Category Archives pregnancy

Home sick – day 2

I decided not to rush back to work today and stayed home. My fear is that if I push it too much I will end up in the hospital. The memories of how sick I was when I was pregnant with NHL flashes back like it was yesterday. I had a horrible respiratory illness that caused such coughing that I actually broke a rib. They were very close to putting me in the hospital at that time and I don’t want that to happen now.

I napped most of the morning and then after eating lunch felt a little better. I just wish I had some energy. Just going to refill my water glass or walking to the bathroom makes me exhausted. Right now I want to sleep again since my head hurts.

On that note I am off to sit back and feel the wiggle worm flipping around. He’s been kind of quiet lately. I’m sure the coughing and what not wasn’t making his little world too nice either. On an interesting note, Sunday when I was pretty sick we may have come up with a name for the little guy. Stay tuned for more details in May ;P

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Sick day

Yesterday was pretty much a wash. I barely did anything all day since I had no energy, ached horribly, and couldn’t stop sneezing/coughing. I slept a lot during the day and then had a few munchies before passing out while watching Super Bowl commercials. When I went to bed my temperature was two degrees higher than it normally is, I had chills, and my entire body hurt.

I woke up at about 1:30 and knew any fever I had was broken. This morning I called in at 6:00 and told them I wouldn’t be in and would e-mail my lesson plans for the day. By 6:40 I was done with the plans and NHL was up and getting ready for nursery school. By 8:00 the boys left the house. I gave up calling the doctor offices since I was coughing and asked JL to call for me. He was so sweet and did. First he called the OB’s office that deferred him to the GP. This went back and forth all day. I finally lost it late this afternoon and cried to a secretary at the OB’s office telling her I felt like an orphaned patient that nobody wanted to help.

In the end the nurse came on the phone and told me a few things to do, but that rest and hydration was the best thing for me. She told me not to rush it back to work, but we shall see how I feel this evening. I don’t think I could do a day at school while hacking my lungs out and being so stuffed up. If I wasn’t pregnancy I could combat this with an artillery of medicines to cope. Now I’m just stuck with little or nothing that is helping.

I am off to rest a little longer before the boys are home.

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*sniffle* *snort* *snot* . . . *sigh*

Ugh! Being sick stinks, especially when you are pregnant. I guess I shouldn’t complain. I do have a toddler that likes to share illnesses, I do teach with lots of germs in the building and it is February. I have been really lucky to make it this long in the winter season and in my pregnancy (25w2d) without another cold/respiratory illness.

Still, I need to whine. I just want to go back to bed and curl under the blanket and sleep without struggling to breathe, having to run to the bathroom to pee, or be afraid of gagging when I cough. Is that too much to ask? If I feel a lot worse I may have to call the OB’s office to see what they will allow me to take while pregnant. That should be entertaining since it can vary slightly depending on who you talk to in the office.

I am off to rest for a little while before attempting to motivate myself to do some things for school (correct, plan, write questions and papers) and get JL to do some laundry since my maternity clothing supply is pretty low for the winter months.

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