Category Archives pregnancy

36 week OB visit

Well today I worked the entire day after staying home yesterday since I wasn’t able to move/walk. It wasn’t too bad since 1/2 of the kids I teach were away all day on a trip that I wasn’t able to go on. That left me with 2 double LA classes, a meeting and several other things to do around the building. The principal also came in today to do her observation. She showed up the last 10 minutes of the first double period. I told her I was basically done and the kids were starting their homework. She decided to come back later to watch me with the other group of kids. I warned her that we were just starting a new book and most of the time would be me reading them the first chapter of the book (something I almost never do). So she heard me going over some vocabulary questions – like chupah, pareve and several other words that were very foreign to the girls and then listened to me read to the kids for 15+ minutes until I allowed the girls a stretching break since it was a double period. She also knows that I am showing parts of my wedding video tomorrow so they can see these vocabulary words in action.

After school I had my 36 week OB visit (I’m 36 weeks tomorrow). I saw the OB that I really like again. She told me that everything looks good. My GBS came back negative, BP was great, no weight gain, and no protein or sugar in my urine. The little monkey was very active and kept dodging when she was trying to listen to his heartbeat. He also kicked her several times as well. I told her about the recent pressure and pelvic/hip pain. She told me it isn’t surprising since he’s SO low. I asked if she thought we should check and she said no. She didn’t feel the need since it wouldn’t feel pleasant and doesn’t really mean a lot. She changed her tune and says I can work until I am too uncomfortable at this point. Once I get to that point just to call them and they will do the paper work to yank me. She agrees that next Friday is a good stopping point no matter what. The bummer is that I found out she won’t be on call for deliveries for quite some time . . . so she won’t be delivering this little guy either. Oh well, what can you do. She was also thrilled with how well my thigh wound seems to be healing. She told me to call immediately if it starts to get worse since I am now officially off the antibiotic.

On that note I am off to get the little monster into bed and take a shower. Below is a belly shot that JL took today. None of the ones with all of me came out right since JL found out later that his camera setting wasn’t on correctly. It’s amazing how much bigger I am this pregnancy, yet I have hardly gained much – it’s all BABY!

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C’est Moi
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Today’s baby shower

Today I made it to work and stayed the entire day without any troubles. Afterward there was a gathering at one of my co-workers houses. The “surprise” was revealed the week before break when they finally gave the two of us that are pregnant our invitations to our baby shower. I never had a baby shower with NHL. Since I wasn’t working full time there were no co-workers to do anything and my family is totally against them (Jewish superstitions). Instead we had everyone come to celebrate NHL’s arrival at his bris.

It was a lot of fun seeing almost everyone from school. Since it’s hard for me to waddle down all over the building I hardly ever see the preschool and elementary teachers. So it was a nice chance to see them since my days are definitely numbered at school. One of my co-workers made a great diaper tower/cake (see photo below) and another special person at school made the amazing cake (also below). In addition to this I received a great gift card for Target that will come in very handy.

Here’s the cake that was made. The booties actually show where there were different cakes hiding underneath. It was yellow, white and chocolate.
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Here’s the diaper cake/tower:
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C’est Moi

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NHL gets his own baby

In an effort to help NHL to try to understand the reality of how life is going to change when his little brother is born, we signed up for a Sibling Class at our local hospital. This class is specifically for kids that are 2-5. During the time they are asked to bring a doll or special stuffed friend. We took this opportunity last night to give NHL his very own baby boy doll. His reaction was really cute. He finally named his baby “Harry” thanks to Harry and the Bucket Full of Dinosaurs. Last night we tucked both boys into NHL’s bed and told NHL to take care of his baby. This morning they woke up and came into our bed. NHL promptly asked for his baby’s bottle to feed him since he was hungry. I know things won’t go quite as smoothly with the real baby, but it’s a start. Below are some photos from last night. I will update later after the hospital class and tour.

NHL gets his present:
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Holding Harry:
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Feeding Harry:
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Burping Harry:
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JL shows NHL how to hold Harry:
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C’est Moi
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Antibiotic 1 + Antibiotic 2 = Tired and Healing Me

Warning this is going to be a novel!

To update on my appointment from Wednesday. I went to the OB’s office on Wednesday with my mother. I fully expected to be sent directly to the hospital for IV antibiotics. My mother was mortified with how the thing looked. I don’t think she realized that I was far from exaggerating.

Much to my surprise I wasn’t sent to the hospital. The NP came to see me (since she saw it on Monday) and was shocked with how my thigh was looking. She agreed that it had centralized, but still it shouldn’t be worse and so painful after that much time on Z-Pack. Well, she had the OB on come to look at it. Her eyes bugged out of her head. She was floored. She didn’t want to try to drain it since it didn’t have a head. Instead they agreed on a VERY aggressive second antibiotic (Clindamycin)in addition to the Z-Pack. I was also given something to help with the pain and told to sit in a hot bath or hot pack the spot. I was also told to keep my appointment for Thursday with the other OB so she could see the progress and I could talk to her about the baby’s size.

My mother took me home and did one round of hot packing. Nothing happened. By Wednesday night I ached all over. My eyes were burning and I knew my temperature was going up. I had a low grade fever and my entire right leg was throbbing. I felt so sick to my stomach to boot. JL was ready to take me to the ER, but first he looked at the spot. To our shock there was a tiny little head. He went to get things to start hot packing it again. By the time he got back there was a white line, 5 more minutes it was the size of a dime. It quickly grew to be larger than 1 1/4 inch diameter (just the head. JL could actually see it pulsing!

The darn thing wouldn’t pop. I was in agony from the pressure and trying to push on it. JL was too afraid to hurt me. And to add insult to injury the little monkey in decided it was a great time to head-butt me in the cervix. After talking to my friend (who in turn talked to her friend that is in a health profession)we opted to get a needle and sterilize it. JL got it ready and I didn’t feel a thing. It exploded and with the help of three total needle pricks and an hour of work it was drained for the first time. We bandaged it up and I was able to sleep sort of well. By 4:00 I was up and couldn’t move my leg. It had ballooned again and needed to be drained. Before JL went to work he helped me and bandaged it up.

My friend took me to the doctor and the OB didn’t want me to take the bandage off. The NP came in and said just the surrounding area looked amazing compared to the day before. No less my coloring and what not. The OB and I also talked about Ewok Part Deux’s size. She isn’t alarmed at all. She said it really is on track with what NHL was too. What she did shock me with was that she thinks I may have seen my last day at work. We technically don’t go back to school until Tuesday, but given I won’t be done with the antibiotic until Wednesday/Thursday she’s doubting I’ll be able to do that. She also said that although she had felt April 27th was a good ending date, it may not be reasonable anymore given this nasty infection. So I am heading in to see her next Thursday and if I don’t feel well Monday I should call and they will yank me from work.

At this point I think I may call my boss tonight or tomorrow and say I will definitely not be in Tuesday and Wednesday. The problem with that (aside from leaving plans for the days) is they are having a baby shower on Tuesday for me. So we shall see. Right now I feel so much better, but I have no energy and after doing almost nothing practically pass out from exhaustion.

On that note I am off to finish dinner, take a shower, wash my hair and have JL check out the wound.

C’est Moi
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The Thigh Saga Continues

I’m sitting here in tears from agony. I called the OB’s office again to see about the spot on my way inner thigh that was checked out on Monday. The nurse was not happy to hear that it was still so inflamed and hurting me to badly that I can hardly walk. She told me to come in. I have to see the doctor I’m not thrilled with and they will likely want to culture it. I asked if she was serious since my pants just touching it makes me want to jump out of my skin. She said most likely the antibiotic isn’t cutting it since it is definitely not the medication of choice for this type of infection.

My friend said she would take me (the one I was supposed to go out with today for a fun time), but I’m too afraid I’m going to end up in the hospital on IV antibiotics that I really want JL there. I called him and he asked if anyone else could help out. I called my mother and she didn’t volunteer and I felt odd asking her to leave work. So I called JL back up and asked if he could tell his boss it was a big emergency and he would make up the time on Sunday. He started giving me excuses, so I hung up on him. The reason JL feels like he can’t is because he was off last Monday-Wednesday for Passover and again the last two days. Plus he’s going in late next Monday since he’s going to fight the ticket he got the other day in traffic court.

So screw it, I will drive myself in. I seriously do not understand how something so stupid and little could get so bleeping bad so quickly.

C’est Moi

Update: As I was posting this my mother called and is leaving work now to come and get me.

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