Category Archives pregnancy

Daddy & NHL’s park fun on Mother’s Day

This morning we went out to brunch with my parents, my grandmother, Aunt S, and Aunt T. After that we went grocery shopping to get a bunch of things in case this baby actually shows face this century. Then we went home and I was just too tired to go out with the boys. JL decided to take NHL to the park to get some energy out. So the two of them (armed with camera of course – it is JL we’re talking about here) went to the park for about an hour and a half.

NHL is quite the daredevil this year. He has no fear of anything and went from place to place climbing, jumping, running and making daddy tired! JL took a bunch of photos and a video (that will be posted later) to share with me. When the boys were about to head home my parents actually arrived at the park to surprise them. They stayed another half hour and were amazed with how well NHL was doing on things that he wouldn’t/couldn’t do last year. Below are are some photos of NHL’s park fun with daddy.

Climbing up the slide the hard way:
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Smiles going down the slide:
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Dino riding:
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NHL shows a new talent for climbing on the rock wall:
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Victory at the top of the wall:
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Time to go on the BIG slide (note the tongue indicating concentration):
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Dino ride with Papa:
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After the park the boys came back home to show me the video and pictures. Then we decided we weren’t hungry enough for a real lunch. So we went to Kurvers for soft ice cream – YUMMY! Then on the way home a certain little 3 year old fell asleep. We transfered him into bed and then it was time to work on laundry and the tub in the bathroom. A few hours later he woke up and it was time to make pizza.

Now we’re all just relaxing and going to see what happens in the morning when I got to see my OB at 9:00. *sigh* This little monkey is going to be a trouble maker since he’s clearly not listening to me already!

C’est Moi

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39 Week Update

*yawn* The heat and humidity here is killing me (sleep isn’t happening), plus I never thought I’d actually have to type out this 39 week update. I know all pregnancies are different, but after how big NHL was when he was born at 38 weeks, I didn’t think they would let me go to this point. HA! I was wrong and I’m ready to cry about it, especially with the prospect of a c-section looming.

On Monday I had called and talked to one of the OBs and she told me to tell the one I was going to see Thursday at my appointment that it was time to talk induction. Something she said to me made me realize that the doctor I was going to see yesterday was NOT the one I should be seeing, but the other one usually there that day was on vacation.

So yesterday I went in for my 2:15 appointment. No weight gain again (I was down a little last week) and I think I’ve only gained a total of 12-14 pounds – most of which is baby and other pregnancy related gain. My BP was fine in their eyes, but a tad high for me. A tiny trace of protein in my urine, which they attributed to the heat outside. Then I had to wait for over an hour to see the doctor since he had an emergency case come in.

He came in and I told him what the doctor had said on Monday to me. He said let’s see what’s going on and then talk. So he measured my belly. He exclaimed how large it was – DUH considering it’s ALL baby and I’m so short. I measured about 3 weeks ahead – which isn’t anything alarming for me since there’s the extra skin in my belly. When he checked the little guys heartbeat he said he was very happy in there. So without skipping a beat I asked him “Any ideas on how to make him unhappy?” My mother almost fell off the chair. The doctor said he wishes, if he did he’d be a VERY popular doctor! Then we talked about size and ultrasound need. Basically if he bases this baby’s size on what NHL likely would have been at 40 weeks we’d be talking an 8 1/2 pound baby. However, when looking at the ultrasound from about a month ago (he was about 6 1/2 pounds at that point) he said possibly 9 1/2 pounds. I flipped and told him I was freaked with those numbers since I have lousy birthing hips (very narrow) and am deathly afraid of being forced into a c-section based on the baby’s size.

Next it was time for the cervix check. The good news, my cervix is making slight progress. In the last week I dilated another 1/2 cm (*rolling eyes*), but the little booger is floating high and not the least engaged. Immediately he asked me if NHL had floated high as well. I’ll be honest I think he did until my water broke and then he engaged quickly. After getting home I have read that floating babies after 1st pregnancies is more common with people, that often they don’t engage until labor actually begins.

So it was now time to talk. He doesn’t want to do anything until after the weekend. Basically with the size of the baby he feels that trying an induction when he isn’t engaged wouldn’t be a good idea. He told me to make my next appointment for Monday and at that point he was definitely requesting another ultrasound to give them a better idea on what’s been going on the last 5 or so weeks since my last one. *sigh*

I’m still numb at this point and don’t even know what to do. I saw this coming on Monday with the conversation with the other OB. I think it’s complete BS not inducing me given not only the baby’s size, but the need to treat my leg infection properly. I know a lot of people that have been induced without babies being engaged, so long as their cervix is doing something it tends to work. *sigh*

So it’s a major waiting game here. My latest guess is that the baby is going to be a little snot and come on shabbat to complicate matters for the bris. On that note I am off to try to rest some with the fan right on me.

C’est Moi

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Crazy contraction night!

What a night! When the boys got home yesterday evening I wasn’t feeling too hot. I went to meet them outside and was talking to our neighbor. While out there I started to feel crampy and really heavy, but didn’t think much of it. After we had dinner we went to drop some things off in my classroom. By the time we got home I was feeling the constant cramping very low. At that point it definitely was not something to stop me in my tracks, but made me uncomfortable.

NHL went to bed late last night and at that point I started really feeling things. I was actually able to time contractions (something I never did when I was pregnant with NHL). They started out at 20 or so minutes apart and then were down to 8-10 minutes apart. Poor JL was freaked out a bit and was ready to call the doctor. I reminded him that that wasn’t regular enough to call and I had to wait to see what happened. I finally was able to move a little and things eased up some. At that point I was just so exhausted my goal was to make it into bed and rest for a little while before a possible trip to the hospital.

Here I sit this morning with no baby in my arms, so it was simply my body really warming up. I guess this kid is just going to arrive at his own schedule (stubborn little monkey). Tomorrow I head to the OB and was told Monday by another one of the doctors in the practice (when I called in tears) that at that point they would talk induction since I’ll be 39 weeks. She told me to tell the doctor I see that we had already started to talk about it. Of course she was hopeful that my body may just do it on its own. She tried to keep me calm about my c-section fear from the baby’s size, but it’s still there in the back of my head. I’m also sick of the antibiotic therapy from my thigh and just can’t make myself take this garbage too much longer. *sigh*

On that note I am off to rest since it could be a very interesting day.

C’est Moi
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NHL Funny

I think NHL knew that mommy was in a bad mood and was trying to get me to laugh. Here’s what he did tonight as I was about to head into the shower.

NHL: “Mommy, why is your belly SO big?”
Me: “NHL, you tell me why.”
NHL: He pats me on the belly, giggles and yells –> “The baby!”

Then I quickly reminded him to tell his little brother that his eviction notice was given and to GET OUT!!!!

*sigh* This kid is already testing me!

C’est Moi
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Busy Saturday & Shiva period over

Yesterday we opted not to go to temple since we weren’t feeling so great. Instead we went on some errands to get a few things just in case the baby appears soon. We ran around to several places and had lunch out as well. After that we went home and got NHL to take a nap.

Can you tell he was a little tired (after finally giving in to a nap)?
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Here’s NHL after we woke him up with a camera in his face:
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Late in the afternoon I wasn’t sure if my water broke. I finally came to the conclusion that it probably wasn’t and life went one . . . with constant phone calls inquiring what was going on. So here I sit more pregnant than I ever was with NHL and miserable since the longer this goes and bigger the little guy gets the more unlikely I will be to deliver without a c-section. *sigh*

I was drained and actually went to bed before 8:00. At about 10:00 my mother called joking about bringing me some pineapple. I was sleeping, but woke up with the phone. JL came in to see me and told me I was leaking. Unfortunately it wasn’t the exciting kind, this just required nursing pads and a bra along with a change of night shirts since I was soaked. The rest of the night I was in hip agony. My one hip was killing me no matter what I did.

This morning we all went to the last minyan before Shiva was over. Talk about pressure to deliver and have the baby NOW. Everyone needs to remember that I have NO control of this and it’s all the stubborn little guy’s fault that is within. He was officially served his eviction papers last night, so it’s totally out of my hands! And we’ll make the bris work, so everyone can stop pestering since that’s all I’ve heard for the last week from various people.

Right now NHL and JL are outside planting flowers. The key this year was to get and use the bunny spray. Last year a family of bunnies kept eating anything and everything that was growing. This year we have the non-toxic spray that bunnies do not like the smell/taste of and will stay away. Hopefully it will work since NHL is going to be very upset if nothing grows.

Here’s a photo of the boys outside:
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On that note I am off to rest, I am just too drained to clean or do things for work.

C’est Moi
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