Category Archives sahm

Wake up Jeff!

OK, OK, OK. . . so I’m not Jeff, but I clearly need to wake up. (sorry felt like a purple Wiggly moment)

Last night before going to sleep I took the band-aid off my toe to check it out. I asked JL if he thought I should still keep something on it or not. He said that I probably should for at least another day.

So I went to the bathroom to get something and went back to the couch to put it back on my injured toe. I did this . . . or so I thought.

Now flash forward to about 30 minutes ago. I am on the phone with my friend. All of the sudden I look at my toe and realize something is wrong. As I was telling her the story about my accident I notice the silly band-aid is on the wrong toe.


Well, I guess it doesn’t really matter what JL thought or what my intentions were. I went this long without anything on it and did pretty well. Aside from still being sore and not really being able to move it much, it seems fine without being covered.

*sigh* Are we there yet?

Ya know I guess I should could my blessings that the laundry I just did came out without too many issues (that I’m aware of yet). Now I just hope that I put the diaper on JSL correctly or there will be more laundry in my not too distant future.

The diaper goes on his arms – right?!?! Oh well I don’t think I’m awake enough to work on the computer class things now. I may push a button and make my computer self destruct.

C’est Moi
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More Accomplished

Well my “To Do” that I have made is getting smaller and smaller by the day. I have managed to get it down to things that I am avoiding or aren’t easy to do while home with an almost 3 month old baby.

Like Tuesday, the last two days have been busy getting things done. Here are the things that I can remember now (the heat must be getting to me)

– Packaged up my hair donation for Locks of Love, Swaparooni packed and ready and took those along with Flex Spending envelope and J’s B-day gift out to the post office. Also bought stamps while there so I could use them to send out invitations to NHL’s birthday party later in the month.

– Wrote out all of the Curious George 4th birthday invitations. Addressed most of them and had them set for JL to send out on Thursday.

– Went to the library to get items that were on hold for me. Lots of cupcake books to look and see what to try for NHL’s birthday at school.

-Finished the 2nd batch of Flex Spending paper work (that reminds me JL needs to copy those so I can send those out now too).

– Since it was going to be in the 90’s and beyond hot and humid I opted to quickly bake the cupcake cones in the morning and frost later on at night. These were done to test run for NHL’s school party.

– Talked with one of NHL’s teachers about some behaviors that she had noted when seeing him. Left a message for one of this other “teachers” about it. Also called daycare to talk w/assistant director about some of the items the one teacher noted how this was NEVER communicated to us by the teachers in the room with NHL every day. GRRRRR! 
– Did a load of laundry (have another one in now – *sigh*)

– Stayed inside and worried about JSL since he was so blah and seems like he’s losing weight. Tried to make sure we were both as cool as possible and hydrated.

– Need to figure out where we are going for JL’s birthday dinner tonight.

– Load of laundry in now. An attempt not to have much, if any to do this weekend. A girl can dream can’t she?!

– When JSL naps must get things done for computer classes. . . especially the Free Resource one that hasn’t been done at all. After that I can work on the Digital Photography one, Word one, and Wiki one. I have to get ahead since next weekend I will be out at the baby shower for my SIL.

– Need to bake for B-day gift on Sunday 

– Must go to Moe’s to use JL’s free burrito coupon and NHL is free there on Sunday. 

–  Need to find a bag to put the baby shower gift in. Easier said than done apparently. 

– Must start a list of things for trip. More complicated since there is so much to pack for JSL. 

– Try to get JSL’s crib set up. Need to locate the bumpers. 

– Work on cleaning and getting rid of more clutter. 

On that note I am off to play/read to the little guy before he wants to nurse or sleep. 

C’est Moi

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Lots done yesterday

I now have a “To do list” on my computer's desktop to keep track of things that need to be done. Yesterday I was able to get several of the things done.

One thing that was not on my list that was accomplished was NHL's chin revealed itself. The sterri strip stayed on for an entire week and finally came off last night. It's very red and irritated looking, but is closed and we hope look better with some cream on it over time.

Now for what I did yesterday:

I packaged up the first batch of papers to send out with our Flex Spending things. Then I did the paper work for the 2nd batch. I spent a bit of time making address labels for NHL's 4th birthday invitations. They have Curious George on them since that is the theme that we FINALLY went with since they can make that cake. My grandmother was told yesterday that we can use the community room in her building, so the party will definitely be there this year. This will likely be the last BIG family party for NHL since next year he will probably want a kid party for his classmates at real school. Today my plan is to write out the invitations and address them to have ready to send out by tomorrow at the latest.

In addition to this, I was also able to finish up the last few thank you notes that I did not do for baby gifts that came later. All 5 of those are done and ready to head out. I also called our temple about this years membership. Now JL and I need to sit down and write a letter to the committee about things. So one thing off the list and another on!

Once JL and NHL leave I am going to pack up my Swaprooni gift. Everything for it has arrived or been purchased. Now I just need to put it all together to send out. (C – I will let you know when it is shipped so you can keep an eye out for it) If all goes well that will be ready, along with two other packages to ship out today. So another item on my list is the post office for this purpose and to get stamps for the invitations.

One other item on my list that I tried to take care of yesterday was a bag for Aunt M's baby shower gift. Unfortunately when NHL and I went out last night we were unable to find one large enough for everything that needs to go in it. So that's another thing that I must find in my travels.

More to do:

Tomorrow is baking day. We are test running ice cream cone cupcakes for JL's birthday on Friday that we plan to make for NHL's birthday (also his last day ever at daycare/nursery school). In addition to that I would like to bake something for my friend's birthday that is Sunday. Just a little something that she really liked when we made them for her before.

Lots to do while JSL is still sleeping . . . so I am off!

C'est Moi
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End of week in review

What a week it has been.

Wednesday morning I had an appointment with my boss to talk with her. The tough decision was finally decided on and I had to go in. I went in to resign and become a SAHM. As I had previously posted it just didn’t pay. We talked with JL’s uncle (our accountant) and when all was said and done I would have taken home less then $3500 a year after taxes and child care expenses. . . major slave waves! I will miss my co-workers a lot and hope to see them often.

I was pleasantly surprised with how nice the principal and VP were. They were shocked, but very happy for me and the family. They thought it was great that I could do it, but admitted they selfishly wished I was still there. In the end the principal hugged me as I was leaving to take JSL home to eat. The kicker – another person left there on Monday – YIKES!

Wednesday afternoon I went to the OB’s office to try to close out the post-partum visits. This was a post-op check up (from the D&C) and also to redo the papsmear that didn’t work. I saw the NP that I saw most of my pregnancy. She said everything looked good and she said how much better I looked than last time she saw me. I asked her about the double-lobed placenta. She wasn’t sure and wanted to bring in the doctor, but it was the one that delivered JSL and ignored me when I said something was wrong twice when I called after his birth. I explained why I was declining and she understood. Here’s the odd part. When we went out to the desk and the NP told the doctor to look at the baby and see how big he was – she wouldn’t look up at us at all. Hmmmmm. . . makes me think the other doctor may have said something to her.

Thursday JSL was still not doing so hot after the shots from Tuesday. We stayed in and he barely nursed all day. He just wanted to sleep close to me.

Friday we went out to have lunch with H at her house. We stayed there and JSL must have decided to make up for lack of nursing the day before. I had my boob out there more than ever. Poodle was so in love with JSL. She kept licking him and watching over him while he was nursing. She got so upset when he cried. It was a sad day since H is going back to work now and won’t be off this summer.

I will post in a few about the weekend and sick NHL in a few. *sigh*

C’est Moi
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