Category Archives nhl

Tuesday Tales – The Reading Ultimatum

Tuesday Tales

We are now into the second week of school here. Over the summer, I made sure that NHL read books while playing outside, going to events at the library, and other items in the community. Of course, something else happened over the summer. My nearly eight year old son became a gamer. If we would allow him to spend the entire day playing Nintendo Wii and/or his Nintendo DS – he probably would.

Teaching Cousin S about games

This became worse after NHL’s birthday in mid August. You see, NHL received a game for his DS that he HAD to finish. Day and night we heard about this game on the bottom of the picture.

New games

Yes, my kiddo was really into Harry Potter in this format. Of course, I am hoping that we can translate his intrigue of Snape, Voldemort, and Hermione into the books. I would love to read them with NHL since it has been a long time since I started the series.

Now that school is back in session, NHL’s time outside of school is limited. He has Hebrew School obligations that are also taking up two days a week. Thanks to this, reading seems to have taken a major step back. As a reading teacher, I am not happy with this. So last night, when NHL would not come up for air from his Nintendo DS, I came up with a new system. Once NHL is finished with his homework, has gotten some play time outside (or Wii Sports when it’s cold/rainy), he must read one of his books to earn gaming.

Reading For Game Time

Just one day in and NHL seems to get this new system. He woke up this morning and curled up on the couch with his book. Monday evening before heading to an appointment, he sat down with his Phineas and Ferb book and tallied up some more reading. Although early in the game, I do believe this may work well.

Have you ever had to do a reading system with your child to swap out for another item that they would prefer to do? I would love to hear any of your experiences.

Of course, since this is Tuesday Tales, I must ask the usual question. What have you read recently? Please be sure to link up to your Book Posts, and/or leave a comment below. Include something you read on your own, with a child or someone else. Tuesday Tales are all about spreading the love for books.

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Getting to Know You Back-to-School – Catch Me There

This morning I will be taking my oldest son to his first day of third grade (photos coming later). My heart is hopeful for an amazing year. I think every parent wishes this for their children. Of course, no parent expects the worst and we experienced that last year. I did not write about it much because it was not needed. Bullying, bad classroom management, inexperienced administrators, bullying, and not following doctor notes just some of the issues.

Today, I will be putting on a brave face as I take NHL to school. He is excited to be in his new school and has already met his teacher. She asked to meet him this summer when she heard some of the events from last year. Yes, a teacher going above and beyond to ease a child’s fears. It made my summer to know this professional was thinking about my child.

Gifts for teacher?

As a teacher, I understood the need to get to know my students and use parents to help me with this. The more information you have the better things can get for the entire classroom family. Reality check here, it was SO much easier on the reverse side teaching the kids.

My latest post on The Disney Driven Life: Getting to Know You – Back-to-School is all about ways that teachers and families can get to know each other. I share what I did when teaching and the latest craze in back-to-school teacher gifts.

Please stop by to say hello and check out the other magical posts from my Disney Drive Life friends. My other posts there can be found under NDM183 – that’s me!

How do you help your child during this hectic back-to-school time when fears may be high?

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Back to School 2011

Dear NHL and JSL,

In just a few short days both of you will be heading back to school. We have had a lot of fun this summer. Neither of you went to camp, but we kept busy. We went to the library and crafting events, had adventures in the park, and just tried to stay cool any way possible.

Summer Crafting at Michaels

Sure some days may have seemed like they were never going to end, but no matter how frazzled I was – I love spending my days with both of you. I am truly lucky to be able to watch both of you grow, learn, and laugh in front of my eyes. I do miss teaching, but this time with both of you is priceless.

Fun Splashing

Just four years ago I sent NHL off to school for the first time. Now JSL, you will be going to nursery school five days a week. I will miss those two special days that we had together last year. It was fun having these years home with you. I know we will work together on writing and pre-reading skills since you want to read like your big brother. Please be prepared that I will likely cry next year when you, my baby, go to kindergarten for the entire day.

My Summer Superhero

This summer you conquered chapter books. You read a good amount of them and tried a few different series. I love watching you devour the books and chat with me about the story. NHL, I can not wait to see all that is out there for you to learn and discover in the third grade. We have met your teacher and I am positive it will be an amazing year. You want to do multiplication, division, and more. I know you can do anything you put your mind to and will show everyone just how smart and capable you are.

Some DS Time

Boys, remember to follow your dreams, do the best that you can, and know that I will always be there for both of you cheering you on.




If you want to participate in Dear Kid Saturday, head on over to Cutest Kid Ever by clicking on the button below.

Dear<br<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
/><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Kid<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

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Birthday at Buca di Beppo

Dear NHL,

Your birthday was a few weeks ago. One of our traditions for birthday celebrations is to head out to dinner where you like on your special day. Daddy and I were pretty sure we knew where you would pick, but you do have a few places that you really seem to like. Sure enough when it came time to go, you wanted dinner at Buca di Beppo.

When we arrived Buca’s you immediately announced to the people that it was your birthday. Then without skipping a beat, you asked if we could sit in the kitchen for our meal. That is when I recalled that I had not called the restaurant to reserve the special table. I told them not to worry because I had messed up. The man and woman told us to wait a minute. They looked and there were no reservations, so the table was ours!

The Birthday Boy at Buca di Beppo

Although we have eaten at Buca di Beppo many times, we had never eaten in the kitchen before. You were SO excited to see the chefs and other members of the Buca staff making the meals before your eyes. It is a really big and busy kitchen.

Buca di Beppo Kitchen

While you looked at everything around you, JSL colored/played with Wikki Stix, and of course Daddy sent out a picture to Twitter and his blog.

JSL and TechyDad

There were a lot of cool items to look at on the walls around us. Daddy thought it was funny to see Gene Simmons, Sylvester Stalone, Carrot Top, Danny DeVito, and Charlie Sheen eating together with other celebrities.

Celebrity Wall

When our food arrived it was fantastic as usual. JSL had Macaroni and Cheese, you had Linguini Alfredo, and Daddy and I shared Eggplant Parm.NHL's Buca di Beppo Dinner

Our server asked if we would be having a dessert to celebrate. We told him that we were heading to Nana and Papa’s to see them and have the cheesecake that you had requested. Even without the dessert a bunch of the staff came to sing to you and there was a fun surprise with candles too!

Make a wish

It was a fun meal out with good food and a new experience sitting in the kitchen. I hope you have many memories of this day for years to come.




    If you want to participate in Dear Kid Saturday, head on over to Cutest Kid Ever by clicking on the button below.

Dear<br<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
    /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
    Kid<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

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