Category Archives pregnancy

38 Week visit/update

Things have been crazy lately and I haven’t had time to post here. I was going to try at night, but haven’t had a chance to do it since I’ve been sick in the evening. I have been really dizzy and horribly nauseous with heartburn to boot. Last night was the worst, add in BH contractions that kicked me in the butt. I was convinced we were going to head to the hospital. Plus I felt the little guy engage (however that didn’t last too long). I never had to go to L&D, but it did make me practically pack all of my hospital bag this morning.

My mother took me this afternoon to the doctor for my 38 week visit. I lost some weight this week, no protein/sugar in urine, my BP was high for me, but within normal range and his heart rate was great. The doctor agrees with me that some of the stomach issues are from the double antibiotic therapy knocking my poor GI tract. She also looked at my thigh and said it’s closed and looks better, but it isn’t cured. The color can let her see that there is still something going on within. *sigh*

We talked about how the way I was feeling is exactly the way I was before my water broke with NHL. Here’s the deal. . . my water broke the night before I was 38 weeks –> which is tonight in this pregnancy. So the doctor decided to do a pelvic exam, OUCH! Since last week things have started to move along. Rather than nothing, I am not 1 cm dilated. She managed (much to my horror) to get his head and that made the big guy bounce. She told me that had he been engaged now she would have contemplated breaking my water, but can’t now. She said he’s just too high and floating. If she did it she would risk the cord going down before his head and blocking the birth canal. So it’s a waiting game to see how my body does with things.

On that note I am off to rest before heading back to my family’s house for the evening.

C’est Moi
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The Saga Continues & 37 Week update

Are we there yet? What a week it has been. It’s been quite the emotional roller coaster thanks to the wound saga continuing and things really being bad with my grandfather. My family has been called to his bedside 3-4 times in the last 36 hours thinking that it was the end. We all know it will likely happen in the next few days, if that long.

So to make a long story short I’m tired and cranky from what has happened since I went to the ER. On Monday my mother was really upset that the ER did not culture my wound (FYI – my doctors are also beyond confused with why they didn’t do it as well). Let’s just say it was taken care of and I found out that the medicine I am on does NOT fight the bacteria that is in the wound. It does help the Staph that was likely there, but will do nothing to kill the other. I was hysterical. We paid a fortune to go to the ER and I specifically asked them to culture it 4-5 times. So I called my OB’s office to see what I should do. They told me to get a few more answers from my source and to come in today for my appointment and go from there.

Well after I talked with her I lost it crying hysterically about how I have done everything right — gone to the doctor, went to the ER when told to, take all of the medicine (heck setting my alarm for 3 in the morning so I don’t miss a dose), and on and on. The sick part is I think this was all thanks to razor burn from an electric razor. Unreal! Anyway, I decided last night I was done with this. I had JL call to change some appointments for today and make another one.

JL called my regular doctor and was able to have me seen at 3:30 by the PA there (who is really great and very thorough). He then called the OB’s office to change my 3:00 37 week appointment to 1:30. I left school after spending all day (from 8:15 to 1:15) giving the first part of a state exam. So I went to my first appointment and the NP wanted me to see the OB, who wasn’t going to be in until 3:00. I explained to her that I already had an appointment with my regular doctor/PA since I wanted to see what they had to say about this new development from the culture. This morning the thing was oozing again, which apparently is a good sign of it working out and not spreading in my body. So she agreed that was fine. The baby seems fine, she did a cervix check and everything is closed and nothing going going on at 37 weeks tomorrow. Then she told me to call later today or tomorrow to update. Oh, and she wouldn’t give me a note for work. She said she didn’t know the doctor’s reason and wasn’t comfortable doing it. Once you read below I may have one now – even without the doctor doing it when she comes back next week.

So my mother went with me to the doctor at 3:30. The PA was a little ticked that they didn’t see me from the start, but understood being pregnant that I was freaked with how close it was to the baby. Anyway, he looked at it and didn’t think it looked that horrible now, but is concerned with the history. He went for about 15-20 minutes to investigate therapy. Basically his hands are tied. With my drug allergies and being this pregnant there isn’t anything he can give me that will actually kill this particular bacteria. However, with Clindamycin and Zithromax, it should stop the pest from tracking further and becoming systemic. So, as of today I am on 10 more days of Zithromax and another 7 days of Clindamycin after this 7 and the previous 7. He said to call IF it looks worse and to continue to hot pack it to draw the infection out. At this point they can only try to contain the infection and wait until the baby is born to treat the real issue. So that’s where I am. (Oh and I’m also taking Acidophilus to ward off evil yeasts that will LOVE the constant antibiotic in my body)

So, back to my note. There is NO way I will be able to work with both of these mega antibiotics in my system. Last time I was on them together (almost 3 weeks ago) I was on spring break. The two combined together kicked me in the butt (literally) and made me so tired. No matter what, tomorrow is my last day . . . I just may be unpaid for 3-4 of them before the end of next week. If I’m up to it I told them I may stop by to correct some of the state exams.

So it’s just a waiting game now to see how things go. *yawn*

C’est Moi
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Is it too much to ask for this damn infection to be gone? Apparently it is. *sigh* Sunday night I was in the ER. I was told to go there by my doctor to get someone to look at it. We were there for almost 5 hours. I’m not complaining about the time, except that I specifically asked why they were not doing a culture on it to see if they could figure out what was causing it. They claimed that they couldn’t since it was only surface ooze. What BS! They told me that it was likely a MRSA and put me back on Clindamycin AGAIN.

Well, a certain someone I know wasn’t happy with this and did a culture on it. So now I know what the underlying issue is. The problem . . . without a sensitivity screen on it the doctor won’t be able to do anything since I’m allergic to so much and pregnant.
I’ve been crying for almost an hour. I just want this stupid crud to be gone and not to need more medicine. I’m sick of feeling like this thanks to useless medicine and I want this to be gone for good. My fear is I will still be battling this garbage when I’m delivering the baby, no less recovering from childbirth. Heck I’ll likely be on antibiotic when the baby is born. Thanks to experiencing that with double mastitis, I know nursing baby + antibiotics = bad news!

I’m so upset. I did what I was told. I went to the ER, I asked for what they should have done. They didn’t do it and now I may be forced to sit and wait until I’m done with this round of poison and let the infection flare again before they will be able to do anything.

Today just stinks and that’s putting it mildly. . . I won’t even go into the horrible new about my grandfather now.


C’est Moi
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It’s a miracle!

Yahoo! The 3rd bedroom is emptied out (we won’t mention what the kitchen looks like this minute). JL and I just finished dusting and all of that jazz and then put the new Berber carpet that we got into the room. The hardwood floors are the only ones in the house that never were able to get fixed when they were refinished. The stupid previous owners kept their pets in this room. Let’s just say we’ve dubbed it the old “cat pee” room.

Anyway, JL helped me to haul up all of the baby clothing, which now sits in a box to get cleaned. We put NHL’s 24-2T things away. Plus we also know where the 3-6 month, 6-9 month and 9-12 month clothing is. We are currently stumped as to where the 12-24 month items are. I guess we’ll worry about that later. JL is going to look for the rest of the crib items tomorrow, along with the infant car seat.

The agenda for tomorrow is to empty NHL’s dresser that is also a changing table, move it to the 3rd bedroom. Go to my parents house to pick up another dresser that they are giving us for NHL’s things and move that into the 3rd bedroom as well. And the last item is to move the crib into NHL’s room . . . of course that’s after the new carpet is put down in there. That should certainly keep us busy – we won’t even mention the regular laundry that needs to get done.

Here is a photo of a table in the 3rd bedroom with the gifts from the girls on Friday:
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Here’s NHL playing with his cars on the new rug:
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Surprise & Sad News

On Friday my long term substitute came in to meet with me and go over a bunch of things. Funny thing, she’s coming in to take my leave, and I was the person who took her job when she left. Why did she leave? She decided to go to pharmacy school . . . you know where I went before I left and followed my dream of teaching!

Anyway, I asked one of the other homeroom teachers if she could watch my kids so we could look at some things in my classroom. She looked me in the face and told me – NO! She then explained that I was needed in the cafeteria at Flex time. Ah-ha! Light bulb went off in my head and I recalled one of the room parents whispering once after a meeting about something and making sure I was not near them.

Finally R explained to me that the girls had planned a surprise Baby shower for me on Wednesday. You know, the day I couldn’t walk and wasn’t in school. The kids (8th graders) were bummed and worried at that point that I would come back. Now I know why they were so glad I was in Friday. So they all apologized about the food being gone, but as I walked in an entire cafeteria table was filled with baby gifts!

So I stood there with all 32 girls, the two cafeteria workers, and 4 teachers watching me open the gifts. The notes from the girls are more priceless than the gifts in a lot of cases. One of them actually said to call her any time to babysit.

The baby got a bunch more clothes, several toys, a hand made blanket from one of the mother’s that said “Class of 2007”, and something very different that we never had when NHL was little. One of those little gyms for the floor called the Giddy Up & Go Gym. It’s really cute!

So now I have 21+ thank you notes to get my butt in gear and write. I am likely going to wait until next weekend and after when I am officially done with school. This weekend we are working hard at moving things and cleaning up the 3rd bedroom and making NHL’s room into a room for both boys. Today we actually went out and got carpets and curtains. Noah had fun helping us pick them out.

Now for the sad news. My grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease probably 15-20 years ago. The last 6 years since my wedding have been pretty rough. I think just before or after NHL was born in 2003 my grandmother finally realized she could not take care of him and he was put into a nursing home. This week my parents told me that things were getting MUCH worse. They didn’t think it was going to be long before he was finally done suffering. He’s refusing to eat, take his medication and drink. He’s actually biting nurses and others that try to force the issue. Since we are Jewish it also means that we may reconsider name possibilities IF anything were to happen to him before the baby is born.*sigh*

It’s so sad, but he’s suffered for so long. Today we met my aunt, uncle, grandmother, grandfather and father outside of the nursing home. I can’t go in there with everything that is going on there illness wise. Since it was 70+ degrees we stayed outside with him for a short time. It was so depressing. He can barely communicate with gestures and is so thin. When my grandmother told him to blow Noah a kiss I swear it looked like he was going to cry because he was struggling so much. He barely was able to put his hand up to his face to do it. It’s actually to the point where you wonder if he’s just waiting to hear people (specifically my grandmother) tell him it’s okay to go since he won’t be in pain and we’ll be okay. I just don’t think my grandmother can do that just yet. She isn’t ready and I don’t think she can imagine a life without him here to see every day since they have been married almost 62 years.

On that note I am off to dry my eyes and check on the boys outside.

C’est Moi
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