaper changes = tired mommy. 

Poor JSL is battling some sort of stomach virus. Yesterday he was unable to keep food (Cheerios, graham cracker, and veggie puffs) along with milk in and down. Thanks to this I called the doctor in the early evening and we did the Pedialyte thing. He kept that in to stay hydrated and was very soggy this morning. Our doctor said if he seemed better in the morning to try nursing again. We did that during the day and he kept it down and in. The only odd thing was that his cheeks were VERY pink. Then the witching hour of 2-3 came and he started to vomit and fill diapers. He was visibly miserable. When we went to change his diaper he would cry since he was so sore. JSL wants to nurse and eat. We tried some Cheerios again at dinner and so far they have stayed in. He is sleeping now and with any luck he will get some rest.

When I picked NHL up at school today they mentioned that people in his room have a stomach bug – so that could solve the mystery. With any luck we can keep hi hydrated and not need to make an emergency trip to the ER.

On that note mommy is heading off to rest . . . since I now hear someone being restless on the monitor.


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Confuzzled baby anyone?

Seriously I think JSL is confuzzled. The little guy is six months old and does NOT want to eat slop baby food. As previously mentioned our doctor suggested trying some finger foods. We have now thanks to more issues when trying butternut squash last week (did rice cereal and oatmeal before that). Here is JSL’s reaction:

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 As you can see from the face he was not amused with his first veggie taste. Soon after starting this he clamped his mouth shut and refused to budge. Then he started crying hysterically. Seriously what gives?

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We gave up on baby food and tried just doing Cherios and the Gerber puffs that are sweet potato flavored. Over the last two days he has decided that he loves them. He gobbled up a bunch at lunch and dinner today. So tonight I tried butternut squash again. He tolerated  4-5 little bites of it and then clamped shut – so a mild improvement since he was not gagging. Then he ate a ton of the previously mentioned finger foods.

Another milestone is that JSL is very distracted with nursing now. He still loves it (especially after the baby feeding trauma), but he plays and rolls, rather than just nurse. The other day he was playing with my nipple shield and the following is what he did to himself. 

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JL and I were laughing so hard. He went and grabbed his camera quickly while I made myself decent for a photo (no boob shots here people). This playing with my shield led me to try to ditch it. By golly the little guy got it Sunday! Finally after six months JSL was nursing without anything. Heck he was obsessive about it and crying for my chest. Needless to say I was in agony with blisters forming quickly. *sigh* When I tried to use the shield he snubbed his nose at me and cried. So we are using it on and off to help me avoiding cracking and bleeding.

I am telling you he is lucky he is cute and cuddly.

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Notice his obsession as witnessed by JL’s camera:

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And now kisses all around:

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I savor these moments and am thankful for them because before I blink he will be having his own kids.


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Extreme Blog Makeover

Switching from LiveJournal to my own nifty new TheAngelForever blog space has been a wonderful experience.  This truly is my home away from home. However, like my house my blog could certainly use some cosmetic work. Oh Extreme Home Makeover Team – I too could use your help, but that’s another story entirely. *sigh*

My husband, total techno geek, has helped me to set up WordPress plugins and other fun stuff that I liked to make my blog world colorful, but still something was missing. He quickly designed a new banner with my boys on it, but it still doesn’t seem like home (the rainbow was just a quick fix).

As a new SAHM I am desperately trying to find out who I am. Am I mommy, wife, former teacher . . . who am I? I am TheAngelForever — C’est Moi, but how would I show this on my blog. My banner must do this. It must show who I really am. After all TheAngelForever is the name I used when I meet my hubby all those years ago. TheAngelForever was the name I used when I had hockey season tickets, it was the name I had when I was in college, when I got married, when I got my first teaching job, and when I had my boys. When I made my blog I could have changed the name, but I was attached to this identity.

So to help me to find myself I NEED an EXTREME blog makeover. I would be so greatful if I was selected by the contest to have said makeover for my own space in blogging world.

C’est Moi

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*sigh* – Bad start to the week

What else can I say? Right now I am sitting here with tears running down my face. I feel like a failure to my 4 year old. Where did we go wrong? Is it simply what they always say that teachers have kids that challenge their colleagues? All I know if my head was pounding before and now it’s worse.

You know it isn’t a good sign when the teacher pulls you over at dismissal to tell you that she needs to talk to you later. I asked if I could wait to talk to her after school since it may be easier than with everyone at school this evening.

I walked in and NHL’s OT was there. We chatted and I get the vague hint of her saying "I told you so" about sending him to this school. All I wanted was to help NHL and get him out of where he was. He needs structure and to be challenged. He needs people not to take his BS excuses. He is very capable to do things, but says he can’t.

Drop off this morning was beyond a nightmare for JL. NHL was pulling every trick in the book once he left the house. He went without an issue and then the HELL began. He put his foot in the door demanding a toy before they left. JL got him the toy. When they got to school NHL would not go in the building. JL had to drag him out of the car and into the school where he grew roots. His teacher finally gave JL the nod to go.

His teacher said it did not stop once dad left. She looked so frazzled this afternoon it wasn’t funny. She looked the way I felt. Then at nap time they got him to settle on the floor. He was so out of it he had an accident. When they tried to get him to change at the nurse he flipped out and raised his voice to the teacher. *sigh*

I just want to curl up and cry, but I have tons of laundry to do, a baby who is miserable thanks to 4 shots and NHL who is beyond tired thanks to crying all day.

I seriously do not know what to do. I think this is the right school for him, I just think we need a LOT of tough love and rules for him to follow. Hopefully that will work and he will adapt to this major change in his life. Tomorrow I will take him to school to see if we can get him over this hump.

C’est Moi

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