Category Archives ouchie

Super Baby goes THUD

Friday night was rough. As previously mentioned the little guy is teething constantly again. JSL was fussing a lot during the night and I was in pain. I think I may have dislocated my shoulder. After getting up several time, JSL wound up in our bed. NHL woke up too early for us (his usual time though). I asked JL to take NHL to the other room to play or rest on the couch so I could nurse the baby and maybe he would go back to sleep.

The little guy was really miserable. He nursed a little and then wanted to settle. We were both in my queen sized bed and I forgot to move pillows on the other side since he was right next to me

Can you see where I am going here?

*sigh*  (BAD Mommy)

I must have fallen asleep and a certain 8 month old clearly did not. Next thing I know I heard a horrible THUD.

I shot up out of bed and immediately freaked out. I saw the baby was NOT with me in bed. Then instantly I heard him screaming from the floor. I screamed for JL who was sleeping on the couch. He came flying to the room and we picked JSL up to assess him.

I think he was more scared than anything about what had happened – all of the fuss and what not. Within 10-15 minutes he was not crying. Nope, the little monkey was creeping all over the bed after our remote, chatting with Daddy and sitting up to play.

I felt so guilty and like a horrible mommy. I called my mother who is out visiting my brother and his family. I flipped her out to the point that she had to put my niece down and was in tears (sorry Mom). This was obviously not the intention of my call and made me feel worse.Thankfully JSL seemed fine the rest of the day. He wanted to play, try cruising on the side of the couch (and he fell again), and chat up a storm.

With all of the excitement this morning we took naps this afternoon (Mommy forced NHL into his bed and stayed with him until we both conked out). Meanwhile JL cleaned up some as JSL slept in his highchair. He started to fuss some so they went to the couch together. A while later NHL woke up and went to the couch to find the other boys asleep. This is what happened next: 

My sleeping boys

For a little boy that was not tired he wanted to cuddle right back up with Daddy and JSL. 

NHL joined the couch late

The following is the look I received after a few too many flashes of my camera. 

I don't want to be awake

Soon everyone was up and much happier than before. 

Go back to sleep - close your eyes

Soon after this Mommy went out for a girls night with my friend H. Her husband J went with JL and the boys out. More on this later :)  Now I must sleep since it is very late and no doubt one of the children will be up way too early.


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Baby Booby Biter

JSL is 8 month old today and apparently wants Mommy to think about weaning him (not very seriously – so no need to worry). He is definitely experimenting with his new upper chompers. Unfortunately, the recipients of said experimentation are my poor boobs.


I try not to react too much and tell him "no bite" when he does it, but now the little monster sweetheart is smiling and starting to laugh. Thanks to this I pull him off and end the nursing session. He has not nursed a lot and is refusing to eat solids today, my guess we have more of those pesky teeth trying to move in.

I guess it is a good thing the little guy is cute. Certainly a defense mechanism for him over the last 24 hours with 6+ bites.

Hopefully he will get the memo and stop this so we can both continue with the nursing routine sans biting!


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Phone calls from school are NEVER good


At 12:40 I was heading out of the house with JSL to pick NHL up. As we were walking out the door my cell phone was ringing and it was his teacher. She said he had a splinter in his leg. So JSL and I went and found hysterical NHL there unable to walk or sit. We took him to the library since she said I needed to pull down his pants.

We got there and I was NOT ready for what I found. Staring me in the face was a 3 inch piece of wood basically sticking out of my son’s rear end!!!!  He couldn’t sit obviously, but even walking was an issue. The wood was stuck right in the crease of the leg where it meets your butt cheek.

I took a deep breath and grabbed the wood and yanked it out. NHL was flipping out, for obvious reasons. His teacher then went to get an alcohol wipe and band-aid since it was bleeding.

I looked at it again now and am not able to tell if more is under the skin. It is so swollen and red from the puncture. JL called the doctor for instructions on what to do this weekend.

There are no photos of it until we got home, but I did take them because it was HUGE. I still do not understand how there is nothing on the pants.

This is a close up of the charming item:

 Can you say ouch?

Here are two that put the size in perspective:

 Size perspective 1

One last picture: 

Size perspective 2


Oy vey seems about all I can say.

C’est Moi

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