Category Archives NaBloPoMo

A few of my favorite things

15 Days of Marketing with Jessica Knows

Today is the first day of the 15 Days of Marketing by Jessica Knows. When I read about what Jessica was planning on her blog I had to jump in. She is an amazing wealth of information and I knew I would learn a lot from her.

For homework today Jessica asked each of us participating to list what our three favorite brands are and why. 

Think, think, think. . . . can you smell my brain about to catch on fire?  Seriously, who knew that this could be so hard to do. There are so many brands that I like. Some I like as a woman, mother, wife, baker, teacher, human – and each for different reasons!

In the end I decided on these three brands:

Scholastic –  As a mother and teacher Scholastic is a company you can trust. They have top notch books for kids of all ages. In addition to this, they have amazing resources for teachers, parents and students alike. Their website, magazine, and books have a wealth of information.  Almost anyone you ask will recall looking at the Scholastic catalogs that would be sent home from school as a child. I still smile and get excited when they come home with my kindergarten kid.

Hanes – Years ago when you thought of Hanes you would only visualize underwear. These days Hanes has their underwear for the entire family, sweats, and other active wear. With two little boys I need items that will stand up to their active lives and Hanes does just that. I know when I buy something for my oldest son it will last to hand down to my little guy.

Nintendo – I still remember saving up my money for my original NES system. From there my family purchased one of the old style Game Boys and then Super Nintendo. When my husband and I were married we thought about buying a gaming system. We always knew it would be a Nintendo brand. After we had our second child I decided to surprise my husband with a Nintendo Wii. Even our non-gaming friends are in love with what Nintendo has done with this system. It is interactive, makes you move, think and get involved with the game you are playing. In addition to this I recently won a DS system and love the portability and versatility. Nintendo still continues to show they are on top of the gaming industry.I am looking forward to getting to know our Wii.

So those are three of my favorite brands. Now I feel so much like Oprah, only I do not have an audience full of people that will be receiving these items. . . not yet at least!


NaBloPoMo '08

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