Category Archives sahm

Lunch at CiCi’s Pizza with Mom

Dear NHL and JSL,

I think the two of you have a new favorite restaurant that you both agree on. Recently, a CiCi’s Pizza opened up near us. We had heard about them from other people, but had never gone. I met the two of you and Daddy there the weekend I was busy working on some writing. NHL, you liked it so much that you asked to head back there a few days later on your actual 7th birthday. We obliged and did not have the best experience.

CiCi's Pizza

Friday, I wanted to do something a little special with the two of you. It was the last Friday of our summer vacation together. I had to get some shopping done for TJ’s birthday party today, so I asked if you wanted to go to an early lunch. I think I shocked both of you when I suggested going to CiCi’s. I have never seen the two of you go so quickly. We arrived there at about 11:15 and did really well.

It was not crowded, but I still wanted to sit close to the action. When we went up to get pizza, the first thing I noticed was none of your favorites were there. I quickly requested a Mac & Cheese pizza. We were able to find some pineapple pizza for NHL and a slice of Alfredo pizza for JSL to hold you both over. Finally, the Mac & Cheese pizza was ready and you were both SO happy.

Pizza Time

It was a nice afternoon out with my boys. I can not wait to do more fun things in the week ahead before school starts back up.




If you want to participate in Dear Kid Saturday, head on over to Cutest Kid Ever by clicking on the button below.

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Potty Training Central

Dear JSL,

You and I have not seen eye-to-eye when it comes to potty training. I have known you were ready for a while. Once you went into a special private location to do your "business" and would ask to be changed, it was time. Of course, whenever we asked you to wear underpants or go on the potty you would scream at the top of your lungs. I didn’t push, but had mentioned to you in the middle of June that I would not buy more pull-ups. Then, we had to go away. Obviously, I was not going to start potty training two days before a car trip. So we went to the store. When you saw the pull-ups being put into the cart, you told me "Mama, you say no more pull-ups!" You got me and I knew it.

This week, something perked your interest and I went for it. I told you that we had Wiggles and Buzz Lightyear underpants. I pulled them out from storage on Wednesday and went for it. NHL was home from camp thanks to the storms and the roof getting fixed. We went for it. At first, you fought me. You did not want to wear the underpants. Then, when NHL made it exciting, you went. There was a small accident when you could not get to me quick enough. I cleaned the floor, then went to help your soggy bottom. That day, you went 4-5 times and had two accidents. The best part, you went to the Winnie the Pooh potty on your own three times and announced to me you peed.

Thursday was battle time. You had your Wiggles underpants on, but you were not in the mood to use the potty after an accident when you could not get your shorts down in time. To help with this, you played the role of streaker most of the day, or just underpants at times. I think you missed NHL. Once he came home from camp, you stopped fighting me and went potty several times for him. We ended the day with one accident and a few trips to the potty and quite a lot of frustrating moments. You did not want to do this, but day one showed Mama that you could indeed do it. My lesson learned – if I want you to deposit into the potty I had to push the water into you.

Serious about potty training

Friday was a rainy and nasty day. NHL stayed home from camp again and you had your Buzz Lightyear underpants on early. I reminded you that when you potty chart was filled we would get you a prize. Daddy and I told you we would get you a Buzz Lightyear toy like the Woody doll you have. Things went really well.  Whenever NHL asked you to go potty, you went to your little potty seat and did you business. After 3-4 trips (thanks to lots of water), you learned to exploit the system. You would go more often and just leave a small deposit and scream "Mama I pee – sticker time!"  By the end of the day, you had peed nine times and even pooped a little! That meant you got 11 stickers for the day. Here are the charts the way they looked at the end of Friday.

Major progress

Your last sticker before Wednesday was that lonely star on the chart. Everything else was earned later on. You are doing a great job and making me so proud. I know we may take some steps backward in this process again, but you are a big boy and have taken some HUGE steps this week. I love you my little guy.



P.S. A special thank you to big brother NHL. Without your help, I never would have been able to do this. You seem to have potty training skills with your little brother. You rock big kid!


If you want to participate in Dear Kid Saturday, head on over to Cutest Kid Ever by clicking on the button below.

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Fun with Play-Doh

Thanks to only using one snow day this winter, NHL was home on Thursday. The minute he woke up he begged to play with Play-Doh. I have fond memories of using Play-Doh as a child. I remember my salon kit, where I could make the Play-Doh people have hair and then chop it off using special scissors or a razor. We also had a Sesame Street kit and others that I can not recall right now.

For some reason, I remember loving Play-Doh until I used it in the classroom and had my own kids. Don’t get me wrong – I still think it is a fabulous item that really helps kids imagination and fine motor skills, but man the clean up is the pits. Just the thought of this bucket of items can bring shivers down my spine.

Box Full 'o Play-Doh

Thursday morning, I was nice. I let the boys play with the Play-Doh, but I some rules:

  • That purple octopus, that the kids lovingly call Henry, was not coming out of the box. Picking all of the Play-Doh out of his parts with a toothpick  was not on my agenda today (did it last week). Eventually, I did cave and let them use his six removable arms.
  • The Fun Factory extruder also a no-go. Yes, it is a great toy to help the boys with their muscle building and fine motor. On the flip side, the little guy got Play-Doh stuck in places last week that I had a tough time with. I needed one turn without it.
  • The Play-Doh sprinkle maker would also remain in the box. Last week the Play-Doh sprinkles that were made wound up all over the table, hard wood floors, carpet, shoes and more.

This may sound harsh, but it still left a lot of options. The kids could use the rollers, scissors, cookie cutters, and other items that mold/shape/cut or help create items, along with their own hands. Thankfully, the boys did not protest my rules too much. They were too happy to use the Play-Doh.

So my question to you this week:

If you have kids, do they like to use Play-Doh?  Kids or not, what are some of your current or past favorite sets to use when playing with Play-Doh?

Thanks for any suggestions. I am always looking for new Play-Doh items that are kid tested and adult approved. . . especially when it comes to clean up.



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #101

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Denial of the 3 year old kind

In less than two week, I will once again be the mother of a three year old. My baby is going to be three and it is hitting me hard. When I turned thirty, there was too much going on in my life. A pregnancy scare distracted me from the realization of the milestone. Now, as my youngest turns three and our household is getting ready to leave being two year olds for good, I find myself sad.

Sure, for three years we have known that our family was complete, but I guess it never really hit until recently. It has just hit hard as we weed through baby clothing/toys and things to give away. In addition to this, JSL is signed up for nursery school next year. We took the plunge since both TechyDad and I believe it is important for his developmental and social growth. As much as I have looked forward to some time alone where I can go to NHL’s school and volunteer without my toddler, I am going to miss my little adventure buddy. I think it really is true, you do not appreciate what you have until it is gone or almost over. I have told myself to stop, enjoy and cherish these moments, but have I? I am not too sure about that really.

Covered in dirt after the playground

So excuse me for a little while. My two year old is grabbing my arm to head outside into the beautiful spring day that awaits us. I must make the most of these last few days with my two year old before he continues to three and many more milestones ahead of him.

First, I will wipe my eyes, give him a big hug and be so very thankful that I have had these almost three wonderful years at home being his Mommy. 


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