Category Archives ouchie

Unlucky lip lessons

JL and I have been married for eight years now. Over the years, his parents have only come to visit for day trips. My father-in-law refused to leave their dog at a kennel. It has been frustrating over the years for JL because they have missed out on so much with the kids. NHL was their first grandchild and he has only seen them a handful of times. Even more telling, the other day he had to be reminded about what he calls them.

Not too long ago, my in-laws dog passed away from illness and old age. Years ago, they had promised that they would come to stay for a weekend as soon as they no longer had their beloved dog. True to their words, when the dog passed away they asked if they could come here the weekend that we were scheduled to visit them. We were floored! Sure we thought they would follow up on this promise, but we never thought it would happen so quickly.

So, Thursday evening my in-laws arrived. They spent the long weekend here and stayed at a hotel not far from us since our house is really small. The visit was nice, but it was almost ruined mid-day on Friday. Friday, JL had to run into work to deliver some things to co-workers and fix a problem. While he went there, my in-laws, NHL, JSL and I went to the park for NHL’s tennis lesson. It was interesting listening to my in-laws. They were floored with how much NHL is a mini-JL. Apparently, many of my big kid’s quirks are exactly the same as his Daddy was when he was little. Makes a lot of sense, but they had never told me this before.

After tennis, we met JL back at home and went to lunch. We had an amazing lunch at an Italian restaurant. From there, we met my father at the car dealership. My father-in-law wanted to look at some cars to possibly replace his second car. While they were chatting with the saleman, the boys and I were walking around looking at fish in a little indoor pond with a waterfall. JSL was following NHL and suddenly, CRASH! JSL went face first into the floor, just missing the bricks on the pond area. When JL picked him up off the floor he howled. The agony in his screams brought back memories of a night in March when he fell on his face running.

JL moved him into the light so I could check his mouth. Immediately, I saw a pool of blood in JSL’s mouth. At a quick glance, I could see his teeth seemed fine, but there was a HUGE gash in his bottom lip. It was pretty obvious that he had bitten it when he fell. We had to try to assess how bad it was quickly. NHL went to get my father to come and help. Other people heard the little guy screaming and helped us to get some ice. We went to the bathroom to try to stop the bleeding. By the time we had ice, the swelling was really bad. I went to the car to get water for JSL and some motrin. I knew he would be hurting and need it to help the throbbing and swelling.

Thank goodness we did not need to head to the ER for a fieldtrip with my in-laws. JSL fell asleep in the car on our way to the mall and was clingy the rest of the night. He only ate challah for dinner, but was able to nurse and use his pacifier. So far we still think his teeth are fine, but wil try to get more of a look in a day or two when he is not as swollen and in pain.

Here are two photos of the little guy from the weekend. The first is Friday at the tennis lesson before the accident .

Cool dude watching tennis

Now a photos of the little monkey Saturday night a little more than 24 hours after the fall.

My poor little monkey

Oy. . . boys certainly do know how to keep their parents on their toes! More about our weekend with JL’s parents coming soon.



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Fat lip FALLout

My heart stops every time I hear a giant thud. JSL is on the move constantly. He is running and climbing all over the place. Last night, I was in the kitchen making green dip for NHL’s kindergarten Green Food Festival. JL and NHL were on the couch for nebulizer time. JSL had been watching me and ran off through the dining room to the living room. All of the sudden we I heard a giant crash. My heart went right to my throat and I ran into the dining room.

In the dining room I found JSL face down screaming and clutching his mouth on the hardwood floor. While running he must have lost his footing and went down hard. As soon as I picked him up he continued to hold his mouth/chin area.

JL rushed over and by this point the little guy’s mouth was filling with blood quickly. I immediately thought the worst. Sure, I know that mouths are vascular and bleed badly, but I could not assess the situation. JSL was screaming, would not open his mouth and blood was now getting onto his shirt.

I grabbed the phone and called Nana asking her to please come over. At this point I did not know if JSL had a tooth bent, if he cut his tongue or what. Nana said she was on her way.

We took JSL into the kitchen and tried to clean his mouth to get a look. I immediately saw that his lip was now 2-3 times the normal size on the bottom. Then we pulled his lip down and saw a huge gash on the inside. By the time Nana arrived he was putting some ice on his lip and she was able to get into his mouth for a better look. His teeth looked fine and did not seem to wiggle. We gave him Motrin and opted to skip brushing teeth since we did not want to disturb the clot on his lip.

Thankfully, JSL slept very well last night. This morning the swelling in his lip looks much better. Later I plan on tackling him to check his teeth. Not sure if I should call the dentist or not. At this point there isn’t much that they can no anyway. Still I worry, I guess that is just me being a mom. Here is a cute photo from Sunday of my little guy before he looked like he got into a fight. 

Ready to eat cake

So does anyone know where I can get some toddler sized hockey goalie gear, including a helmet, for JSL? Seriously it is that or putting him inside a bubble!


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Feeling frazzled

Lack of sleep, an ambulance ride and visit to the emergency room can leave a family quite frazzled. I would be one of those family members this morning.

Last night, we went to Nana and Papa’s house to have an early Chanukah dinner with them, Mimi and Aunt T. We had a wonderful time opening presents, spending time with each other, and of course eating a delicious meal. After dinner, we decided to let the kids play. JSL loves to run around the large space at Nana and Papa’s house. At one point he was playing with my father and they were running through the kitchen. The rest of us were sitting in the living room and heard a gigantic THUD.

The night quickly changed at that moment.

That noise was JSL’s feet wiping out, his body flying into the air and him coming down on the back of his head. After a minute he cried and wanted JL. We figured the boys were getting tired, so we went to the table for cheesecake.

Of course after the fact, everyone else mentioned that they noticed the same thing when we sat down. JSL suddenly got very pale, stopped talking, was sweating horribly and then started shaking. Then the scariest part, he was unresponsive to us.

Nightmares of February came flashing back to me.

We got him out of the booster seat and took him into the kitchen. He was still not responding to us. Not to his name, tickles, nothing. He was trying to close his eye. When he did look at us, it was as if we were not there. I screamed for JL to call 911. He did and they sent out first responders.

During the time it took for them to arrive, JSL came in and out of it. When we tried to let him walk, he looked like he was drinking and could not walk in a straight line.

When the paramedics came into the kitchen we noted more odd behavior. Typically if a stranger tries to go near JSL he will recoil onto one of us and scream. Nada happened, he just sat there starring into space. They did vitals and said they were ok, but wanted to take him by ambulance to the hospital.

As I went running to get his coat and my boots I failed to notice all of the water from the paramedic’s shoes on the kitchen floor. I went flying into the basement door jamming my foot, hand and fingers. I was on an adrenaline rush and kept moving.

During the ambulance ride JSL was very quiet. He did move or do much. Finally minutes from the hospital he uttered "Mama" and pointed to the light. When we arrived into a room at the hospital the little guy started to perk up after about 30 minutes. He wanted to get down, explore and he was chatting up a storm.

When the PA came to see us you would never know there was anything wrong. The end product is JSL definitely had a concussion and may have had a mini-seizure. We have to follow up with our doctor Monday and keep a close eye on him today.

Last night he was up until midnight and was screaming and very restless during the night. Thankgoodness this morning he is in a great mood and playing nicely.

Today we will be staying in during another snow storm for a quiet day with the boys.


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Baby’s first goose egg

Did you know that crawling can be hazardous to your health?

Man, I forgot how a baby with no fear in the world can quickly get into trouble with practically nothing in front of them, just trying to crawl.

This morning JSL was on the floor playing. He decided he was done sitting and wanted to move to get a toy. He moved his feet out and was attempting to get into crawl position. Thanks to his PJ’s he was having a hard time moving his one leg around. Next thing we knew – BOOM!

That was the sound of JSL’s eyebrow and forehead making contact with his cow truck. In moving his leg out he lost his balance and his arm went out and his head went down. He screamed bloody murder and within 10 minutes this is what the bruise looked like (not the best shot): 

Crawling gone bad

JL kept icing it to help the swelling to go down, but it looked horrible. We called Aunt M to ask her about things because NHL never had a goose egg like this (sorry we woke you up M). This kiddo is going to be a trouble maker. The poor kid is a mess thanks to this and tooth #7 coming in fast and furious.

*sigh*   Boys!


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They used what with 3-5 year olds?

Last Sunday it was bitter cold here. We’re talking teens (if that) for high temperature without the wind chill factored in. We had signed NHL up that morning at 10:00 for a monthly free craft and story time at our temple for 3-5 year olds. Each time they focus on a holiday and read a book and do a craft related to it.  Thanks to the cold I opted to stay home with JSL and let NHL and Daddy have a morning out together.

This month they did things about Tu B’Shvat. They listened to the Lorax by Dr. Seuss. After this it was time to decorate pots to plant some seeds in.

When they arrived home JL was telling me about the craft. I was floored with what they brought for the 3-5 year olds to use. I have no issue with markers (even regular non-washable ones), glue, paint. . . they can be messy, but are appropriate for children. They used Sharpie markers for the kids. What the heck were they thinking? Sure, they thought ahead and brought shirts for the kids to put on to protect clothing, but HELLO? I teach my child that those are not for him to use. I was pretty pissed annoyed.

I understand that only certain items will work on clay pots, but still there are more kid friendly art supplies. When NHL came home he was upset that his hands were colored with the Sharpie. He said his one finger hurt because they were . . . (ready for my literal child) sharp!

LOL – I was trying very hard not to laugh right in his face. I was good. I told him to meet me in the bathroom and I would remove the sharpie with some magical stuff that Mommy had. I put some non-acetone nailpolish remover on q-tips and went to work. He was very protective of one finger that was hurt from the sharp spot. When I went to that finger the thin line did not budge. In fact what I received was screams of bloody murder in my ear. So what did I do? I tried it again.

Hmmmm. . . . something was wrong here and I needed light to check it out. We went into the other room and got a flashlight. Time for Mommy to see what the deal was. Sure enough it was not Sharpie – it was a splinter. Flashbacks of the HUGE splinter in his buttocks haunted me. JL was home to help me wrangle the kid and I got it with a struggle. That thing was in there more than the one last time. Thank goodness since digging into his butt would have been tricky at school.

JL took his camera with him (of course) to show what the kids were doing during craft time. Here they are. Please note my captions if you hoover over them.

Here is NHL using a Sharpie for the first time: 

What were they thinking using Sharpies?

He certainly had a fondness for one of the colors! 

Lots of Silver Sharpie

As you can see a lot of the things were fine for 3-5 year olds to use: 

Too many decisions to make

 This yet again was not one of those acceptable items.

Note the concentration

This is the inside of the pot when NHL was finished with his seeds to grow inside. 

Inside view

On the top rim NHL put his name and JSL’s – too cute! And of course he had a blast using the Sharpies. 

Finished Project

We shall see what they do next month – most likely they will do something for Purim. . . I think.


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