Category Archives sahm

Happy sleeping boys = happy mommy

I love my boys – all three of them!

Sure, they may make me crazy from time to time, but that is supposed to happen that way. It is the simple things that make me smile and know that being home with them is the right thing for our family.

Who knew that something as simple as seeing the two little ones asleep resting peacefully could make me so happy? Wednesday night we bought JSL his own pillow to sleep on. He really loved to curl up on it and we felt it was fine to do since it was very firm. Here are some resulting photographs. This is JSL with his new pillow:

 All comfy with monkey pillow case

Meanwhile in his bed NHL looked like this: 

All snuggly in bed

Notice how similar the two boys are when they sleep. Both of them have their little hands out in almost the identical way. First JSL in his crib:

Happy sleeping baby

And NHL in his bed:

Too many pillows - never!

 He definitely likes his pillow. JSL loves to pet the pillowcase to fall asleep now when he wakes up.

Tired monkey

JL and I are so very lucky to have two great little boys. NHL and JSL love each other and recently have started to play and interact more. JSL is a sponge trying to take everything in and NHL loves to show his little brother anything and everything. If NHL is in the living room and moves to another location JSL quickly follows. Now he crawls after his big brother, but soon enough he will be toddling after.

They grow up too quickly  . . . . . . *sigh* 


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Afternoon with my boys (2-6)

Being a SAHM is challenging, but oh so rewarding. I swear less seems to get done than used to when I was teaching full time. Granted I can not compare life now with a year ago. Hello silly, you have an almost nine month old little boy now. It takes time to nurse, feed, diaper, play with, snuggle, read to, and dance with JSL. Every so often when I am in a rush I stop myself to slow down and enjoy things. I will not get these moments back where he will laugh at anything and everything his big brother says and does. In a short time this sweet giggling and playing will be replaced with sibling squabbles and screams. Ah, the things to look forward to.

Yesterday after NHL came home from school we decided to do some craft time (other than Play Doh and coloring). I wanted the big guy to do something fun away from the television where I could feed the baby and also work on his fine motor skills. So we took out the beads that we bought the other day. The plan was to make some things for NHL to give as Valentine gifts for special people, but he had more fun designing a masterpiece, looking at it, dumping the beads off and starting over. Over the entire afternoon he went back and forth to the beads 2-3 times and played for over 2 hours (at least). This was a wonderful investment for my sanity! 

Bead time!

While NHL was busy with this JSL gobbled up his favorite food, sliced carrots. He loves these and chatted away with NHL while eating and watching his big brother. 

Carrot time while NHL was crafting

Meanwhile I was able to work on the magnets that NHL helped me to pick out the other day. Check these out, they are really neat. 

Ahoy - new magnets

I was also able to do a little mindless knitting. Here is what NHL’s camouflage scarf looked like early yesterday evening. 

Camouflage scarf update

We had a nice afternoon together and with any luck it will continue today. If the ice is cleared up I may take the boys to Joann’s to get fabric for NHL’s flannel blanket that Madame Squishy Yarn Guru (aka Laura) graciously said she would make for him. Yesterday she told me they had some really cool Muppet flannel and when he saw a photo of it he wanted it (so did JL and I actually).


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A Duh Moment of the Teething Kind

I feel horrible.  


Well, for once it was not from the lack of sleep from two little bed hogs boys taking turns being up ALL night. No, it was not from all four of us in our queen sized bed for several never ending long hours in the early morning. Nor does it have to do with fighting off a cold and not being able to take anything thanks to nursing. Nope, not one of these items mentioned is the reason I am feeling horrible and guilty.

This is from being a "dink" and not reading the signs and helping poor innocent JSL. I was just nursing him and he was really miserable. Something caught my eye in his mouth, so I fought with him to look inside.

Staring me in the face, on the top next to the two front top chompers, were little points on both sides just poking through. The poor baby has had signs the last week, but I was in denial since he just cut the other ones. Every single classic teething symptom that some doctors deny were there (thank goodness our dentist is a believer in them). He had the telltale gross "fun" diapers, rear end rash, restless at night, stuffy nose, excess saliva, didn’t want to eat solids, and was super clingy to me.

I should have known and not been in denial. I could have given the poor kid something to help him sleep at night instead of trying simple and useless binky therapy. At least I know now and can help him out and snuggle him if that is what he wants. I need to learn to savor these moments more: 

My tired little monkey


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Baby smiles

Even when things have been rough around here lately, a certain little guy knows just how to melt my heart and make me smile. Here, see what I mean (be sure to hover over the photos for more comments). 

Those big blue eyes: 

Is she talking to me?

Those squishy baby cheeks: 

I think she's using that flashy thing again

Did I mention those big blue eyes that are just like his Daddy and big brother? 

Hmmm. . . wonder what I can do to stop her?

Sweet, innocent and carefree. 

Yup, I know I'm cute

A silly little monkey: 

Time to stuff my face again

And last, but certainly not least, the smile that melts my heart (please excuse the messy food face): 

The smile could just melt your heart

Enough said!


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It’s Pajama Time!

What could be better than a day in the nice warm house, wearing PJ’s all day with my boys? Not too much more . . . unless JL was home from work with us.

Yesterday the weather was supposed to be nasty starting at about noon.  ICK! The boys and I opted to just stay home and remain in our PJ’s. NHL is really enjoying the all day pajama parties. So much that he has claimed my body pillow as his new "sleeping bag" and taken it into his room at night.


At one point the boys were just sitting there together on the couch completely engulfed by Blues Clues. (NHL was watching JSL so mommy could use the facilities – teacher bladder only goes so far after two pregnancies). Here is how I found them when I came back: 

Deep in concentration

Can you tell that they both really like Blues Clues? Heck, they both bobbed their heads to see the television when I dared to get in front of them to take more pictures. BOYS!  Please note how "thrilled" JSL was with me taking his photo yet again. 

Doesn't the little guy look enthused?

NHL can get completely into a zone (like his Daddy) and ignore me. See, just like this: 

Totally in a zone

JSL finally was able to get me to take one last photo. He decided it was time to wiggle off the couch. I snapped this one and quickly scooped him up since he does know how to back off already. 

Trying to wiggle off the couch

I hope to add a video later. Right now my big boy (JL) is sleeping and he can not help me to reformat it to put online. One of these days I will remember how to do it. For now I will blame it on Dora. I swear she is zapping my brain cells.

By the way. . . today we did get out of out PJ’s and left the warm house. Not to worry I took more fun PJ photos that I will share later.


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