Category Archives pregnancy

32 week visit with the OB – *gasp*

Who knew?! I actually saw the OB today for my 32 week appointment. I think the last time I actually saw a doctor was the last few days of December as a follow up to my amniocentesis. I love this doctor, she’s the best. She was my favorite last time and this was my first visit with her for this pregnancy. She sat and talked with me about a bunch of different things, not just pregnancy related.

She told me that I’ve had a boring pregnancy and there was really nothing to report today. My BP was amazing, weight fine (I saw my chart and I think I’ve officially gained a total of 10 pounds since I went in for my 1st appointment), no sugar or protein in my urine, and the little guy’s heartbeat was strong and he was kicking her as she tried to find it. We talked about when I should definitely tell work that I have to stop teaching. She told me that my May 1st date or there abouts sounded good. She did say anything could change that, and they all know that at school. The good news is if I stop the Friday before May 1st, my permanent substitute is set to begin May 3rd, so I’m getting them really close to that date. Basically she feels I can work to 37-38 weeks if I’m comfortable and no health concerns crop up.

We talked about the size of the little guy. She told me that he’s a little bigger than the average 32 week old, but again not alarming. She said if I go to 40 weeks he would likely be about 8 pounds (NHL was 7lbs 10oz). She isn’t concerned with that, but did say they would likely check in with another ultrasound at 36 weeks to make sure. She won’t commit to anything about inducing and feels at this point there’s no need – just to wait and see what my body does on it’s own.

I go back in 2 weeks and will see the NP again since the doctor I need to see if on vacation that week and the following one. Since I saw the OB today and there’s no concern they were fine with me seeing her. Heck, I’ve seen her more than anyone else there in the practice!

On that note I best be off to save a 3 1/2 year old that is testing his daddy!

C’est Moi

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Today’s almost OB visit & ultrasound

Friday I will be 32 weeks into this pregnancy. They scheduled me 2 weeks ago for a sizing ultrasound and OB appointment. At that time they told me that I HAD to see one of the doctors in the group since it’s been way too long since I’ve seen them (not my fault). At 2:50 I was in homeroom with my students and my cell phone rang. Sure enough it was my OB’s office calling to tell me that the doctor I was going to see was off at the hospital for a delivery, but to come for the ultrasound.

So I went in for the ultrasound at 3:30. The technician confirmed what I thought, the little guy is head down (now at least). I had a feeling about this since I always feels hiccups way low – talk about a strange feeling. Considering my due date of May 18th he is measuring in the 52nd percentile, which is about 8 days big for the date. He’s approximately 4lbs3oz, which is nothing too alarming there. With NHL I was always measuring 2 weeks ahead by ultrasound, and sure enough my water broke at 38 weeks. . . go figure! Mind you ultrasound sizing at this point is far from an exact science, so it will be interesting to see if they let me go past 38 weeks given NHL was as large as I will be able to birth, and he was only 7lbs10oz.

After the ultrasound I went to reschedule my appointment. They told me just to come in tomorrow after work. I told them I would be there by 3:30. I have an appointment with the one doctor I really like – the one that was out delivering 2 weeks ago. If she can’t see me, then there is another doctor there.

Other than that things are going pretty well. Lack of sleep is the norm and I’m exhausted after a full day of teaching. NHL has been really cute lately. Every day when JL picks him up from nursery school he asks if the baby is here yet. Sometimes he’ll ask me in the morning and then look at me and say “Oh, guess not!” This morning as I was leaving for work he asked me if I was going to the “baby hospital” – LOL! I told him no and he was very disappointed. Can you say he’s in for the shock of his life when this little guy invades his world?!?!

I will update anything big that happens at my appointment tomorrow.

C’est Moi

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Name that mystery rash!

After dinner tonight NHL was sitting at the dining room table coloring and I was working on some vocabulary lists for my classes. For one reason or another I looked up and noticed a rash on his neck. As I looked further they were behind his ear, on his face, and on his hands. JL came in and helped me to look further. With screams protesting our every move we saw tons more on his stomach, back, and both legs (his poor belly button looks awful). They are all over his body!

Needless to say, being in my 3rd trimester an unidentified rash scares the you know what out of me. I called our doctor and he said to give NHL benedryl and to be cautious and stay away from him just in case. So, right now we’re trying to calm him down and see what happens. Depending on things he may or may not be going to school tomorrow (it may just be hives after all). All I know is he gotten very itchy and it in a FOUL mood. My parents just came over to look at it now and NHL seems happier in a cool bath.

Requesting a dull moment please!

C’est Moi
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Falling Fast

All I can say is OUCH!

This morning I left the house and was walking to my car to head to school. On my way there I noticed a big patch of black ice on the ground. I very carefully stepped over the ice. Well, at least I thought I had. Before I knew it I was falling in slow motion face first at the ground. I am not sure how, but I was able to twist my body to fall mainly on my right knee and right wrist/hand. My bag went flying, my keys went into the ground and I hurt badly and couldn’t get up. Luckily JL and NHL were still home and in the house. I was able to get my cell phone to call inside.

JL came outside and helped me up off the ground. I was a mess (seeing stars and shaking). I went into the house and saw my bloody knee. Still not sure how my pants didn’t get a hole, but it’s fine. I knew I wasn’t going to make it to school on time, so I tried calling someone. Of course I couldn’t get anyone. Eventually I called a fellow teacher’s cell phone and she was going to take care of things for me. I cleaned myself up and packed back up to head to the car. While I was doing this JL went back outside and put ice melt down on the black ice.

I stayed off my feet and tried to ice my knee and wrist as much as I could while at school. Being pregnant stinks since I know ibuprofen would have helped the swelling and pain. I didn’t take anything else. JL was really concerned later in the day and called my OBs office. They said so long as nothing was obviously bad (bleeding, cramping and things) they were fine so long as I felt movement. Of course during those hours he’s typically less active, but after school he started to move a lot more. They also told JL I was welcome to come in if I wanted to be reassured. I didn’t go and think the little guy is okay. I’m just really sore.

With any luck we won’t have school tomorrow thanks to a bad ice storm coming our way. I could use the rest since yesterday was a LONG day. I was at school from 7:40 in the morning until 8:50 at night. *yawn*

Now I’m just hoping that NHL will sleep thanks to strange nightmares and issues in his room. More about that later.

C’est Moi
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Results are in . . . sort of.

Here’s an update on my 3 hour glucose test from yesterday.

The nurse in the morning said she would call me back when she had the results (this was at 9:40). At 2:30 this afternoon I had no call back and was angry about it. I asked JL to call the office to see what he could find out. With going back to school Monday I need to know if I have to get an appointment with a specialist or not. The nurse immediately took his call. She told him that she didn’t call since she needed one of the doctors to go over the results since values were high. She said they would get back to me Monday. I went crazy and insisted to know more. I wanted my numbers. So DH was sweet after listening to me rant and called them back.

Not long after this the nurse called me back. She said she was sorry about the communication mess up. Apparently she told JL something wrong. I didn’t technically fail the test. Only one of my values was elevated above the cut off (the 2 hour mark – and the numbers were fishy), but she needs a doctor to weigh in on what they want to do.

I told her that I vaguely recall that it was the 2 hour mark last time that I didn’t make it by and said they may want to look at those past results to see. She said they would call me Monday and let me know what the plan of action is with the doctors.

As I told her I’m going to be even more careful than I have been with my diet. I do eat more carbohydrates than I should (since they don’t make me sick), but I don’t eat straight sugar after fasting like that. If I have a bagel it’s a whole grain one and I put low sugar PB on it for protein most times. In addition to this we always do whole grain pasta with LOTS of veggies, and high fiber whole grain breads. Since my mother is diabetic (and so is JL’s) we are very careful.

On that note I am off to try to relax and take care of NHL who apparently now thinks that you need to get sick when people come here from Buffalo and not just when we go to Buffalo. His temperature is rising and was 100.6 just now. . . so I gave him motrin and will see what happens.

C’est Moi
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