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Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving

The holidays are here again and people near and far will be going to and from parties. At many of these festivities, individuals will be drinking and then trying to get behind the wheel. Now is the time to make sure that everyone understands that you need to plan ahead, have a designated driver, and keep the roads safe.

Buzzed Driving

To help and get the word out, The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Ad Council are working to remind everyone to stay safe, plan ahead, and designate a sober driver for any upcoming parties you will be attending.

Here are some resources  from The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration that you may find helpful:

    Remember to share this information with your family and friends. If we work together we can try to stop buzzed driving. Together, we can made a difference and lower the number of alcohol-impaired accidents and even deaths in 2011 and beyond.


Disclosure: I am posting this information as a public service because I feel it is important to get it to my readers. Global Influence is helping spread the word about this public service campaign.

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